- 名immune response gene;Ir gene

STAT_1 activation and STAT_1 - dependent immune-response gene ICAM-1 expression in alveolar macrophages of rats suffered from interstitial pulmonary fibrosis
Objective To study immune response in mice against the HBV core DNA-based vaccine .
Gene recombinant Bacillus Calmette-Guerin vaccine ( rBCG ) is a single vaccination which can continue to target antigens induced the body of genetic engineering vaccine immune response .
The results showed that pUE DNA vaccine induced weaker humoral immune response , but stronger cellular immune responses compared to pE DNA vaccine .
Conclusion The protective effect of 971 on learning and memory ability of β - AP_ ( 25-35 ) - treated mouse may be related to the expression changes of genes involved in cell cycle , DNA repair , nerve growth , synaptic plasticity and immune response , etc.
The relationship between nonresponse to hepatitis B vaccine and HLA genotype / haplotype
Observe the expression protein in the muscle tissue from the immunized mice and the humoral and cellular immune respond elicited by the DNA immunization , the effects coadministration with IFN - γ gene , and the protective from the infection of T. gondii ;