
kànɡ tǐ duō yànɡ xìnɡ
  • antibody diversity
  1. RAGs是在淋巴细胞发育过程中产生抗体多样性的基础。

    RAGs are the basis of antibody diversity during the lymphocyte development .

  2. 把免疫系统的抗体多样性保持机制引入到粒子群优化算法中,在保留高适应度粒子的同时,确保了粒子的多样性,从而提高了收敛性能。

    The antibody diversity mechanism of immune system is introduced into PSO which improve the convergence performance since the particle diversity is kept without compromising the existence of high-adaptable particles .

  3. 双拷贝JH,Cμ基因的存在可能是牛抗体多样性产生的新的基因来源。

    Two copies of JH and C μ genes in the bovine germline may contribute to the antibody diversification as well .

  4. 免疫遗传算法(IGA)是在免疫算法(IA)的抗体多样性维持机制中引入遗传算法(GA),使其性能比标准免疫算法更进了一步。

    In present article , we introduce the Immune Genetic Algorithm ( IGA ) which uses Genetic Algorithm to keep diversity of antibody in Immune Algorithm to advances the performance of IGA than standard IA .

  5. 本文在CSAVSP算法变异的过程中,引入模拟退火算法的Metropolis准则,在保证抗体多样性的前提下可以提高算法的运行效率,提出了CSAVSP的改进算法克隆选择模拟退火算法(CSSAVSP)。

    During the process of CSA_VSP variation , this paper introduces Metropolis criterion of simulated annealing algorithm that could improve running efficiency of algorithm on the premise of ensuring the diversity of antibody , and presents improved CSA_VSP algorithm namely clonal selection and simulated annealing algorithm ( CSSA_VSP ) .

  6. 鱼类免疫球蛋白基因结构及抗体多样性的遗传机制

    Gene Structure and Genetic Diversity of Immunoglobulins in Fish

  7. 基于免疫系统抗体多样性和异己检测原理,深入进行了计算机静态资源异常检测算法的研究。

    Based on the principle of non-self detection and diversity of Ab , this paper studies anomaly detection algorithm of computer static resource .

  8. 本文对鱼类免疫球蛋白的基因结构以及抗体多样性产生的遗传机制作一综述。

    The current knowledge concerning the structure of fish immunoglobulin ( Ig ) genes and the genetic mechanisms in generating fish antibody diversities is reviewed .

  9. 深入研究分析了生物免疫系统中的抗体多样性机制,并将其应用到基因类选择中。

    The theory of antibody diversity in immune system is studied and used in the choice of gene , it makes the detector to find much more intrusion and promotes the efficiency .

  10. 基于抗原/抗体多样性,提出特征元素特征因子特征基特征的多层次、多特征融合的特征表述方法。该方法具有多样性。

    The main work is as following : ( 1 ) Puts forward a features ' presentation of the multi-level & multi-feature fuzzy with characteristic element , characteristic factor , characteristic base and intrusion pattern based on the antigen / antibody variety .

  11. 该算法在保证亲和力的前提下提高了学习速度,扩大了免疫搜索空间,丰富了抗体空间多样性,提升了故障诊断的准确率。

    At the same time , it has an expanded immunization search space and improves the antibodies spatial diversity . Therefore , this algorithm can improve the accuracy of fault diagnosis .

  12. 克隆选择算法不仅保证了算法在执行中抗体的多样性,同时该算法还具有多分辨分析的特性,对小波压缩具有重要的意义。

    Clonal selection algorithm not only ensures the diversity of antibody in the implementation of the algorithm , and the algorithm is characteristic of multi-resolution , has the vital significance to the wavelet compression .

  13. 通过测试函数证明了免疫遗传算法既保留了免疫算法的优点,又提高了免疫算法中抗体的多样性和收敛速度。

    Then we make use of the test functions to verify the algorithm keeps the advantages of Immune Algorithm as well as enhances the diversity of antibody and the speed of convergence in Immune Algorithm .

  14. 介绍了保证抗体的多样性和有效性的基于自然数的抗体编码方法和基于抗体浓度的抗体激增和抑制策略。

    The array of natural number was used to form the antibody to ensure the diversity and validity of the antibody . And the proliferation and suppress strategy based on the deepness of antibody was introduced .

  15. 该算法在传统遗传算法全局随机搜索的基础上,借鉴了生物免疫机制中抗体的多样性保持策略,改善了遗传算法的群体多样性,具有更好的全局搜索能力。

    Based on the global stochastic searching method of classic genetic algorithm ( GA ), and using the diversity preservation strategy of antibodies in biology immunity mechanism , the method greatly improves the colony diversity of GA and has better global searching capability .

