
  • Business Class;business-class cabin;club class
  1. 返程的飞机上我享受了公务舱的待遇。

    On the return flight I was upgraded to business class .

  2. 他从头等舱被降到了公务舱。

    He is downgraded from first class to business class .

  3. 今年,随着其在洛杉矶国际机场的头等舱和公务舱的休息室投入使用,游客乘坐澳大利亚航空(Qantas)的航班可更轻松时尚地到达澳大利亚和新西兰。—

    And with first - and business-class lounges opening at Los Angeles International Airport this year , the national airline Qantas makes it easy to get Down Under in style . -

  4. 您想订什么样的票,公务舱还是头等舱?

    What kind of ticket do you prefer , coach or first class ?

  5. 那就给我两张公务舱吧。

    Then hive me two tickets of that class .

  6. 您要头等舱,公务舱还是经济舱的座?

    Do you want a first class , business class or economy class ticket ?

  7. 头等舱、公务舱和经济舱均向乘客提供优秀服务。

    First class , business class and economy class offer excellent services to passengers .

  8. 你通常可以找到打折的公务舱,不过通常会有附加条件。

    Normally you can find a discounted business-class price , but generally with strings attached .

  9. 他总是坐公务舱旅行。

    He always travels business class .

  10. 如果航班飞行时间超过5小时,这位经验丰富的高管就会乘坐公务舱。

    The seasoned executive travels business class if the flight is more than five hours long .

  11. 我总是乘公务舱旅行。

    I always fly business class .

  12. 从经济舱改到公务舱每人要加收1500元。

    We have to charge RMB1500 yuan for each person upgrading from economy class to business class .

  13. 当被问及,这是否意味着他们将重新乘公务舱出差时,他答道:但愿是的!

    Asked if that means the return of business class travel , he replies : Hopefully , yes !

  14. 登机以后,我在公务舱落座,舱内已经满员了。

    After the boarding process , I settled into my seat in the Business Class cabin , which was full .

  15. 恐怕没有多的公务舱座位了,所以我无法给您升到公务舱。

    I 'm afraid there are not any more business class seats . I can 't upgrade you to business class .

  16. 对头等舱和公务舱的旅客,我们免费提供酒类,软饮料对全体旅客免费供应。

    Bar service is offered to first class and business class passengers on a complimentary basis ; soft drinks are free to all passengers .

  17. 5头等舱和公务舱的旅客,以及携带小孩或者需要特殊帮助的旅客现在请您开始登机。

    At this time we 'd like to pre-board passengers in first class and business class , and passengers with young children or those who need special assistance .

  18. 携程上周三发布的一季度报告显示,我国80、90后已超过70后,成为头等舱、公务舱乘客主力,并且这一数字还在持续增长。

    China 's post-80s and 90s have surpassed the 70s to become the major force of first-class and business-class passengers , and the number is still growing , according to the first season report issued by Ctrip on last Wednesday .

  19. 这种经济环境的一个附带益处是,现在公司有机会用旅行政策来吸引新雇员——比如,允许他们在长途旅行时或在国际航班上乘坐公务舱。

    As a side benefit in this environment , corporations now have the opportunity to use travel policies to attract new employees - for example , by offering them the ability to travel in business class during longer trips or on international flights .

  20. 这种经济环境的一个附带益处是,现在公司有机会用旅行政策来吸引新雇员&比如,允许他们在长途旅行时或在国际航班上乘坐公务舱。

    As a side benefit in this environment , corporations now have the opportunity to use travel policies to attract new employees & for example , by offering them the ability to travel in business class during longer trips or on international flights .

  21. 中国南航上周通知旅行社,乘坐改名为公务舱的乘客将获得头等舱级别服务。此次更名针对国内航线窄体客机,将于10月26日生效。

    China Southern told travel agents last week that passengers using the renamed business class , which will be available on narrow-body jets flying domestic routes , will receive the same service as first-class customers . The change takes effect on October 26 .

  22. 我们办事处的人员会在登机口负责帮助转机的旅客办理手续。头等舱和公务舱的旅客,以及携带小孩或者需要特殊帮助的旅客,现在请您开始登机。

    Our ground representatives at the boarding gate will be able to help you with your transit formalities . At this time we 'd like to pre-board passengers in first class and business class , and passengers with young children or those who need special assistance .