
  • 网络scattering of light;Scattering;light scattering
  1. 用惠更斯-菲涅耳原理分析光的散射

    Analysis for the scattering of light with Huggens-Fresnel principle

  2. 胶州湾悬浮体的粒径分布与光的散射

    Suspended particles size distribution and light scattering in Jiaozhou Bay

  3. 方法是在利用光线追踪法对CPC反射面的镜面反射进行分析的基础上,结合辐射度算法定量计算了CPC反射面的漫反射和太阳光的散射分量对集热器的光学性能的直接影响。

    On the basis of the ray tracing algorithm , which is used to treat the specular case , radiance algorithm is taken to calculate the contribution of the diffuse constituent of the CPC reflector and the diffuse solar radiation to the optical performance of the collector quantitatively .

  4. 根据光的散射理论可知,当光照射粗糙表面时会发生散射现象。

    Scattering theory indicates that light incidence on rough surface causes scattering phenomenon .

  5. 纤维材料内部结构不匀对光的散射

    Effect of Irregularities in Internal Structure of Fibre Material on Scatter of Light

  6. 气溶胶粒子对太阳光的散射和吸收,会影响大气能见度,使可见距离缩短。

    The particles of aerosol can reduce the atmospheric visibility through absorbing and scattering .

  7. 现利用电磁波和几何光学的理论,从3个方面解释了雾中小水滴对光的散射,建立了相应的散射模型,并对这3个方面进行了比较。

    The corresponding scattering models were established . Compare was carried through among three aspects .

  8. 光的散射定律及其证明

    Light scattering law and its proof

  9. 因此,混浊介质中光的散射现象的研究又成了生物光学的研究热点。

    So , the study about scattering phenomena of turbid media is a hotspot of the photobiology .

  10. 运动粒子对光的散射

    Light Scattering of Moving Particles

  11. 其技术原理是利用火灾初期产生的烟雾粒子对光的散射来进行火灾早期探测的。

    The principle of this technology is detection to dispersion of somke particles produced in the forepart of fire .

  12. 与沟道光波导相比,掩埋型光波导内的泵浦光和信号光的散射都非常小,光场分布非常均匀。

    It shows that the scatter loss can be neglected and the optical field is symmetric in a buried waveguide .

  13. 涂层对入射光的散射作用可以分为面散射和体散射两部分。

    The action between incident light and coatings can be divided into two parts , surface scattering and volume scattering .

  14. 器件的高对比度是由于聚合物胶体材料对光的散射和黑色染料分子对光的吸收。

    The high contrast ratio originates from the combination of light scattering from the microdomain polymer gel and absorption from the black dyes .

  15. 观察到黄昏时天空渐变的颜色,我会更深入地去探索光的散射。

    Noticing the gradual change in the color of the dusk sky , I begin to delve deeper into the scattering of lights .

  16. 针对此问题设计了一种棱镜式样品窗,可以有效地扩大可接收散射光的散射角范围。

    A prism cell was designed for solving the problem , which can expanding the upper limit of the receivable angle of scattered light .

  17. 溶胶分散系的物理性质影响其对光的散射和吸收,其中分散度影响程度相对显著。

    The scattering and absorption of sol disperse system for light is influenced by its physical properties , and among them dispersity is notable relatively ;

  18. 白内障的发生正是由于两种细胞发生了形态结构的改变,增加了对光的散射和吸收,导致晶状体的透明度下降[1,2,4]。

    Cataract formation is due to the morphology changes of these cells , which increases light scattering and absorption and causes the lens transparency decreased .

  19. 多晶材料对光的散射能力有三种成因:晶界散射,异相散射,气孔散射。实际上,上述每一种结构又皆由其它结构相包围。

    In polycrystalline materials , there are three phenomena : the scattering in crystal boundary , the phase change scattering , the air cell scattering .

  20. 雾霾是一种常见的天气现象,会造成拍摄的图像的对比度降低。这是由于大气中的水气等对太阳光的散射作用而造成的模糊。

    Haze , which is caused by scattering of sunlight by water vapor and other scattering sources in atmosphere , can significantly reduce the contrast of images .

  21. 弯曲波导插入损耗(不包括由于结构缺陷而产生的光的散射损耗)由两部分组成纯弯曲损耗和过渡损耗。

    The insertion loss ( except the dispersion loss produced by the configuration defection ) of S bend includes two parts : pure bending loss and transition loss .

  22. 由于多孔结构对入射光的散射作用,薄膜在可见光区具有低透射率(约20%);

    Because of the intense scattering function of the porous structure on the incident light , the films exhibit low transmittance in the visible band ( ~ 20 % ) .

  23. 借助于聚合物分散液晶膜的电光特性,这种栅对入射光的散射或衍射取决于对其施加的电压,即它是电场可调的。

    Due to PDLC electrooptical properties , this grating can cause scattering or diffraction of an incident light dependent upon the applied voltage . i.e. it is adjustable by electric field .

  24. 尾流中的大量微气泡对光的散射会产生明显的影响,微气泡的存在对光的后向散射有很大的贡献,特别是气泡覆盖有有机膜后使光的后向散射显著增加。

    Large amount of micro bubbles in ship wake had an obvious effect on the light scattering , and had a large contribution to backscattering of light , especially for the coated bubbles .

  25. 对于实际大气中传输的非偏振自然光的散射问题,所关心的散射参量通常为散射强度和线偏振度。

    For the scattering of unpolarized natural light transfering in real atmosphere , the scattering parameters about which we are concerned are usually the intensity of scattered light and degree of linear polarization .

  26. 为了能够直观地观察到晶体中的双折射现象,利用非光学级的天然晶体冰洲石中杂质对光的散射作用,设计、制做了晶体双折射现象的直观实验演示器(平台)。

    In order to observe crystal birefringence phenomenon visually , this paper designed and fabricated the visually experimental demonstrating device of crystal birefringence phenomenon by using the scattering process of impurity in non-optically natural Iceland crystal .

  27. 从几何光学的角度出发分析了气泡对光的散射,得出散射光强的波动特性与气泡的直径存在一定的关系。

    The scattering light of bubble is analysed from the point of view of geometry optics , from which it is concluded that the fluctuation of light intensity has some relation with the diameter of bubbles .

  28. 本文从完全新的角度出发,建立起散射介质的整体散射模型,从而发现了普遍适用的光的散射定律,并且开拓了测量介质散射率的新的研究领域。

    In this paper , from entirely new point of view , a model of scattering medium ts established , general light scattering law is discovered , and new research area of measuring medium seattering ratio is initiated .

  29. 磁性掺杂超导体对光的Raman散射

    Raman scattering of light off magnetically doped superconductors

  30. 无序材料中的电磁耦合场量子理论及SiO2和GeO2玻璃中光的瑞利散射损耗

    Theory of polaritons in disordered materials and Rayleigh scatterings in SiO_2 and GeO_2 glasses