
  • 网络Spectral light source;spectroscopic light sources;optical spectrum light source
  1. 软X射线-真空紫外波段光谱光源研究

    Development of Soft X-Ray and Vacuum Ultraviolet Spectrum Sources

  2. 其中采用宽光谱光源的白光干涉型F-P光纤传感器解决了传统F-P光纤传感器只能进行相对测量的问题,被认为是一种最有发展前途的用于智能结构的灵巧型传感器。

    The white light interferometric F-P optical fiber sensor with broad spectrum light source solves the problem that the conventional optical fiber F-P sensor can only measures relatively , therefore this kind of sensor is considered as a delicate one with broad development that can be used in smart structure .

  3. 火焰-电弧原子发射光谱光源研究

    Study on Excitation Source of the Flame-arc Atomic Emission Spectrometry

  4. 利用频谱组束获取双光谱光源的实验研究

    Acquirement of dual-spectrum lasers by spectral beam combination

  5. 钢的组织结构对於光谱光源的弧温及电极蒸发情况的影响

    Effect of micro-structure of steel sample electrodes on arc temperature and volatilization of the electrode in spectral light sources

  6. 杯电极溶液法光谱光源中物质蒸发与弧温的研究

    A study on the transport of vapor stream and arc temperature in the excitation source of the cup solution method

  7. 通过模拟太阳光谱光源,对电池片的相关电参数进行测量,根据测量结果将电池片进行分类。

    Through stimulates the solar spectrum lamp-house , carries on the testing and surveys to the cell module related electrical parameter , according to the measurement result classifies the cell piece .

  8. 运用短波通滤光片配合宽光谱光源实验测定了微型光谱仪的衍射次级效率比,实现了数字式消除高级次衍射光谱,在光谱效率上相较多膜系阶跃型滤光片的方法更具有优势。

    We use short-wave pass filter with a wide spectrum light source experiments measured the diffraction secondary efficiency ratio of the spectrometer , and we are able to digitally eliminate high order diffraction spectrum .

  9. 设计了基于宽光谱ASE光源和F-P可调谐光滤波器的气体传感系统,实现了对气体吸收光谱的扫描检测。

    The second gas sensing system is based on the broadband ASE light source and F-P type tunable optical filter , which realizes the wavelength sweep for the gas absorption spectrum .

  10. 直读光谱双光源法在炼钢分析中的应用

    Application of Direct-reading Spectrometer and Double Light Source Method in Steelmaking

  11. 短弧氙灯是一种发光强度高,具有从紫外到红外的连续光谱的点光源。

    The short arc Xenon lamp is a sort of point source having very high luminous intensity and a continuous spectrum from ultraviolet to IR .

  12. 太阳辐射全光谱模拟人工光源的实验研究是多参数综合环境模拟试验室的的主要内容和重要组成部分。

    The experimental study , which is the research on manpower lamp-house in the whole-spectrum simulation of solar radiation , is the primary content and the important part on the simulation of many - parameters in the environment .

  13. 考虑了在实际光谱测量中光源有限相于长度对膜层和衬底结构样品的影响,提出了一种简易实用计算方法,并在相应的实验光谱计算中显示出这种方法的优越性。

    Considering the effect of interference length on the film system and the substrate , a simple and useful method to calculate the reflection spectroscopy is presented , and the predominance of this method can be seen from the calculation for the experimental spectroscopy .

  14. 描述了最近研制成功的用于软X射线-真空紫外光谱辐射传递标准光源的大电流空阴极光源。

    This paper describes the newly developed high current hollow cathode source as a soft X ray and vacuum ultraviolet spectral radiation transfer standard source .

  15. 光谱载体对激光光源等离子体中发射强度的增强效应

    Enhancement effect of spectroscopic carriers on emission intensities in laser source plasma

  16. 利用绿色荧光板的感光材料的光谱灵敏度测定用光源

    Light source for determining fluorographic sensitivity of photographic sensitive materials used with green fluorescent screen

  17. 高稳定宽光谱掺铒光纤光源

    High Stability Broadband Er-Doped Fiber Source

  18. 此技术是一种利用同色异谱油墨的光谱,在不同光源照明条件下的成色不同的规律作为一种防伪技术。

    The technique is security technology using rule that color appearance is different under the different light source .

  19. 随着光刻、激光微加工以及激光光谱仪的发展,紫外与深紫外光谱区的相干光源变得越来越重要。

    Coherent light sources in the deep and vacuum UV ( DUV and VUV ) spectral regions become more important with the development of photolithography , laser micro-machining as well as laser spectroscopy .

  20. 光谱干扰主要来自光源和原子化器。包括多重线干扰、谱线重叠干扰、背景吸收(光散射和分子吸收)。

    The spectrum interference mainly comes from the light source and the atomizing instrument , including many layer lines interference , the superposed table lines interferences , the background table lines absorption ( the light spreading and molecule absorption ) .

  21. 研究表明,在近场会有光谱分裂出现,光谱分裂与光源的空间相干性和源光谱的谱宽以及位置参数有关。

    It is shown that the spectral splitting can take place in the near field , which is dependent on the spatial correlation and bandwidth of the spectral source and position parameters .