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  • 网络late Yuan and early Ming
  1. 元末明初杂剧的市民精神与文化转型

    Public Spirit and Cultural Transformation of Zaju in Late Yuan and Early Ming Dynasty

  2. 宋濂是元末明初著名的史学家和文学家,他的思想和创作对后世产生了重要的影响。

    Song Lian is a well-known historian and literary figure of the late Yuan and early Ming periods , and his thought and works have had an important influence on later generations .

  3. 博山出土的元末明初的玻璃基本为K2OCaOSiO2系玻璃,并采用了Cu,Fe等微量元素作为着色剂。

    While all the glasses unearthed from Boshan primarily belong to K_ ( 2 ) OCaOSiO_ ( 2 ) system , with the Cu and Fe ions as the main coloring elements .

  4. 灰泥状坟墓曾在中国非常流行,特别是元末明初曾经大肆盛行。

    Mortar-cased tombs were popular in China , particularly from the late Yuan to early Ming dynasties .

  5. 元末明初南方两个文学群体成员的交往及其差异

    The Intercourse and Difference among the Members of Two Southern Literary Groups In the Joint Period of Yuan and Ming

  6. 元末明初吴中文学研究综述

    Summary of the Study on Literature of Wuzhong District at the Intersection of the Yuan Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty

  7. 倪瓒生平、交游研究&元末明初社会个案考察

    Studies on Ni Zan 's Life and Friends , Case about History of Social Culture during Late Yuan and Early Ming

  8. 王履是元末明初杰出的画家、医学家、诗人。

    Wang Lv was a distinguished painter , medical scientist , poet at the late of Yuan Dynasty and the beginning of Ming Dynasty .

  9. 倪瓒的遭遇正是元末明初社会政治、经济和文化变迁的反映。

    And Ni Zan 's suffering experiences were the reflection of politics , economy and culture during the period of the late Yuan and the early Ming .

  10. 元末明初女真族的迁徙活动主要分为两个阶段进行,第一阶段从元朝末年到明朝初年。

    Jurchen migration activities at Yuan Mo Ming Chu are divided into two stages , first stage , from the Yuan Dynasty to the early Ming Dynasty .

  11. 论高启与魏观:再论元末明初江南士人之境遇

    To Restudy the Circumstances of the Gentries in Jiangnan during the Late Yuan and Early Ming Period by Focusing on the Cases of Gao Qi and Wei Guan

  12. 元末明初,散居在松花江和黑龙江流域的女真各部,掀起了一场持续百年之久的民族迁徙活动。

    Jurchen ministries which scattered in the Songhua River and Heilongjiang River , set off a continuing migration of the centuries-old ethnic activities at Yuan Mo Ming Chu .

  13. 小说存留了大量的口语、俚语,语言质朴自然,富有浓厚的生活气息,基本上反映了元末明初汉语的面貌。

    Retained a large number of novel oral , slang , language is simple natural , rich flavor of life ; it basically reflects the face of Chinese Yuan and Ming .

  14. 元末明初时期的中国文学在中国文学史上占据着重要地位,是中国传统文学发展的一个重要转折点。

    The history between Yuan and Ming dynasties of Chinese literature in Chinese literature occupies an important position , as an important turning point in the development of traditional Chinese literature .

  15. 高校家政专业渗透通识教育理念的教学思考梁寅是元末明初著名的理学家、教育家,明初五大学问家之一。

    The Reflection on Teaching of Home Economics with the Concept of General Education in Colleges Liang Ying was a famous scholar of Neo-Confucianism and educationist in the early Ming dynasty .

  16. 通过与其同时代的贾仲明的记录证实:罗贯中生活于元末明初。贾仲明于1364年遇到了罗贯中,其记录上说罗贯中是太原人。

    Luo Guanzhong is confirmed to have lived in the end of Yuan Dynasty and early Ming Dynasty by the contemporary record by Jia Zhongming , who met him in 1364 .

