
ɡōnɡ kāi zhāo biāo
  • open tendering;open tender;public bidding
  1. 只有在情况不容许进行公开招标时,例如时间极为紧迫,或基于保安理由,或采购的是专利产品,又或为确保兼容起见,才会采用这种招标程序。

    This procedure is only used when circumstances do not permit open tendering , for example , on grounds of extreme urgency or security , for proprietary products or for reasons of compatibility .

  2. 在国际政府采购立法上,一般存在7种政府采购方式,包括:公开招标、邀请招标、两阶段招标、竞争性谈判、邀请建议书、询价和单一来源采购。

    There are all together 7 types of governmental procurement in conformity to governmental procurement law of other countries , including open tendering procedure , selective tendering procedure , two-stage tendering procedure , competitive negotiation , request for proposals , request for quotation and single source procurement .

  3. 这些汽车要用公开招标的办法购买。

    These cars are to be procured through open tender .

  4. 提及外国高管和政府最近所抱怨的政府采购规定,工业集团西门子的首席执行官罗旭德(peterloescher)表示,在华经营的外资公司“期望在公开招标中获得平等对待”。

    Addressing government procurement practices , a recent area of complaint by foreign executives and governments , Peter Loescher , chief executive of Siemens , the industrial conglomerate , said foreign companies operating in China " expect to find equal conditions in the fields of public tenders " .

  5. 公开招标在中国全球基金项目设备采购中的应用

    The implementation of public bidding in the procurement of Global Fund

  6. 实施公开招标做好仪器设备采购工作

    Implementing Public Bidding to Make Good Purchasing of Instruments and Equipments

  7. 医院医疗设备院内公开招标的程序

    The procedure of open invite tenders of medical equipment in hospital

  8. 机械设备采购公开招标投标的探讨

    Discussion on inviting public bidding and bidding for on stock of machines

  9. 高校图书采购的公开招标与竞争谈判

    The Public Competitive Bidding and Negotiation of University Book Purchase

  10. 政府采购中公开招标与邀请招标的特点与区别

    Characteristics and Differences Between Invitation Bidding and Public Bidding in Government Procurement

  11. 对于公开招标,投标者们可以反复修改自己的标书。

    For the open bid , bidders may revise their bids repeatedly .

  12. 政府采购中公开招标方式的研究

    Study on the Method of Competitive Bidding in Government Procurement

  13. 整顿和规范建筑市场秩序,推行公开招标投标是关键。

    Public tender and tender offering is key for standardizing construction market order .

  14. 医院后勤服务公开招标的实践

    Practice of public bidding for hospital logistical service

  15. 苏珊艾希表示需要商界通过非公开招标来增加竞争。

    Susan Athey showed that requiring businesses to make secret bids could increase competition .

  16. 招标人采用公开招标方式的,应当发布招标公告。

    A tenderer who adopts the public tender method shall issue a tender announcement .

  17. 此前,江苏省政府安排了为期一年的公开招标。

    This followed a public 12-month auction arranged by the provincial government of Jiangsu .

  18. 采用公开招标方式进行仪器设备的采购,现已得到了广泛的应用。

    Digest Nowadays , Purchase instrument and equipment through public bidding is implemented widely .

  19. 公开招标购买电力运输设备。

    Open tender for purchasing power transformer .

  20. 这个合同公开招标,本公司首先投标。

    The contract was offered for open competition , and our firm got in first .

  21. 采购方式多样化、集中采购和公开招标已成为政府采购的主要形式。

    And centralized and open - bid procurement have become the main form of government procurement .

  22. 这是一次公开招标。

    This be an advertised bidding .

  23. 请问这是秘密招标还是公开招标?

    Could you tell me whether it 's a secret opening bid or a public one ?

  24. 随着医疗卫生体制改革的不断深化,医疗设备采购逐渐实行了公开招标采购。

    Purchasing medical equipment has realized gradually open invite tenders , during medical health system re-formed continuously .

  25. 大多数政府合同交给了马来人的企业,而没有通过公开招标。

    Most government contracts are given to ethnic Malay businesses rather than being awarded through open bidding .

  26. 特别指出的是,国土安全局正在为如下项目公开招标:基础设施设计、开发、实施和整合;

    Specifically , the department is seeking bids for infrastructure engineering design , development , implementation and integration ;

  27. 制订和认真执行公开招标采购药品制度,把好五关;

    Formulation and earnest implementation of the system of purchasing drugs through open tender , making five checks ;

  28. 公开招标资格预审可以缩小承包商范围,减少招标单位的工作量。

    Pre-evaluation of qualification of public bidding can reduce the number of contractors and the workload of bidding inviters .

  29. 公开招标的成本过高,与采购项目的价值不相称的。

    The cost of public invitation is so high as not to match the value of the procurement project .

  30. 这些货物要用公开招标的方法购买。贵方打算什么时候招标呢?

    These goods are to be procured through open tender . When do you intend to start the invitation ?