
miǎn yì diàn yǒnɡ
  • immunoelectrophoresis;IE;IEP
  1. 方法:采用对流免疫电泳法测定正常对照组100例及肝炎组187例的血清AAA,并研究其结果与病毒性肝炎的关系。

    Method : Serum AAA was determined by counter immunoelectrophoresis in 100 normal individuals ( control group ) and 187 cases of hepatitis ( hepatitis group ), and the relationship between detective results and virus hepatitis was evaluated .

  2. 应用火箭免疫电泳酶呈色法,显示此抗血清与人胎肝GGT抗原及原发性肝癌病人血清均具有很好的特异性免疫反应。

    Rocket immunoelectrophoresis with enzyme colouration was applied . It was shown that there were satisfactory and specific immune reactions of this antiserum against both the purified GGT antigen and the serum of patient with primary hepatic carcinoma ( PHC ) .

  3. 人血清载脂蛋白B(100)火箭免疫电泳测定法

    Quantitation of human serum apolipoprotein b_ ( 100 ) by rocket immunoelectrophoresis

  4. 火箭免疫电泳法检测人血清载脂蛋白B与临床应用

    Determination of apolipoproteins-b in human sera with rocket immunoelectrophoresis assay and its clinical application

  5. 用火箭免疫电泳技术检测B因子含量及临床初步应用

    Studies on the level of factor B with the rocket immunoelectrophoretic ( rie ) method and its preliminary clinical application

  6. 单向火箭免疫电泳测定大鼠血清载脂蛋白AI浓度

    The measurement of apolipoprotein A-I in rat serum by rocket electrophoresis

  7. ABC免疫电泳对膀胱癌P(21)蛋白表达的观察

    Detection of ras oncogene product-P_ ( 21 ) protein in human bladder transitional cell carcinoma with ABC immunoelectrophoresis

  8. 经免疫电泳鉴定,提纯的Tg有较好的免疫活性。

    The immune activity of purified Tg kept well by immune electrophoresis identification .

  9. 用单向火箭免疫电泳法筛选健康献血员,获得LP(a)阳性新鲜血浆。

    Healthy blood donors were screened LP ( a ) by single electroimmunoassay .

  10. 火箭免疫电泳测定免疫球蛋白及补体C3方法的改进

    Improvement of the Method of RIE Determination of Immunoglobulin and Complement C3

  11. 方法根据刀豆素A对AFP亲和力的不同,采用亲和交叉免疫电泳自显影术检测AFP异质体。

    Methods According to the different affinity of ConA with AFP , crossed affinity immunoelectrophoresis autoradiography was used .

  12. 尿THP的免疫电泳测定及其临床应用

    Quantitation of Urinary Tamm-Horsfall Protein by Immuno electrophoresis and It 's Clinical Application

  13. 选取25位病人的25颗尖周病患牙,用火箭免疫电泳技术测定其根管液内分泌型IgA浓度。

    The concentration of secretory IgA in fluids present in the canals of 25 teeth was determined by the rocket immunoelectrophoresis technique .

  14. 免疫电泳证明所制备的抗兔μ链血清与兔全血清仅有一条沉淀线,与兔IgG、IgA没有交叉反应。

    Electrophoresis showed that this antiserum gave one precipitating line with rabbit whole serum and had no cross reactions with rabbit IgG and IgA .

  15. 介体蚜虫个体带毒(BYDV)免疫电泳测试技术初步研究

    Study on Technique of Immune Electrophoresis of BYDV Carrying Vector Aphids

  16. westernblot、对流免疫电泳和火箭免疫电泳可以定性检测病叶中的浙贝母花叶病毒,而免疫扩散和ELISA方法不适合该病毒的检测。

    Counterimmunoelectrophoresis , rocket immunoelectrophoresis and Western blot may be used as qualitative methods to detect the virus in infected leave . However , immunodiffusion and ELISA are not suitable for detection of the virus .

  17. 同时取血标本141例、尿标本65例及脑脊液标本6例用对流免疫电泳(CIE)方法进行GBS抗原检测。

    141 blood sera , 65 urine and 6 CSF samples were tested for GBS antigen by countercurrent immunoelectrophoresis ( CIE ) .

  18. 伪狂犬病病毒YN株与闽A株、苏联林交叉对流免疫电泳试验

    Cross counter immuno-electrophoresis between pseudorabies virus yn strain and min a strain and Soviet Union strain

  19. C1酶用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳、醋酸纤维素薄膜电泳、免疫电泳和超离心鉴定,已证明是匀一的组分,为糖蛋白,富含甘氨酸、天门冬氨酸、苏氨酸、丝氨酸和谷氨酸。

    The homogeneity of C_1 component , which is a carbohydrate-protein complex and is rich in glycine , aspartic acid , threonine , serine , and glutamic acid , was verified by polyacrylamide gel and cellulose acetate film electrophoresis , immuno-electrophoresis and ultracentrifugal analysis .

