
  • 网络Ray Tracing;ray-tracing;Raytrace;Raytracing
  1. 在贴图卷展览为反射贴图通道赋予一张“光线追踪”贴图。

    Go to maps and assign to the REFLECTION map " RAYTRACE " .

  2. 在另一方面,在光线追踪材质中的颜色份量努力模拟自然界中它们本身的对应物。

    The color components in Raytrace material , on the other hand , attempt to model their physical counterparts in nature .

  3. 在一些情况下,在光线追踪材质基本参数卷展栏(BasicParameters)中的颜色的作用不同于标准材质中的颜色。

    In some cases , the colors in the Basic Parameters rollout of Raytrace material behave differently from colors in standard materials .

  4. 基于WEB的VRML交互式光线追踪渲染

    A method of interactive ray tracing of VRML scenes based on Web

  5. CD漫游体光线追踪的一种加速算法研究

    A Fast Algorithm of Volume Ray Tracing Of CD Traversal

  6. 目前有两种方式能够在二维屏幕上实时绘制3D图像:传统的光栅化方式以及实时光线追踪方式。

    There are two ways to generate a three-dimensional image for a two-dimensional screen : rasterization and real-time ray tracing .

  7. 采用光线追踪和光路函数的方法,优化设计了具有超环面镜的前置光学系统的掠入射软x射线平场谱仪,得到了谱仪的谱分辨和空间分辨本领。

    Using ray tracing code and optical path function , optimization calculation is carried out on a grazing incidence soft x ray flat field spectrometer with toroidal mirror as prepositive optic system .

  8. 对Seron和Gutierrez提出的用Euler方法实现曲光线追踪进行了改进:采用比Euler方法精度更高的改进Euler方法实现曲光线追踪。

    The algorithm proposed by Seron and Gutierrez based on Euler method to implement curved ray tracing was improved .

  9. 然而,此算法需要大量的运算,造成在现在普遍的CPU下不能实现实时的效果。因此,对光线追踪进行加速的研究是非常有必要的。

    However , the algorithm requires enormous amounts of computation , and as a result cannot be efficiently done in real-time on commodity CPU hardware . Therefore , research on accelerating ray tracing becomes necessary .

  10. 该文分析了自由曲面前照灯的发展背景,阐述了ECE法规对前照灯近光配光的要求,对光线追踪原理进行了理论探讨。

    This paper discusses the development of free-form head-lamp , the regulation on low beam distribution which stipulated by ECE and the theory of ray-trace .

  11. 本文研究了火焰温度场测量中折射率的影响,提出了一种新的Abel逆变换的计算方法和计算折射率影响的光线追踪计算方法。

    The influence of refraction in flame temperature measurement has been stu-died in this paper . We proposed a new method to calculate inverse Abel Transform and the light tracing method to calculate the effection of refraction .

  12. 方法是在利用光线追踪法对CPC反射面的镜面反射进行分析的基础上,结合辐射度算法定量计算了CPC反射面的漫反射和太阳光的散射分量对集热器的光学性能的直接影响。

    On the basis of the ray tracing algorithm , which is used to treat the specular case , radiance algorithm is taken to calculate the contribution of the diffuse constituent of the CPC reflector and the diffuse solar radiation to the optical performance of the collector quantitatively .

  13. 该算法对传统光线追踪算法作了适当改进以适用于交互式渲染,并采用包围盒和空间划分树(k-d树)等措施来加快渲染的速度。

    Because of the improvement of the traditional raytracing algorithm , the interactive rendering could be performed . Measure such as bound box and spatial subdivision tree ( k-d tree ) are used to speed up the rendering .

  14. 而这次研究者们准备采取第二种方法,开发可进行实时光线追踪计算的软件,Slusallek并表示目前处理器性能的飞速提升为这种技术的实用化打下了良好的基础。

    What the researchers have done is developed faster software for performing real-time ray tracing , which is also aided by today 's faster processors , Slusallek said .

  15. 光线追踪显示体数据的新求交算法

    A new intersecting algorithm for volume rendering with ray tracing

  16. 光线追踪算法是国际上广为流行的一种真实感图形的生成算法。

    Ray tracing algorithm is a popular algorithm to make verisimilitude graphics .

  17. 曲光线追踪在非均匀大气现象模拟中的研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of Curved Ray Tracing for Inhomogeneous Atmospheres

  18. 它也能够创建完全的光线追踪反射和折射。

    It can also create fully raytraced reflections and refractions .

  19. 灯具曲面设计中的光线追踪法

    Design of Lampshade Curved Surface by Ray Tracing Method

  20. 对光线追踪引起物体边缘走样的研究

    The Research of Tracing Causing Objects Jagged Edges

  21. 光线追踪法生成真实感图形的研究

    Study of Realistic Image Synthesis by Ray Tracing

  22. 基于曲线光线追踪的非真实感绘制算法

    Non-photorealistic Rendering Based on Curve Ray Tracing

  23. 改进某些案例中的光线追踪精确度。

    Improved raytracing precision in certain cases ;

  24. 通过从光线追踪中排除指定的对象,你能够为你的场景进一步优化。

    You can further optimize it for your scene by excluding specific objects from raytracing .

  25. 基于光线追踪算法的面重建实现

    Surface Rendering Based on Ray Tracing Algorithm

  26. 基于可视化光线追踪的植被真实结构模型参数敏感性分析

    Sensitivity Analysis of Clumped Architecture Model of Plant 's Parameters Based on Visualization Ray Tracing

  27. 文章提出了一种基于球形光线追踪的位移贴图算法。

    In this paper , a displacement mapping algorithm based on sphere ray-tracing is introduced .

  28. 为了实现实时性的光线追踪平台,提出了一种光线与三角形求交算法的硬件架构设计。

    For interactive ray tracing , this paper proposes a hardware architecture design of ray-triangle intersection .

  29. 多功能光线追踪方法

    Multifunctional Ray - Tracing Method

  30. 光线追踪被广泛用于生成高质量的图像,并且能生成真实的全局光照。

    Ray tracing is a widely used algorithm that produced high-quality computer generated images and real global illumination .