  17. 岭南文化教育始于秦,创立及发展于汉、唐,完善于宋,兴盛于元末明初。

    The culture and education of Ling Nan was originated in Qing dynasty , formed and developed in Han Tang dynasty , consummated in Song dynasty and thrived in Yuan Ming dynasty .

  18. 张羽作为吴中四杰之一,活跃于吴中诗坛,是元末明初一位有重要影响的诗人。

    As one of the " four outstanding poets in Wuzhong district ", Zhang Yu is an important poet in Wuzhong poetic world at the turning period between Yuan and Ming Dynasties .

  19. 本文从对逸民遗民的界定入手,研究了身处元末明初的倪瓒心态及思想的变化,从而廓清了倪瓒在元明易祚之际逸民遗民身份及心理变化。

    This article starts from the definitions of hermits and adherents of a former dynasty , studies the mental change of Nizan who lived in the transition period from Yuan to Qing dynasty ;

  20. 山东地区元代壁画墓同全国其他地区壁画墓一样,元代中后期走向衰落,元末明初,退出历史舞台。

    Just like mural tombs in other areas in China , these mural tombs gradually declined in the late period of Yuan Dynasty and exited the stage of history in early Ming Dynasty .

  21. 刘基是元末明初著名的政治家、思想家、文学家,辅佐明太祖朱元璋扫除江南割据势力,建立了明王朝。

    Liu Ji is the famous politicians , thinkers , writers in early Ming dynasty . His assistant , remove the first Ming emperor southern separatist forces , the establishment of the Ming dynasty .

  22. 所以,我从这三部小说入手,首先研究元代的市民文学精神,再研究元末明初的市民文学。

    So , I start with these three novels , the first literary study of the public spirit of the Yuan Dynasty , second , study members of the public literature between Yuan and Ming dynasties .

  23. 确立元末明初第一代移民营造的民居为研究基型后,以此为研究模型基点。

    By establishing the folk dwelling that influenced by the first generation immigrants in the " late Yuan and early Qing " period as a basic type , the research model set it as the starting points .

  24. 苏州古胥门及瓮城遗址的调查和发掘,为了解苏州元末明初的城市结构及营造方式提供了新的第一手资料。

    The investigation and excavation of Ancient Gate of Xu and Weng city wall site of Suzhou provided the study on the city construct and building mode of Suzhou from later Yuan to earlier Ming dynasty with new data .

  25. 发源于元末明初,是一种格律严谨、形式完备、声腔婉转悦耳、音乐柔媚悠长的演唱艺术。

    Starting from the late Yuan Dynasty and early Ming Dynasty , Kunqu Opera is a performance and singing art with strict rules and forms , complete patterns , graceful and pleasant tunes , and gentle , lingering music .

  26. 元末明初,由于自然条件适宜、交通便利,山东鲁西南一带就开始种植棉花,为江南棉纺织业提供原料。

    Because of the feasible climate and convenient traffic condition , cotton had been planted in the southwest Shandong province since Yuan and Ming dynasty , and be provided for the spin industry of regions south of the Yangtze River .

  27. 元末明初景德镇瓷器演变规律研究长期以来在学术界乃至国际学术界一直是一个热点、难点课题。

    For a long time , there is always a hot and difficult subject in the academic and even the international academic community , the evolution law of Jingdezhen ceramic at the end of Yuan dynasty and beginning Of Ming dynasty .

  28. 第二部分从对监察制度的继承和发展,元末明初吏治的腐败和整伤吏治的需要,以及封建皇权断加强的需要方面阐述了明代行政监察制度产生的历史背景。

    The second part of the inheritance and development of monitoring systems , Yuan and Ming Official corruption and the need for the entire injury , and the feudal imperial power off the needs to strengthen administrative supervision system of the Ming Dynasty described the historical background .

  29. 元末到明初的地方社会,是一个乡豪权力支配的社会。

    Local society was under the control of local bullies during the late Yuan and early Ming dynasties .