
  • 网络Invasion of Afghanistan;The Beast Of War;THE BEAST
  1. 类似地,在苏联1979年入侵阿富汗后,美国总统吉米卡特(jimmycarter)减少了粮食出口并抵制了莫斯科奥运会,而不是使用看上去不会可信的武力威胁。

    Similarly , after the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan in 1979 , President Jimmy Carter curtailed grain sales and boycotted the Moscow Olympics , rather than use a threat of force which would not look credible .

  2. 苏联入侵阿富汗使印度失掉一个缓冲国。

    India lost a buffer state because of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan .

  3. 我认为,决定入侵阿富汗是正确的。

    I believe that the decision to invade Afghanistan was the right one .

  4. 当时几十个国家由于苏联入侵阿富汗而抵制这一盛事。

    Dozens of countries boycotted the event because of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan .

  5. 八年前美国发生恐怖主义袭击,导致美国入侵阿富汗,试图驱逐塔利班分子。

    Taliban Control Spreads in Afghanistan Eight years after the terror strike on the United States , which

  6. 美国入侵阿富汗。

    The US invades Afghanistan .

  7. 这一年之前,苏联军队入侵阿富汗,因此,莫斯科夏季奥运会遭到全球60个国家的联合抵制。

    That was a year after Soviet troops invaded Afghanistan . 60 countries boycotted the Moscow Summer Games .

  8. 因抗议苏联入侵阿富汗,只有81个国家参加。

    Only 81 countries participated in those games because of a boycott against the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan .

  9. 因此美国遭受袭击一个月后入侵阿富汗,也赢得了广泛的国际支持。

    America 's invasion , one month after America itself had been attacked , therefore enjoyed broad international support .

  10. 美国在2001年末开始入侵阿富汗时,阿富汗的医疗基础设施已经完全被摧毁。

    The country 's health infrastructure was completely destroyed by the time the U.S. invasion began at the end of 2001 .

  11. 70年代末,他因为强烈谴责苏联入侵阿富汗而遭到了逮捕和流放。

    By the end of 1970s , he was arrested , then banished because he strongly condemned Soviet invasion to Afghanistan .

  12. 自从2001年美国领导的盟军入侵阿富汗以来,这是喀布尔发生的最致命的爆炸事件之一。

    The bombing was one of the most deadly in Kabul since the U.S. - led invasion of Afghanistan in 2001 .

  13. 苏联入侵阿富汗时,美国及欧洲国家应予以抵制(华盛顿邮报)

    America and the European countries should press back when the Soviets overstep and aggress , as in Afghanistan ( Washington Post )

  14. 据说,在20世纪80年代苏联入侵阿富汗的战争中,在阿富汗服役的美、巴特种部队曾联合圣战者共同抗击苏联侵略者。

    It is alleged some of these forces served in Afghanistan , fighting alongside the mujahedeen against the Soviets in the 1980s .

  15. 1980年的今天,美国吉米·卡特总统宣布美国为抗议苏联入侵阿富汗的行为,抵制1980年在莫斯科举行的夏季奥运会。

    1980-President Jimmy Carter announces a United States boycott of the1980 Summer Olympics in Moscow to protest the Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan .

  16. 入侵阿富汗很容易,因为政府可以宣称造成911事件的元凶&邪恶的本拉登藏身此处。

    Invading Afghanistan was simple because the Government claimed that is where the " evil " Bin Ladin was residing who they blamed for911 .

  17. 可能他们是对的,但是美国对华沙的外交政策在苏联入侵阿富汗之前是对的么?

    Perhaps , they were right , but was the foreign policy of the United States right before Afghanistan , towards the Warsaw Pact ?

  18. 遍布全国的反对声音给五角大楼以明确的信号:巴基斯坦的人民是不支持美国入侵阿富汗的。

    Country-wide terrible protests sent a clear message to Pentagon and its policy makers that people of Pakistan were not supporting American invasion on Afghanistan .

  19. 两年内,他把地面部队人数增加到10万,略低于20世纪80年代苏联入侵阿富汗时的最高部队人数。

    Within two years he had taken the figure up to 100,000 , which was just shy of the Soviet troop peak during its 1980s occupation .

  20. 而正如苏联入侵阿富汗进而改变了齐亚·哈克将军的身份一般,9·11事件让穆沙拉夫将军摇身一变,不再是世界的弃儿。

    Just as the Russian invasion of Afghanistan had changed everything for General Zia , so 9 / 11 transformed General Musharraf from an international outcast .

  21. 1980年1月,英·甘地第二次执政。执政之初,印度面临着苏联入侵阿富汗的严重局面。

    Following Soviet invading Afghanistan , Indira Gandhi returned to power in January 1980 . India lost a buffer state because of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan .

  22. 而在1979年苏联入侵阿富汗时,组织内部产生了分歧,并对于这个克林姆林帝国的沦陷国家表示缄默。

    It was riven with disagreement over the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in1979 and had nothing to say about the captive nations of the Kremlin 's empire .

  23. 但有些人的确很支持他们,因为虔诚的普什图人对于美国人入侵阿富汗,还推翻了塔利班政权感到非常气愤。

    But some people supported them because the very religious Pashtuns were angry at the American invasion of Afghanistan and the removal of the Taliban from power there .

  24. 报告发现,由于计划不周、管理不善,自从入侵阿富汗以来至少有310亿美元资金被浪费了,相当于每天浪费1200万美元。

    It found that at least $ 31bn had been wasted through poor planning and management – the equivalent of $ 12m a day since the invasion of Afghanistan .

  25. 自1979年苏联在石油危机期间入侵阿富汗以来,俄罗斯的政治生活一直与油价明显关联。

    That Russian political life has been correlated with the price of oil has been apparent ever since the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan came amid the 1979 oil shock .

  26. 苏联入侵阿富汗,导致以美国为首的多个国家联合抵制1980年的莫斯科奥运会;随后,以苏联为首的一些国家抵制了1984年洛杉矶奥运会。

    The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan prompted a US-led boycott of the Moscow games in 1980 , followed by a Soviet-led boycott of the 1984 Games in Los Angeles .

  27. 不过,经通胀调整后,目前金价与1980年苏联入侵阿富汗时期创下的逾2300美元历史最高纪录相比仍有不小距离。

    Adjusted for inflation , gold prices are , however , still a long way from their all-time high above $ 2,300 in 1980 reached during the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan .

  28. 1979年苏联入侵阿富汗后,美国带头抵制1980年莫斯科奥运会,开启利用国际体育赛事为地缘政治博弈手段之先河。

    After the 1979 Soviet invasion of Afghanistan , the US led a boycott of the 1980 Olympic Games in Moscow , setting a precedent for using international sporting events as a proxy for geopolitical brinkmanship .

  29. 1979年苏联入侵阿富汗,给西方七国首脑会议敲了一记警钟,那就是经济与政治是密不可分的。从1980年首脑会议开始,议题已经发生了变化,从谈论经济到经济与政治并重。

    In 1979 , the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan is an alarm for G7.They began to understand that economy cannot be divided from politics , so the issues took changes in 1980 summit , ranging from economy to politics .

  30. 有时候自己亲自上阵,为圣战分子挖掘壕沟,帮助他们抗击入侵阿富汗的苏联人,同时他炸山头,挖隧道,连通武器库和战地医院。抗战一直持续到1989年,最后异教徒敌人无可奈何,悻悻地撤军走人。

    digging trenches for the mujahideen to fight along in Afghanistan against the Soviet invaders , blasting tunnels in the mountains for their arms dumps and field hospitals , until in 1989 the unbeliever-enemy withdrew in shame and disgrace .