
  • 网络pre-exist;pre-existence;pre-existing;preexistence
  1. 请说明“耶稣的先存性”是什么意思?2。

    What does the " pre-existence of Jesus " mean ? 2 .

  2. 那么在序言里就有讲到耶稣的先存,以及他的神性。

    So we get the pre-existence of Jesus and his divinity , right there in the prologue .

  3. 多时相MSS、TM影像分析表明,1997年玛尼7.9级地震是先存地震地表破裂带再次破裂的结果。

    The analysis of multi-phase MSS and TM shows that the surface rupture is re-fracturing along an old fault .

  4. 先存起来,你等会儿会用的到。

    But save that . you 're gonna need it later .

  5. 确定岩石中先存应力状态的声发射法

    Use of acoustic emission method for estimation of preexisting stresses in the rock

  6. 你第一次想先存多少钱?

    How much money would you like to put in the first time ?

  7. 图式是先存知识或背景知识,是人们存储于头脑中所有对世界的一般认识。

    Schema is the background knowledge that is stored in people 's minds .

  8. 基底先存构造对裂陷盆地断层形成和演化的控制作用规律

    The law of basement pre-existing fabric controlling fault formation and evolution in rift basin

  9. 现在认为她的死亡是由这种先存疾病造成的。

    Her death is now thought to have been caused by this pre-existing disease .

  10. 您必在使用程式小手之前先存源指令。

    You must save the resource script before you can use a code assistant .

  11. 我先存300元。

    I 'll start with A300 dollar deposit .

  12. 图式作为一种认知框架,是先存知识或背景知识。

    As a cognitive frame , Schema is interpreted as pre-existent knowledge or background knowledge .

  13. 有了钱以后,人们会先存起一部分,然后再考虑其它需要。

    When they have money , people will save some of them and consider something else .

  14. 图式理论主要研究读者如何运用先存知识来进行文本解读。

    Schemata theory studies how to interpret a text by taking advantage of the reader 's pre-existent knowledge .

  15. 某些断层或断层段继续活动;另一些先存断层在晚更新世以来不再活动;

    Some early-formed faults or fault segments continued to be active , while the others have become inactive .

  16. 基底构造和变形地质体内的先存构造联合控制了研究区内逆冲构造系统沿走向的分段。

    Basement-structure and Pre-structure in the deformationalterrain take a control on the segmentation of Thrust System in this area .

  17. 如果实在需要,永远都先存到硬盘上、然后再打开。

    If the need to do so is there always save the file to your hard drive before doing so .

  18. 听力理解的过程实质上就是听者的先存知识与新输入的信息相互作用、形成意义的过程。

    Observed from this perspective , listening comprehension is virtually an interaction between the pre-existent knowledge and the newly input messages .

  19. 分析表明,先存条件和强意愿性条件只适用于英语中动构成,但在汉语中不起作用。

    It reveals that the Pre-existence Condition and the Strong Volitional Condition only operate in English , but not in Chinese .

  20. 青藏高原东北缘的中卫断裂带在晚更新世以来的左旋走滑运动中,先存的挤压逆掩、逆冲断裂带发生了分化。

    The left-lateral strike-slip movement of the Zhongwei fault zone since late Pleistocene caused the differentiation of preexisting overthrust faults in the zone .

  21. ②在双向挤压应力条件下,先存断裂的前缘部位没有拉伸应力存在,但可能有伸展形变发生;

    Under the above mentioned condition there are no tensile stresses near the tip of faults , but stretch deformation is likely to occur ;

  22. 幕式流体流动是压力和应力的作用引起地层周期性破裂或断裂、先存裂隙周期性开启的结果。

    Episodic fluid flow resulted from the cyclic fracturing or cyclic opening of existing faults and fractures caused by pressure and stress build up .

  23. 圈闭形成过程也是先存圈闭受到改造的过程,改造作用对圈闭有双重作用,既可使圈闭继承性发展又可破坏先存油气圈闭,导致油气的散失和油气二次成藏。

    Reformations have the duplex effect on the formation of the reservoir , which leads to the escape of the petroleum and the succession accumulation .

  24. 世界范围内大量的震例考察表明,历史上或现今地表破裂型地震主要沿先存活动断层发生。

    Worldwide study showed that a large number of earthquake cases , history or current major surface rupture earthquakes occurred along the pre-existing active faults .

  25. 它的发育、展布、组合结构等特征都与先存的南北向断裂紧密相关,并表现出明显的分段活动特性。

    Its characteristics about fault development , fault distribution and fault compound structure are correlate with meridional fault existed early and show a sectional activity .

  26. 图式理论阐明了读者如何利用他们的先存知识理解文章并中获取信息。

    In other words , the schema theory is an explanation of how readers use their preexisting knowledge to comprehend and learn from reading materials .

  27. 简单剪切发生在晚白垩世&早始新世,其动力与太平洋板块俯冲带的后撤、太平洋板块与欧亚板块之间汇聚速率的降低、以及先存北倾缝合带等密切相关。

    The simple shear extension mainly occurred in Late Cretaceous-Early Paleogene , related to slab roll back of Pacific plate , decreasing Paleogene Pacific-Eurasia convergence rate and possible preexisting suture zone .

  28. 褶皱冲断带中的基底卷入构造与先存张性断层挤压复活(反转)的影响,基底卷入变形与盖层薄皮滑脱变形的耦合作用;

    Role of basement involvement and the contractional reactivation ( inversion ) of preexisting extensional faults in many thrust belts , the coupling between basement involved deformation and the sediment cover thin-skinned deformation ;

  29. 6月至7月上半月你有大笔消费,这笔钱恰好派上用场。所以,为这阶段的花费,先存点钱。

    This money will come in handy because it appears you 'll soon enter into a high spending phase in June and the first half of July , so tuck some away for this period .

  30. 受太行山山前断裂带伸展滑脱的区域构造背景条件的控制,邯郸-峰峰矿区的先存断裂在新生代不同程度地重新活动,同时形成一些新断裂。

    Controlled by the regional tectonic background of extensional detachment of the piedmont fault zone of Taihang Mountain , some old faults revived and some new faults formed in Handan-Fengfeng mining area in Cenozoic era .