
  • 网络public relations marketing
  1. 对公关营销策略中的品牌战略的实施也有比较详细的论述。

    The PR marketing strategy of brand strategy and a more detailed consideration .

  2. 建立和发展有中国特色的公关营销学

    The creation and development of the public relation marketing

  3. 浅论云茶出口的公关营销

    A Brief Discussion on Marketing of Yunnan Tea Export with Applying Public Relations

  4. 本文对企业营销中公关营销的运作,从公关营销的实施及公关营销的检测两个方面进行了分析。

    This article attempts to make an analysis on the marketing operation from two aspects : implementation of public relations marketing , and test of business marketing .

  5. 通过对云南茶叶出口存在问题的分析,提出运用公关营销策略,以促进云南茶叶出口。

    By the analysis of the problems in Yunnan tea export , the author puts forward the strategies of the marketing with applying the public relations so as to promote Yunnan tea export .

  6. 邮政企业公关文化营销探析

    An Exploration on the Culture-oriented Public Relations Marketing of Postal Enterprises

  7. 他们可以在任何公关和营销材料上使用我们的标志

    They can use our logo on any PR or marketing materials you want .

  8. 众所周知,公共关系的类别很多,主要有政府公关、营销公关、危机公关、国际公关等。

    It is well known that there is a variety of public relations mainly including governmental , marketing , crisis and international relations etc.

  9. 不管是公关、营销还是品牌推广,如果不能准确衡量效果,就不该花钱。

    Whether it 's PR , marketing or branding , if you can 't measure the results of your efforts , you shouldn 't spend the money .

  10. 结合公关文化营销的特征、邮政企业的文化特色和公众的接受心理,提出了实施邮政企业公关文化营销的策略。

    Considering the features of the culture-oriented public relations marketing , the cultural characteristics of the postal enterprises and the acceptable psychology of the public , the paper also puts forward some relevant and feasible strategies .

  11. 品牌创建包括了品牌定位、品牌决策、品牌命名和CIS设计;品牌营销包括了产品策略、价格策略和渠道策略;品牌传播包括了广告策略、公关策略和整合营销传播IMC策略。

    Create brand includes brand positioning , brand decision , brand name and CIS design ; brand marketing include product strategy , price strategy and channel strategy ; brand communication includes advertising strategy , public relations strategy and integrated marketing communication strategy of IMC .

  12. 外国公关集团有时难以在中国找到立足之处,因为许多本土企业往往选择自己做公关和营销工作,或是交给本土公关公司来做。

    Foreign communications groups have at times struggled to find a foothold in China , with many local companies often opting to do their own PR and marketing or appointing local companies .