
  • 网络Global enterprise;global corporation;global company
  1. 既然现在这些工具可由各种规模的企业从全球企业到便携式计算机上的一个基于WebSphereMQ客户机的应用程序访问,安全性模型就能适应架构变化的要求。

    Now that those tools are accessible to every size shop from global enterprises to a WebSphere MQ client-based application on a laptop the security model can catch up to the architecture .

  2. E-learning概念正成为全球企业、教育机构和政府机构所认可的新事物,E-learning将成为全新的、方便的、低廉的、自主性的学习手段。

    The concept of E learning has become one of the new trends that is being seriously considered by the global enterprises , educational institutes and government bodies . E learning will become a bran new , convenient , low price and independence study artifice .

  3. 全球企业EFK由此诞生了。

    The global business EFK was born .

  4. 经济全球化和Internet的广泛使用,使Web逐渐成为全球企业合作的交互平台。

    Along with the economic globalization and the wide use of Internet , Web is increasingly becoming an interactive platform of global enterprise cooperation .

  5. 上周,中国的阿里巴巴(Alibaba)推出了它首个全球企业在线交易平台。

    Last week , China 's Alibaba launched its first platform for international on-site transactions between companies .

  6. ArupR.Pal是一名高级系统分析师,在印度的IBM全球企业咨询服务部工作。

    Arup R. Pal is a Senior Systems Analyst with IBM Global Business Services in India .

  7. 俄罗斯政府希望能够把国内的股票发行企业和外国投资者从伦敦吸引到莫斯科去。目前,伦敦全球企业首次公开发行(IPO)的主要地点之一。

    Moscow wants to be able to draw Russian equity issuers and foreign investors away from London , the current hub for initial public offerings .

  8. 论全球企业危机管理的新模式&业务持续管理(BCM)

    On New Mode of Global Enterprise Crisis Management-Business Continuity Management ( BCM )

  9. 管理学大师彼得·德鲁克(PeterDrucker)认为,知识管理是全球企业管理的第二次革命。

    Peter Drucker , a great master of management study , thinks that knowledge management is the second revolution for global business management .

  10. 实施企业全面风险管理(ERM)已成为21世纪全球企业管理发展的新趋势。

    There is a new trend to implement enterprise risk management ( ERM ) in 21st century globally .

  11. 东盟10国国内生产总值(GDP)的总和为24亿美元,越来越多的全球企业在这里落户,但本地企业绝大部分是中小型家族企业。

    Asean , which is comprised of 10 countries with a combined gross domestic product of $ 2.4bn , has an increasing number of global companies but the vast majority are small or medium-sized family-owned businesses .

  12. 汇丰(HSBC)的一份调查报告发现,跟一年前的一次类似调查相比,今年希望在跨境业务中更多使用人民币的全球企业有所减少。

    A survey by HSBC found that fewer global companies were expecting to increase their use of renminbi in cross-border business this year than did in a similar survey a year earlier .

  13. E&hing(电子学习)概念正在成为全球企业、教育机构和政府机构认真对待的新事物。E-Learning的全球发展趋势和商业化运作将成为二十一世纪重要的教育变革。

    The concept of E-learning becomes a new thing that the global corporation , educational department and government pay serious attention to the global trend and business trend of E-learning will become the most important education revolution in the 21st century .

  14. TCL起初只是中国南部省份广东的一家盒式录音带制造商,如今已成为首批通过收购国际知名品牌成为全球企业的中国制造商之一,该公司曾因此受到赞誉。

    TCL , which started as a cassette tape maker in the southern province of Guangdong , won plaudits for being one of China 's first manufacturers to become a global company by acquiring well-known international brands .

  15. 早在2000年,分析师们就大胆预测全球企业对企业(B2B)商务市场将大规模上线,从而带来数万亿美元价值的B2B电子商务交易。市场研究公司Gartner曾预测,到2004年,全球B2B电子商务交易会达到7.3万亿美元。

    In 2000 , analysts predicted a massive chunk of the world 's business-to-business commerce market would come online , resulting in trillions of dollars in B2B e-commerce . Gartner , the market research firm , predicted $ 7.3 trillion by 2004 .

  16. 先不管其本意中慈善的一面,披着AGRA的羊皮外衣,盖茨基金会正在悄悄向全球企业打开非洲的种子市场。

    Regardless of the philanthropic side of its intentions , cloaked in the sheep 's clothing of AGRA , the Gates Foundation is moving stealthily opening African seed market to global corporations .

  17. COSO报告提出了企业内部控制的总体框架,是全球企业内部控制理论的深化和实践的最新发展,对中国企业内部控制机制的建设与完善具有重要的指导价值。

    COSO report propose the whole framework of enterprises ' internal control , which is the most recent development of the global enterprises ' internal control theory . It has an important instruction value to the construction and consummation of Chinese enterprises ' internal control mechanism .

  18. 新创造的股本往往被用来在全球企业之间套利。

    Newly created equity tends to be arbitraged across global businesses .

  19. 国际营销中全球企业经营战略比较

    A Comparison of the Global Operational Strategy in International Marketing

  20. 我们的公司有责任成为全球企业公民。

    Our company takes seriously its responsibility as a global corporate citizen .

  21. 我们坚定地致力于成为一家全球企业。

    We are firmly committed to being a global company .

  22. 我国将成为全球企业社会责任运动的重点地区。

    Our country will become the priority area of the whole CSR action .

  23. 全球企业购并与我国企业发展

    The international acquisition and merger of company and the development of China 's company

  24. 20世纪90年代以来,全球企业迎来了第五次并购浪潮。

    Since 1990s , global enterprises have confronted the fifth merger and acquisition tide .

  25. 已经从一个第一流的跨国公司被重新编组到一个更天衣无缝的全球企业。

    I.b.m.has been reorganized from a classic multinational company to a more seamless global enterprise .

  26. 中国企业和许多全球企业一样已经被杀价竞争搞的遍体鳞伤。

    A large number of Chinese firms like global firms face cruel price struggle everyday .

  27. 全球企业兼并趋势及借鉴

    The Tendency of Mergence of Enterprises In the World and the Lessons to Draw from

  28. 企业持续改进能力的组织与运作&贵州省企业与全球企业之比较分析

    The Organization and Operation of CI Comparing Analysis Between Guizhou Province Enterprises and the World Ones

  29. 在全球化、网络化接踵而来的今天,全球企业面临前所未有的挑战。

    Today with globality and network development , all enterprises face challenges they never faced before .

  30. 在一个全球企业的世界中做到这一点的困难不会被低估。

    The difficulty of achieving this in a world of global enterprise is not to be underestimated .