  20. 胶体金及其BSA复合物在特定电场中的迁移行为类似于火箭免疫电泳,其迁移速度随着金纳米粒子粒径的增大而减小;

    Migratory behavior of gold nanoparticles and Au-BSA conjugates in the applied electric field is similar to that of rocket immuno-electrophoresis , where the migration speed decreases with increasing gold nanoparticles size .

  21. 结果:双向琼脂扩散在BSA0.5g/mL的浓度时,测得抗血清效价为1∶32,对流免疫电泳结果显示BSA0.5g/mL与抗BSA在1∶16时形成一条清晰可见的沉淀线。

    Results : The titer of antiserum was 1:32 in double immunodiffusion and counter immunoelectrophoresis showed a clear precipitation line in the ratio 1:16 for BSA : anti-BSA ( all at 0.5g/ml BSA ) .

  22. 对脑脊液(CSF)、血作常规细菌学检查,脑脊液、血和浓缩尿标本进行对流免疫电泳(CIE)抗原检测,全部资料进行流行病学分析。

    CSF and blood were tested by standard bacteriologic technique . CSF , blood and concentrated urine were tested directly for detecting antigen by CIE . The data were analysed by epidemiologic methods .

  23. 采用火箭免疫电泳法检测急、慢性肝炎、肝硬化、重症肝炎共70例和健康献血员23例血清载脂蛋白(Apo)A-Ⅰ、B(100)含量。

    Apolipoproteins ( ADO ) A-I and B_ ( 100 ) levcls were measured by rocket immunoelectrophoresis assay in 70 patients with AH , CAH , LC ( both compensated liver cirrhosis and decompensated liver cirrhosis ), SH and 23 healthy controls .

  24. 结论本法简便快速、使过去亲和交叉免疫电泳自显影法的70h缩短为6h,而且灵敏度高,重复性好;

    We cut down the time required in affinity - crossed - immunoelectrophoresis autoradiography from 70 hours in the past to 6 hours by using this method .

  25. 用原头蚴作抗原作间接荧光抗体试验(IFA)诊断包虫病,并与临床常规检查皮内试验(ID)、间接血凝试验(IHA)、对流免疫电泳试验(CIEP)的结果比较。

    Protoscolices were used as antigen with IFA diagnosis of hydatid disease , which was compared with routine diagnosis of intradermal test ( ID ), indirect haemagglutination ( IHA ) and counter-immunoelectrophoresis ( CIEP ) tests .

  26. 采用对流免疫电泳和交叉吸收试验,对几株昆虫病毒的血清学特征进行比较,结果表明褐刺蛾CPV与中国绿刺蛾CPV具有一致的抗原性,且至少具有3个不同的抗原决定簇;

    The result of cross absorption test and counter immuno electr-ophoresis for several species of viruses indicates that Tp CPV and Chinese cochlid CPV have the same antigenic and have at least three different antigenic determinants .

  27. 方法:采用豌豆凝集素亲和交叉免疫电泳法,检测78例原发性肝癌(21例AFP≤20μ/L)、20例慢性肝病及29例正常对照的血清AAT异质体。

    Method : The detection of serum AAT variant was performed by PSA-ClAE in 78 cases of HCC ( 21 with negative AFP ), and 20 cases of chronic liver disorders and 29 cases of control .

  28. 本文应用Kappa、lambda轻链抗血清和抗全人血清及IgG、IgA、IgM、IgE抗血清与患者血清和尿液标本进行免疫电泳,免疫球蛋白测定,醋纤膜电泳。

    After the patients'sera and urine were mixed with Kappa and Lambda light chain antiserum , human antiserum and IgG , IgA , IgM , IgD , IgE anti-serum , the samples were measured with immuno-electrophoresis , immunoglobulin-detecting and acetate fibre elec - trophoresis .

  29. 于伤后8h及1,2,3,5,7,10,14,17,21,28,35天采集静脉血,ELISA法测定血清sIL-2R,火箭免疫电泳法测定其血浆Fn,同时观察两组患者脓毒症发生率。

    The venous blood samples were drawn from 42 patients at 1 / 3,1,2,3,5,7,10,14,17,21,28 and 35 days postburn , the levels of serum sIL-2R and Fn were measured by ELISA and rocket electrophoresis techniques respectively , meanwhile , the inci - dences of sepsis of two groups were compared .

  30. 建立的诊断狐和貉细小病毒性肠炎的对流免疫电泳(CIEP),抗原最佳稀释度为1∶16,血清最佳稀释度为1∶8,最佳电泳时间为60min。

    In the counter immunoelectrophoresis ( CIEP ) established for diagnosis parvovirus enteritis in foxes and racoon dogs the optimum dilution of the antigen was 1 ∶ 16 , the optimum dilution of the serum 1 ∶ 8 , and the optimum time of electrophoresis 60 min.