  16. 免疫遗传算法在传统遗传算法的全局随机搜索的基础上,借鉴生物免疫机制中的抗体的多样性,能有效提高群体的多样性,同时其具有记忆功能能够有效地提高搜索效率。

    Immune Genetic Algorithm , based on general genetic algorithm , which has the perpetuity of global searching and diversity of the biological immune mechanism , can advance the diversity of evolution group effectively , and its memory function can improve the searching efficiency .

  17. 数值实验表明,所提方法生成的抗体更具多样性,检测精度高于单个SVM和Bagging方法,其分布式并行检测特性有利于加强检测系统的健壮性。

    This distributed parallel detection can strengthen the robustness of the system . Experiments show that this method can produce antibodies with better diversity , and the detection accuracy is better than a single SVM and Bagging method .

  18. 通过合理的疫苗接种和免疫选择,可以更好的保持抗体群的多样性和算法的收敛速度,有效防止种群的退化,从而避免了进化过程中的早熟收敛现象,得到全局最优解。

    Through rational vaccination and immune selection , the diversity of antibodies and the algorithm convergence speed have improved . This can also avoid population degradation and premature convergence and get the global optimal solution .

  19. 在算法中构造一种基于抗体浓度的群体多样性保持策略,引入免疫算子和免疫记忆库。

    A kind of group diversity maintaining strategy based on the density of individual is constructed . A immune operator and a immune memory library are applied to the algorithm .

  20. 表明所构建的抗乙型肝炎病毒表面抗原的Fab抗体库的抗体基因具有多样性。

    The result showed gene diversity of the antibody library .

  21. 半套式PCR扩增人抗体基因以增加抗体库的多样性

    Amplification of human antibody genes with half nested PCR to increase the diversity of antibody library

  22. B细胞的克隆选择机制是免疫系统搜索抗体的重要手段,也是产生抗体多样性的重要原因,具有较强的优化能力。

    Clone and selection mechanism of B cells is one of the important approaches to search antibodies , as well as one of important factors to generate antibodies diversity . It has strong optimization ability .

  23. 实验提示,虽然抗DNA自身抗体独特型往往结构分离,从而表现抗体多样性,但有些抗体由于独特型结构类似,多样性受到限制;

    These results suggest that although frequently idiotypes have diversity , some antibodies on the basis with similar structure of the idiotypic determinants were limited in the extent of diversity .

  24. 该算法中设计了交叉算子和变异算子,丰富了抗体产生的过程,增强了抗体群的多样性。

    In this Algorithm , the crossover operator and mutation operator are designed to enrich the antibody production process , and enhance the diversity of the antibody population .

  25. 免疫遗传算法通过抗体之间的相互激励作用大大提高抗体的多样性,动态调整群体收敛性和种群的多样性之间的平衡,有良好的全局收敛能力和收敛速度。

    With self-regulation of antibodies , IGA greatly improves the diversity of antibodies , achieves a good dynamic balance between individual diversity and population global convergence , and avoids getting into the local optimal solution .

  26. 该算法可以有效地克服基本遗传算法的未成熟收敛现象,既可以提高抗体的相似性又可以兼顾到抗体的多样性,为避免算法陷入局部最优解,缩短搜索时间提供了保证。

    The algorithm can effectively overcome immature convergence phenomenon in Simple Genetic Algorithm ( SGA ) . It can improve not only antibody 's similarity but also its diversity . And it can avoid local optimal solution and shorten searching time .

  27. 免疫遗传算法通过免疫算子来提高抗体种群的适应度,通过遗传算子保证了抗体的多样性,通过免疫选择有效的防止了种群的退化现象。

    Immune genetic algorithm improve the fitness of antibody population , genetic operator guarantee the diversity of antibodies , the population of degeneration phenomenon which is effectively prevented by immune selection through the immune operator .

  28. 同时根据抗体的激励水平进行免疫调节操作,保持了抗体群的多样性。

    Immune regulatory operation based on the stimulation level of each antibody is also applied to effectively maintain the diversity of the population and avoid the premature convergence .

  29. 该算法中抗体通过浓度相互作用的机制来促进或抑制抗体的生成,借此保持抗体的多样性,并产生了高亲和力的抗体对种群进行不断的更新,提高了算法的全局搜索能力和收敛速度。

    The IA uses the interaction mechanism based on density of antibodies to keep the diversity of antibodies , and improve the global search ability and convergence speed .

  30. 同时基于免疫网络数学模型设计抗体的激励水平,并以此作为抗体群免疫网络调节的依据,保持了抗体群的多样性。

    Furthermore , the stimulation level of each antibody based on mathematic model of the immune network was devised and used as the condition for antibody population r.