
  1. 他出身世家,曾受过正统的儒家思想教育,也受到明末党社之风的影响,这使得他在明亡之前选择的是一条积极用世的人生道路;

    Boasting an old and well-known family background , Hou received orthodox Confucian education and was later influenced by the sociopolitical cliquism in late Ming Dynasty .

  2. 此外,分析内容也囊括了于明清之际发生的党社运动、西学东渐及实学思潮等宏观社会、文化因素对科技会通学团产生的影响。

    In addition , the contents also have the three social and cultural factors during Late Ming and Early Qing Dynasties which contribute on the formation of communities , including party and society movement , gradual entry of western knowledge into China , and the trend of pragmatic thought .

  3. 东林党与复社是相继崛起的士大夫群体,对于晚明社会产生了举足轻重的影响,二者在人员构成上师传衣钵;

    Successively grown up as groups of scholar-bureaucrats , Fu Society and Donglin Party played decisive role in the late Ming Dynasty .