
  • 网络antibiotic ointment
  1. 必需品:一些绷带和抗生素软膏(医生建议任何三重抗生素品种)。

    Required : some bandages and antibiotic ointment ( doctors recommend any triple antibiotic variety ) .

  2. 在伤口被清洁后,可使用用少量的抗生素软膏或霜剂。

    After the wound is clean , use a small amount of antibiotic ointment or cream .

  3. 不久我就发现卢卡斯把涂在它身上的抗生素软膏一点点地舔了下来。

    Afterwards I noticed Lucas licking the Neosporin off of his sore .

  4. 氦&氖激光照射四种抗生素软膏后对细菌生长影响的实验研究

    Experimental study of influence of 4 species of antibiotics ointments after He-Ne laser irradiation on bacterium growth

  5. 我从瓶子里拿出了8片药片并把它们扔进了垃圾箱里,我还把抗生素软膏涂在自己被抓伤的手上,这样看起来就好象用在了卢卡斯身上一样。

    I used the Neosporin on my own wounds thus making it look like I used it on Lucas .

  6. 三联抗生素软膏治疗常见的细菌和衣原体眼结膜炎,包括它在通用和名牌产品来感染。

    Triple antibiotic ointment treats common bacterial eye infections , including chlamydia and conjunctivitis It comes in generic and name-brand products .

  7. 在等着卢卡斯感到饥饿以前,我想我可以试着给它涂些抗生素软膏。

    While waiting for Lucas to get hungry again I thought I would make an attempt to put the Neosporin on his sore .

  8. 接下来将由身体的自然功能接手。必需品:一些绷带和抗生素软膏(医生建议任何三重抗生素品种)。

    nature will take over from there . Required : some bandages and antibiotic ointment ( doctors recommend any triple antibiotic variety ) .

  9. 这些治疗包括足部浸浴在温水,肥皂水和使用抗生素软膏或中期效高强度类固醇霜或软膏;

    These may include foot soaks in warm , soapy water and application of topical antibiotic ointment or mid-potency to high-potency steroid cream or ointment ;

  10. 其中一只猫每天要吃两个药片,并且要给它涂抗生素软膏以止痛。

    Her one cat was required to take two pills a day and also needed to have Neosporin put on a sore on his skin .

  11. 对猫最常见的治疗方法之一是三联抗生素软膏,其中包含杆菌肽,新霉素和多粘菌素,通常用氢化可的松,一种经常使用的皮质类固醇结合起来。

    One of the most common treatments for cats is triple antibiotic ointment , which contains bacitracin , neomycin and polymixin and is often combined with hydrocortisone , a frequently used corticosteroid .

  12. 我还准备了充足的防晒霜、至少含20%DEET(避蚊胺)的驱昆虫剂以及一个包含氢化可的松软膏、抗生素软膏和各种绷带的急救包,不过我们很高兴后两者从来没派上过用场。

    I also packed an ample supply of sunscreen , insect repellent with 20 percent or more of DEET , and a first-aid kit of hydrocortisone cream , antibiotic ointment and a variety of bandages , though happily the latter two were never needed .