
guāng xué xiān wéi
  • light guide;optical fibre;fibre
光学纤维[guāng xué xiān wéi]
  1. 光学纤维面板成分差异的研究

    Study on the composition difference in optical fibre plate

  2. Y形光学纤维传感器及其在外观疵病自动检测技术中的应用

    Y-shaped Optical Fibre Transducer and its Application in Automatic Detection Techniques of Surface Defects

  3. GaAs双异质结激光器和多模光学纤维的耦合

    Coupling of double - heterojunction GaAs laser into multimode optical fibers

  4. 罗马斯公司在准备开发防射线PMMA、光学纤维等特种PMMA高新技术材料。

    Logomas ready to develop anti-radiation in PMMA , PMMA optical fiber and other special high-tech materials .

  5. 具有去包层球锥透镜的多模光学纤维与条形DHGaAlAs激光器之间的耦合

    Light coupling of stripe-geometry DH GaAlAs laser into etched-cladding tapered spherical lens fibers

  6. 采用CO2激光器制备光学纤维平端面,所制备的端面完整无缺,平度达到1~2个干涉花纹以内。

    A CO_2 laser was used to prepare end-faces of optical fibers . The prepared end-face has good optical quality . It is imperfection-free and its flatness is within 1 ~ 2 interference fringes .

  7. 结论MRC可作为光学纤维结肠镜和x线气-钡双重造影检查结肠的补充方法。

    Conclusion MRC could be the compensation method of fiberoptic endoscopy and X-ray double contrast radiography in colon examination .

  8. MRC显示上述病变的部位、大小及形态等与光学纤维结肠镜和X线气-钡结肠双重造影所见基本相仿。

    The appearances of the normal inner wall , the location , size and morphology of lesions on MRC of the colon were similar to those of X-ray double contrast radiography and fiber-optic endoscopy .

  9. 你知道光学纤维对通讯有影响吗?

    Do you know that optical fibers have impact on communications ?

  10. 提高医用光学纤维耦合效率的方法

    The method of increasing coupling efficiency for medical optical fiber

  11. 光辐射在光学纤维波导中的传输

    Transmission of the radiation of light in optical fiber waveguide

  12. 提高多组份玻璃光学纤维透过率的工艺研究

    Process Study for Improving the Transmissivity of Compound-Glass Optical Fibers

  13. 自聚焦光学纤维成象的近轴光学

    The Paraxial Optics of The Image Formation of Selfoc Fibers

  14. 掺杂光学纤维中受激拉曼散射的研究

    A Study on Stimulated Raman Scattering in Doped Optical Fibers

  15. 光学纤维面板熔压设备的研究与开发

    Development of a Vacuum Melt Press for Fiber Optic Plate

  16. 光学纤维在爆轰测试中的应用

    The application of optical fibers on the measurement of detonation

  17. WA-I型光学纤维直接喉镜用于气管内插管的研究

    Use of WA - ⅰ Fibre-optic Laryngoscope in Endotracheal Intubation

  18. 光学纤维直径分析仪测定兔毛纤维细度可行性研究

    Feasibility Study of the OFDA for Measuring Fiber Diameter of Angora Rabbits

  19. 光学纤维已经代替了某些医疗器械中的小电灯。

    Optical fibers have replaced small electric lights in some medical instruments .

  20. (机械学)周转变化的速率。渐变折射率光学纤维

    ( mechanics ) the rate of change of velocity . graded-index optical fiber

  21. 光学纤维探测器量测细菌荧光发射的评价

    Evaluation of a fibre optic probe for measuring immunofluorescence emission from a single bacterium

  22. 提高光学纤维面板气密性的研究

    Study on Air-Tightness of Optical Fiber Fused Plate

  23. 无氧酸强度的计算温度对光学纤维自发喇曼光谱强度的影响

    Effect of Temperature on Intensity of Spontaneous Raman Spectra in Liquid Core Optical Fiber

  24. 光学纤维面板测试技术的新进展

    Development on Testing Technique for Optical Fiber Faceplates

  25. 确定单模渐变平板光波导的折射率分布递级折射率多模式光学纤维

    Refractive Index Profiling of Single-mode Graded-Index Planar Optical Waveguides ; graded index multimode fiber

  26. 本文讨论一种发散型光学纤维,它类似于凹透镜。

    This paper describes a diverging fibre that is analogous to a concave lens .

  27. 红外光学纤维发展近况

    Recent developments of infrared optical fibers

  28. 光学纤维倒象器的研制

    The Fabrication of Fiber Optical Inverter

  29. 本文论述光纤倒像器中扭转光学纤维的形状和尺寸及其特别的传光性能。

    The shape , size and light transmitting ability of the twisted optical fiber are discussed .

  30. 递级折射率多模式光学纤维

    Graded index multimode fiber