
  • 网络Princess Wedding
  1. 1960年,伊丽莎白二世就是穿着这件礼服,参加玛格丽特公主的婚礼的。

    In1960 , Elizabeth wears this full dress in two generations , participates in Princess Margaret 's wedding .

  2. 本月初,这位37岁的王妃在尤金妮公主的婚礼上穿着宽松的大衣,疑似怀有身孕。

    The 37-year-old duchess sparked speculation that she was pregnant by wearing an oversize coat to Princess Eugenie 's wedding earlier this month .

  3. 20世纪60年代,在姐姐玛格丽特公主的婚礼上,女王穿上了一件水蓝色塔夫绸晚礼服,并穿戴着配套的女用短上衣和手套。

    And in 1960 , for her sister Princess Margaret 's wedding , she sported an immaculate aqua-blue silk taffeta gown with matching bolero jacket and gloves .

  4. 而在格林版中,继母出席了白雪公主的婚礼,她误穿上一双烧红的铁舞鞋发狂地舞蹈至死。

    In the Grimm tale , the stepmother attends the wedding of Snow White , were she is made to put on a pair of red-hot iron shoes and dance to her death .

  5. 印第安公主波卡·洪塔斯的婚礼现场是长期困扰学者的未解之谜,考古学家小组深信他们发现了当年的婚礼现场遗址。

    A team of archaeologists believe they may have finally discovered Pocahontas'wedding site , a mystery that has long vexed scholars .

  6. 上周五,哈里和梅根在温莎堡参加尤金妮公主和杰克·布鲁斯班克的婚礼时告诉女王说,她的第八个曾孙将于明年春天降生。

    Harry and Meghan told Her Majesty she would be having her eighth great-grandchild next spring during Princess Eugenie 's wedding to Jack Brooksbank at Windsor Castle on Friday .

  7. 之后她又穿着这件衣服出席她丈夫的堂妹扎拉公主在七月份的婚礼,这次她利用一顶非常传统的GinaFoster帽子以及她最信任的L.K.Bennett的高跟鞋来装扮自己。

    She then gussies it up for the July nuptials of her husband 's cousin Zara Phillips by adding a custom Gina Foster hat and her trusty L.K. Bennett pumps .