
  • 网络common solution
  1. 通过证明非扩张型映射是满足定理条件(B)的拟非扩张型映射,得到一个推论即非扩张型映射不动点问题与平衡问题的公共解的迭代算法及算法的弱收敛性结果。

    By proving that nonexpansive mappings are quasi-nonexpansive mappings satisfying condition ( B ) of the theorem , it is shown that the iterative sequences converge weakly to a common solution of the equilibrium problem and the fixed points problem of the nonexpansive mapping .

  2. 本文研究均衡问题及严格伪压缩映像的不动点迭代问题,提出两种复合迭代算法,逼近上述两问题的公共解。

    This paper study equilibrium and strict pseudo-contraction fixed point iteration problems , proposed two composite iterative algorithms , to approximate the common solution of the above two problems .

  3. Banach空间中3类问题公共解的弱收敛定理

    Weak Convergence Theorems for a Common Solution on Three Problems in a Banach Space

  4. 有限族增生算子公共解的Halpern迭代

    Halpern 's Iteration of Common Solutions for a Finite Family of Accretive Operators

  5. 可行解的一般表达式关于一类矩阵方程的一般公共解的表示

    THE GENERAL EXPRESSION OF FEASIBLE SOLUTION Representation of general common solution of matrix equation

  6. 一类矩阵方程的公共解

    Common solutions of the matrix equations

  7. 借助于这一概念,讨论了概率赋范空间中一类非线性算子方程的公共解的存在性,同时建立概率收缩偶与概率压缩原理的联系,推广[1-4]的主要结果。

    By virtue of this concept , the existence of common solutions of nonlinear operator equations in probabilistic normed space is obtained . The relation between paired probability contractors and probabilistic contractions is showed . The main results in [ 1-4 ] are generalized .

  8. 在一定条件下,证明了该迭代序列唯一弱收敛到所研究问题的某一公共解,并且该迭代序列在公共解集上的投影强收敛到这个公共解。

    It is proved that the iterative sequences converge weakly to a common solution of the research problems mentioned above under certain conditions , and that the projections of the iterative sequences onto the set of common solutions of the above problems converge strongly to the common solution .

  9. 文章并没有假定每个节点动态具有公共的平衡解,甚至都没有假定稳定的同步化流形存在。

    Neither a common equilibrium for each node nor a stable synchronization manifold is assumed to exist .

  10. 公共最优近似解的存在,说明了银行是在风险可接受的前提下按最优性原则给企业发放贷款。

    The existence of the common optimal approximating solution shows that the bank can provide a loan to the entrepreneur according to the optimal principle that the risk can be accepted as a criterion .

  11. 但当利润曲线和风险曲线存在公共最优近似解时,银行根据其所掌握的私有信息以及所观测到企业理性的反应,作出相应的决策。

    However when there exists the common optimal approximating solutions between the function of profit and the function of risk , the bank can make a decision according to the known private information and the rational response of the entrepreneur .

  12. 基于最速下降法的基本思想,提出了相互逼近算法,用以解决信贷风险决策过程中,利润曲线和风险曲线寻求公共最优近似解的问题。

    The paper puts forward a mutual approximation algorithm based on steepest descend method . It is used to solve the problem of looking for common optimal approximating solution on the function of profit and the function of risk in credit risk decision-making .

  13. 该算法表明,当利润曲线和风险曲线不存在公共最优近似解时,银行追求利润最大化的结果将导致风险上升,无法在可接受的风险指数范围内实现其既定的盈利目标。

    The algorithm shows that , when there exists no any common optimal approximating solution between the function of profit and the function of risk , to maximize profit will increase risk , and hence the bank is unable to achieve their profit goal with accepted risk criterion .

  14. 文章提出了一种新的企业观,即企业是为获取专用性公共品帕累托最优解的经济组织。

    This paper puts forward a new idea that firm is the economic organization for gaining the Pareto optimized specific public goods .

  15. 其次是对公共品提供制度改革的理论探讨&政府是否具有提供公共品的效率解,如果可以得出效率解,又有怎样的前提条件。

    Secondly , we discuss some theories of reformation in the provision system , including whether the government has virtual value of public-goods provision and what is the precondition if such value exists .