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  • antifungal
  1. 研究发现:治疗霉菌性阴道炎可采用一种新型的广谱抗真菌药&环吡酮胺妇科用乳膏来进行治疗。

    Research found that the treatment of fungal vaginal inflammation can use a new type of broad-spectrum antifungal & ciclopirox olamine cream for the cure .

  2. 抗真菌药已成为抗感染类药物中的重要组成部分,在临床和OTC领域均有大量的应用。

    Antifungal drug has become one of most important anti-infective drugs in clinical use and the huge amount of the OTC application .

  3. 在9种抗真菌药药敏试验中,5-氟胞嘧啶、氟康唑、克霉唑、两性霉素B、制霉菌素有较高的敏感性。

    Sensitivity results to nine antifungals showed that 5-flucytosine , fluconazole , clotrimazole , amphotericin B , and nystatin had higher drug sensitivity to these fungi .

  4. 磷脂和胆固醇均为人体内源性物质,对人体无毒无害,已经被FDA批准为药用辅料,目前已有抗真菌药两性霉素B脂质体上市应用于临床。

    Phospholipids and cholesterol are endogenous substances and non-toxic to human , they have been approved as medicinal materials by FDA , and there is liposomal amphotericin B used in clinic as antifungal agents .

  5. 方法用E-test抗真菌药敏试条在体外检测IT、FL对酵母菌的MIC值,判定敏感性。

    Methods 237 vaginal specimens suspected with pathogenic yeast infection were isolated and the in vitro sensitivity of the pathogenic yeast to IT and FL was determined by E-test assay .

  6. 方法采集6660份各种临床标本,接种于真菌平板及血平板,疑为酵母样真菌者采用YBC卡进一步鉴定,并对所有分离出的念珠菌做抗真菌药敏实验。

    Methods A total of 6660 samples was collected and inoculated into fungi disk and blood disk .

  7. 伏立康唑(voriconazole)是第2代三唑类抗真菌药,具有抗菌谱广、抗菌效力强的特点,尤其对于侵袭性曲霉菌侵润所致感染疗效好。

    Voriconazole is a second-generation azole antifungal agent that shows the characters of broad-spectrum and strong antibacterial , especially has good efficacy to the infection induced by invasive aspergillus .

  8. 目的观察氟康唑对念珠菌的敏感性,并研究酵母菌的体外抗真菌药敏试验Etest法和美国国家临床试验标准化委员会(NCCLS)微量法的可比性。

    Objective To compare the Etest and microdilution methods according to the National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards ( NCCLS ) for determining the minimum inhibitory concentration ( MIC ) of fluconazole .

  9. 抗真菌药应用不合理占25.8%。

    The irrationally utilizing rate of anti-fungal drugs was 38.1 % .

  10. 抗真菌药对角膜真菌感染病原菌的体外药敏试验研究

    Antifungal agents in vitro against the isolates from fungal keratitis

  11. 两种抗真菌药联合治疗糠秕马拉色菌毛囊炎的疗效比较

    Comparison of therapeutic effects of two antifungus drugs on Malassezia furfur folliculitis

  12. 抗真菌药与药物相互作用研究进展

    Progress in research of antifungal drugs and its interaction

  13. 几种咪唑类外用抗真菌药接触性皮炎的初步研究

    Contact dermatitis due to some topical imidazole antifungal drugs

  14. 2003年~2005年唑类抗真菌药市场分析

    Marketing of Azole Antifungal Agent During 2003 ~ 2005

  15. 三种常见抗真菌药口服治疗甲真菌病疗效观察

    Efficacy of three antifungal agents in treatment of onychomycosis

  16. 犬小孢子菌微量液基稀释法抗真菌药敏试验的方法学研究

    Research about the Broth Microdilution Antifungal Susceptibility Testing Condition for 182 Microsporum Canis

  17. 伊曲康唑是三唑类广谱抗真菌药。

    Itraconazole is a triazole antifungal agent that has a broad spectrum activity .

  18. 三唑类抗真菌药的研发进展与临床评价

    Study Progress and Clinical Evaluation of Triazole Antifungal Agent

  19. 致病性外瓶霉的体外抗真菌药敏试验研究

    The Antifungal Susceptibility Testing of Exophiala Species In Vitro

  20. 联苯苄唑的抗真菌药敏试验、家兔实验及临床疗效

    Drug sensitivity test , rabbit experiment and clinical efficacy of bifonazole in antifungal activity

  21. 抗真菌药的近况与开发

    Current status and future development of antifungal drugs

  22. 氟康唑、伊曲康唑治疗孢子丝菌病的临床疗效及体外抗真菌药敏试验研究

    Clinical Efficacy of Fluconazole and Itraconazole Treating Sporotrichosis and Antifungal Susceptibility Testing in Vitro

  23. 抗真菌药酮康唑中间体的合成工艺的研究

    Study on the Synthetic Process for the Intermediats of an Antifungal Agent : Ketoconazole

  24. 结论:伊曲康唑为广谱抗真菌药,冲击疗法治疗甲真菌病具有疗效高、安全性好、耐受性高以及费用低廉的特点。

    Conclusion : Itraconazole pulse therapy is effective , safe , well tolerated and economical .

  25. 抗真菌药的不良反应

    The adverse drug reactions of antifungal agents

  26. 甲真菌病患者口服抗真菌药治疗的依从性和安全性研究

    Study on the compliance and safety of the oral antifungal agents for the treatment of onychomycosis

  27. 目的:介绍三唑类抗真菌药的进展和临床应用评价。

    OBJECTIVE : To summarize the aspect of clinical evaluation and progress on triazole antifungal agent .

  28. 泊沙康唑为一新型三唑类抗真菌药,用于治疗和预防侵袭性真菌感染。

    Posaconazale is a new triazole drug for the treatment and prevention of invasive fungal infections .

  29. 方法对36例鼻窦真菌病患者施行鼻内镜手术,术后不用抗真菌药。

    [ Methods ] 36 cases of paranasal sinuses mycosis were treated with nasal endoscopic surgery .

  30. 抗真菌药酮康唑的合成

    Synthesis of antifungal drug ketoconazole