
jiàn měi yùn dònɡ
  • bodybuilding
  1. 健美运动是锻炼肌肉最为有效的体育项目。

    Bodybuilding is the most effective sports event exercising the muscles .

  2. 试论开展健美运动的必要性

    On the Necessity of Developing Bodybuilding Sport

  3. 进一步提高健美运动水平,已成为高校体育改革一个重点之一。

    Aerobics further raise the level , college sports reform has become a priority .

  4. 健美运动对青少年体态的影响

    The effect of vigorous and graceful sport for teenagers ' figure

  5. 健美运动对女大学生甲襞微循环的影响

    Effect of Calisthenics on the Nailfold Microcirculation in Female College Student

  6. 靶心率在制定健美运动处方中的应用

    Application of Target Heart Rate in Making Fit Appearance Exercise Prescription

  7. 健美运动处方教学对大学生健身意识和课外锻炼的影响

    Influence of Prescription Teaching on University Students ' Fitness Awareness and Extracurricular Exercise

  8. 越来越多的人喜欢上了健美运动。

    More and more people go in for body-building .

  9. 健美运动的社会调查

    INVESTIGATION Exercise . The Social Investigation of Body-building

  10. 健美运动也曾出现在多哈亚运会的赛场上。

    Body-building as a sports event has also appeared in the Doha Asian Games .

  11. 健美运动在南京地区部分高校、企事业单位及健身馆开展状况的调查

    An Investigation on Body-building Movement in Nanjing Area

  12. 健美运动中快速增长肌肉的方法

    Ways to Strengthen Muscle Rapidly in Gymnastic

  13. 健美运动已成为人们现代生活的主要内容之一。

    Body building have become one of the main parts of man 's modern life .

  14. 男性大学生健美运动处方

    Aerobic prescription for male college students

  15. 系列健美运动器械。

    Serial body building apparatus .

  16. 论健美运动的健身、健心效果

    The Fitness Effect of Bodybuilding

  17. 大学生参加健身、健美运动的心理效应探因

    An investigation into the psychological effects of the university students participating the physical fitness exercises and body building

  18. 结论:健美运动对女大学生甲襞微循环具有明显的改善作用,参加健美运动可以提高女大学生的身体素质,是值得提倡的健身运动。

    Conclusion : calisthenics is worth advocating , for it can improve nailfold microcirculation and body consitution of female college students .

  19. 健美运动有其独特的性质与功能能够很全面的提高学生的体质,解决学生身体健康问题。

    The nature and function of bodybuilding can be very comprehensive to improve students ' physical fitness , students solve health problems .

  20. 随着健美运动在我国的开展,我国竞技健美运动员在国际赛场上也取得了一系列的成绩。

    With the development of Body-building in China , our competitive bodybuilders in the International Competitions have also made a series of achievements .

  21. 竞技健美运动审美评价包括对竞技健美运动员的体形、肌肉形态、动作造型、表现力及音乐等的评价。

    Aesthetic evaluation of competitive bodybuilding sports including competitive athletes , body aerobics , muscle morphology , motion design and music , such as expression evaluation .

  22. 上世纪80年代初期,我国开始实施改革开放的新政策,为中国健美运动的发展铺平了道路。

    80 In the early beginning , because of the implementation of the policy of reform and opening up , initiated the development of Chinese sports aerobics .

  23. 结果表明,采用健美运动处方锻炼为主的实验班学生,身体形态改善的效果好于实验前和对照班。

    The result shows that students who take exercises with sports recipe in experiment class have better effect in improving their shapes than before and the comparison class .

  24. 竞技健美运动是表现人体外形健、力、美的体育项目,是一门人体修塑的体育学科。

    Competitive Aerobic exercise is the performance of the human body shape health , power , beauty of sports , a human body are plastic repair of PE subjects .

  25. 纵观目前竞技健美运动方面的科学研究,关于我国男子竞技健美运动现状调查方面的研究还为零。

    At present , take a broad view of the scientific research of bodybuilding exercises . The research of the present investigation about bodybuilding exercises of Chinese men is still zero .

  26. 这个发现对于蛋白质奶昔的广泛流行构成了挑战,健美运动者曾一直依赖它,而普通人现在喝蛋白质奶昔,则是因为相信它可以让他们变强壮。

    The finding calls into question the popularity of protein shakes , which were once used by bodybuilders but are now consumed by ordinary people who believe they make them stronger .

  27. 结果显示:我国大众健身健美运动的科学素养低下,而促使其提高的举措和机制匮乏。

    The results indicate that the public scientific attainment of setting-up and body-building of our country is lower and there are lack of the measures and mechanism which can promote it .

  28. 它并非指某一个单一的项目,而是一个广义的概念,是所有健身运动项目的概念,包括健美运动、康复健身、形体雕塑及娱乐健身等。

    It does not refer to a single item , but the concept of a broad sense , all fitness sports concept , including aerobics , fitness , body sculpture and entertainment .

  29. 认为健身健美运动是一项有益于人类身心,有益于社会的具有综合效能与作用的运动。

    Fitness and body-building activity is a kind of activities with comprehensive effect and function , which is beneficial not only to our body and mind , but also to our society .

  30. 那时我知道,我迷上了这项运动,这将是我要做的事情,我将从事举重和健美运动。

    that I was in love with that , and this is going to be something that I 'm going to do . I 'm going to pursue the sport of weightlifting and bodybuilding .