- 网络common solution

By proving that nonexpansive mappings are quasi-nonexpansive mappings satisfying condition ( B ) of the theorem , it is shown that the iterative sequences converge weakly to a common solution of the equilibrium problem and the fixed points problem of the nonexpansive mapping .
This paper study equilibrium and strict pseudo-contraction fixed point iteration problems , proposed two composite iterative algorithms , to approximate the common solution of the above two problems .
Weak Convergence Theorems for a Common Solution on Three Problems in a Banach Space
Halpern 's Iteration of Common Solutions for a Finite Family of Accretive Operators
THE GENERAL EXPRESSION OF FEASIBLE SOLUTION Representation of general common solution of matrix equation
Common solutions of the matrix equations
By virtue of this concept , the existence of common solutions of nonlinear operator equations in probabilistic normed space is obtained . The relation between paired probability contractors and probabilistic contractions is showed . The main results in [ 1-4 ] are generalized .
It is proved that the iterative sequences converge weakly to a common solution of the research problems mentioned above under certain conditions , and that the projections of the iterative sequences onto the set of common solutions of the above problems converge strongly to the common solution .
Neither a common equilibrium for each node nor a stable synchronization manifold is assumed to exist .
The existence of the common optimal approximating solution shows that the bank can provide a loan to the entrepreneur according to the optimal principle that the risk can be accepted as a criterion .
However when there exists the common optimal approximating solutions between the function of profit and the function of risk , the bank can make a decision according to the known private information and the rational response of the entrepreneur .
The paper puts forward a mutual approximation algorithm based on steepest descend method . It is used to solve the problem of looking for common optimal approximating solution on the function of profit and the function of risk in credit risk decision-making .
The algorithm shows that , when there exists no any common optimal approximating solution between the function of profit and the function of risk , to maximize profit will increase risk , and hence the bank is unable to achieve their profit goal with accepted risk criterion .
This paper puts forward a new idea that firm is the economic organization for gaining the Pareto optimized specific public goods .
Secondly , we discuss some theories of reformation in the provision system , including whether the government has virtual value of public-goods provision and what is the precondition if such value exists .