
  • 网络false diamond;diamond;fake diamonds
  1. “你去年是不是卖给他一些假钻石?”

    " You sold him some fake diamonds last year , didn 't you ?"

  2. 所有的假钻石都有一个共同点:没有任何杂质和瑕疵。

    All fake diamonds have one thing in common , none have any inclusions or internal blemishes .

  3. 穿的是AA的简单灰色T恤,波浪边短裤,还有假钻石项链。

    I was wearing a simple grey American Apparel t-shirt , scalloped shorts and rhinestone necklace .

  4. 你能辨别假钻石和真钻石吗?

    Can you distinguish between false diamonds and genuine ones ?

  5. 理想剪切,八心八箭从电视购物,孰真孰假钻石。

    Ideal Cut , Hearts and Arrows diamond from TV Shopping , true or NOT .