
  • 网络global city
  1. 纽约全球城市是全球城市中最具代表性的城市。

    New York global city is most representative city in theworld .

  2. 生态城市是全球城市研究的热点之一。

    Ecopolis has become one of the hotspots of the global city study .

  3. 根据英国非营利性组织“全球城市商业联盟”(GlobalCitiesBusinessAlliance)对全球15个城市的调查,北京房租负担排名全球首位,其平均房租是平均工资的1.2倍以上。

    Beijing has the world 's least affordable rental housing , according to a survey of 15 global cities , with average prices more than 1.2 times average salaries .

  4. 联合国(UN)估计,全球城市人口在2008年超过了农村人口,这在很大程度上得益于中国城市化进程的急促步伐。

    The UN estimates that the global urban population exceeded that of rural areas in 2008 , thanks largely to the frantic pace of urbanisation in China .

  5. 房屋均价在150万英镑的肯辛顿(Kensington)等区的房产,曾经是寻求在政治稳定的全球城市置业的富裕买家们追捧的资产。

    Properties in boroughs such as Kensington , where the average home price is 1.5m , were a sought-after asset among wealthy buyers seeking an investment in a global , politically stable city .

  6. 有人质疑该调查的实用性。对此EIU表示,调查旨在为人事经理提供参考,他们可利用这一调查结果来计算如何为在全球城市间移居的经理和公司高管提供补偿。

    While some question its utility , the EIU says its survey is intended for human resources managers , who use the findings to calculate how to compensate its managers and executives as they move from one city to another across the globe .

  7. 长江三角洲全球城市区空间建构

    Spatial structure construction of global city-region in the Yangtze River Delta

  8. 是与日俱增的全球城市化进程所产生的效应

    of the exponential increase in urbanization across the planet .

  9. 所以,生产服务业与全球城市有着紧密的联系。

    Therefore , producer services have a close relation with global cities .

  10. 规划全球城市:内生式发展模式

    Planning for the Global Cities : The endogenous development model

  11. 区域流动空间整合与全球城市网络构建

    Integration of Regional Space of Flows and Construction of Global Urban Network

  12. 全球城市芝加哥的成功转型及其面临的挑战&《全球城市芝加哥》综述

    The Transformation and Challenges of Global Chicago & A Summary of Global Chicago

  13. 全球城市的经济特质与二元劳动力市场

    Economic Features and Dual Labor Market of Global Cities

  14. 随着全球城市化、工业化进程的加快,可持续发展面临重大挑战。

    Sustainable development has to face urgent challenges with the global urbanization and industrialization .

  15. 全球城市区域视角下的长江三角洲演化特征与趋势

    The Development Characters and Trends of Yangtze River Delta from the Global City-regions Perspective

  16. 浮现中的网络城市的网络&互联网对全球城市体系的影响

    The impact of Internet on global ur-ban system

  17. 所以,纽约全球城市无法孤立的存在。

    For this reason , New York global city can not be isolated existence .

  18. 论上海全球城市建设

    On construction of Shanghai as a global city

  19. 当下,全球城市化进度迅猛。

    Today , the world is rapidly urbanizing .

  20. 全球城市区域下的现代旅游产业体系研究:述评与展望

    Research on Modern Tourism Industry System in Global City Regions : Review And Prospect

  21. 上海、北京两大全球城市强化了在全国的枢纽机场的地位;

    Shanghai and Beijing further strengthened their position as national airline hubs and primary cities .

  22. 经济全球化是全球城市形成与发展的重要推动力。

    Economic globalization is an important impetus for the formation and development of global cities .

  23. 经济全球化带来一种新的地域现象,即全球城市区域。

    The economic globalization brings a kind of new region phenomenon , namely global city-regions .

  24. 全球城市化时代的展望

    Perspectives in the Era of Global Urbanization

  25. 当代全球城市的城市空间重构

    The Spatial Restructuring of Contemporary Global Cities

  26. 21世纪城市区域的规划&访布拉格全球城市发展研究所所长维斯先生

    Interview with Mr. Marc Weiss , the Director of Prague Institute for Global Urban Development

  27. 莱坊公司全球城市豪宅指数

    Knight Frank Prime Global Cities Index

  28. 想想那些一直在重塑全球城市天际线的伊利诺伊理工大学建筑学毕业生。

    Think of the IIT architecture graduates who have been reshaping the skylines of cities worldwide .

  29. 从长三角城市群看上海全球城市建设

    Urban Construction of Shanghai as A Global City : Perspective from Yangtze River Delta Mega-city Region

  30. 基于环境属性划分产业类型的全球城市体系环境演变研究

    Research on Environmental Evolvement in Global Urban System with Industry Type Newly Classified with Environmental Attribute