
  • 网络congenital tumor
  1. 胎儿及新生儿先天性肿瘤15例临床病理分析

    A Clinicopathological Analysis of 15 cases with Congenital Tumors in Fetus and Newborn

  2. 结论胎儿和新生儿先天性肿瘤的发生率极低。

    Conclusion The incidence rate of congenital tumors in fetuses and neonates was very low .

  3. 含短T1信号的颅内先天性肿瘤的MRI表现及信号的病理基础

    MR Imaging Manifestations of Congenital Intracranial Tumors Containing High Signal Intensity on T_1 WI and Their Pathological Bases

  4. 结论:儿童椎管内肿瘤以先天性肿瘤、良性肿瘤居多;

    Conclusion : The spinal canal tumors in Children are mainly benign .

  5. 方法从临床病理学角度,对15例先天性肿瘤的临床、尸体检查和病理资料进行回顾性分析。

    Methods Both clinical manifestations and pathological data of 15 cases with congenital tumor were analysed retrospectively .

  6. 结果23例中先天性肿瘤为最常见类型。

    Results In respect to pathological type , congenital tumor was the most frequent one in 23 patients .

  7. 目的分析胎儿及新生儿先天性肿瘤的一般发生情况,及其对胎儿发育的影响和死亡原因。

    Objective The incidence rate of congenital tumors in fetuses and neonates and its influence on fetal outcome including development and death were analysed .

  8. 血管瘤(Hemangioma,angioma),是多见于婴幼儿的先天性皮肤良性肿瘤。

    Hemangioma is a benign tumor of skin and it is one of the most common inborn tumors of infancy .

  9. 血管瘤:一种新生血管构成的先天性良性皮肤肿瘤。

    Hemangioma : Congenital Benign tumour made of Blood vessels in the skin .

  10. 方法1972~1999年共收治这类先天性椎管内肿瘤36例,其中表皮样囊肿18例,皮样囊肿10例,畸胎瘤8例。

    Methods Thirty - six patients with these kinds of congenital tumors in spinal canal were treated from 1972 to 1999 . There were 18 epidermoid cysts , 10 dermoid cysts and 8 teratomas .

  11. 因先天性疾病、肿瘤、炎症或其它原因引起的广泛气管狭窄在临床上十分常见,需行长段气管的切除和重建,而这一直是困绕着外科医生的难题。

    Clinically extensive tracheal stenosis caused by congenital disease , benign or malignant tumor , inflammation and other reasons is common , and the treatment is long-section tracheal resection and reconstruction which has long been a difficult surgical issue .

  12. 结论:EBCT三维重建图像是诊断和评价血管性病变和复杂部位骨折的可靠方法,对先天性心脏病和肿瘤等病变的定位、分型和治疗前后的评估亦有重要的临床意义。

    Conclusions : Three dimensional reconstructive imaging of EBCT is a very reliable tool in the detection , diagnosis and evaluation of vascular diseases and complex bone fractures , it is important in the evaluation of congenital heart diseases , tumors and other diseases .

  13. 结论:儿童眼眶病以肿瘤和血囊肿最常见,多与先天性、胚胎性肿瘤或先天性发育畸形有关,治疗方法以手术为主。

    Conclusion : Tumor and blood cyst are most common , children orbital diseases which are cor related with congenital , embryonic tumor or congenital deformity . Surgery is the main method for treatment .