
  • 网络Allowable dose;KGy
  1. 超允许剂量γ线照射后眼晶状体混浊观察

    Observation on lenticular opacity by over dose γ - ray radiation

  2. 其结果大大超出国外学者提出低分子量亚硝胺在食品中的允许剂量(5~10ppb)。

    The results exceeded the permissive level of nitrosamine ( 5-10ppb ) in food which was suggested by foreign scholar .

  3. 中子辐射剂量当量远低于国家和部颁标准,更低于国际防护委员会推荐的中子辐射允许剂量当量最大值。

    The dose equivalent of neutron radiation is very low , the measured value is far below the national and ministry issued standards of permissible dose equivalent .

  4. 在英国等国家,由于法律仅允许小剂量销售扑热息痛之类的药物,自杀率已经显著下降。

    In countries like Britain , suicide rates have fallen significantly thanks to legislation that allows drugs such as paracetamol to be sold only in small quantities .

  5. 根据麻萨诸塞州法律,合成药物只允许生产小剂量的定做的处方药。

    Under Massachusetts law , compounding pharmacies are only permitted to make small doses of made-to-order prescription drugs .

  6. 因此,在可允许的辐照剂量下,大多数被辐照的食物仍不能被完全灭菌并会继续腐坏。

    Thus , at the irradiation doses likely to be permitted most irradiated food will not be sterile and will continue to spoil .

  7. 专家认为1000毫克是允许的最大剂量,建议减少,他们说这个剂量太大,成年人每次不得超过650毫克。

    The experts recommended reducing the largest non-prescription dose of acetaminophen from one thousand milligrams . They said that is too much . They said adults should not take more than six hundred fifty milligrams at a time .

  8. 方法:采用一日内最高允许浓度、最大剂量灌胃测其毒性的实验方法。

    Methods : To adopt daily Maximum concentration and dose to fill the stomach and detect its toxicity .