
  • 网络right of obligatory claim
  1. 预告登记的性质为临时登记,是通过赋予被登记的以不动产物权变动为目的的债权请求权以物权效力,担保该权利实现的特殊登记,为债权担保手段。

    The nature of notice registration is temporary registration which grants registered right of obligatory claim for the purpose of the change of real property validity of real right and guarantees to realize the right of obligatory claim .

  2. 物权请求权、债权请求权与债权关系的解析

    Relationship Among Right of Real Claim , Right of Obligatory Claim and Obligatory Right

  3. 该制度通过赋予债权请求权以类似于物权的效力来实现对债权人利益的保护。

    This system functions through endowing obligatory claim with the force similar to that of real right .

  4. 本章从债权请求权的角度对劳动报酬权的法律保护进行研究。

    This chapter makes a further research on labor remuneration right legal system from the perspective of obligatory right .

  5. 占有人可以通过自力救济、物上请求权以及债权请求权的行使等多种方式来保护其占有的利益。

    They could protect the interests of their possession through self-help , exercise claims of real rights and creditor rights .

  6. 为了保护预购人债权请求权最终得到实现,保障预购人的权利,预告登记制度应运而生。

    Notice registration system came into being in order to protect the right for claiming request of pre-buyer to ultimately be realized .

  7. 遵循这些理论基准,排除不适用诉讼时效制度的部分权利,诉讼时效制度应当只适用于财产性的债权请求权。

    Follow these norms , The Limitation of Action should only be applicable to the Limitation of claims in the Property claim .

  8. 合同法是以合同债权请求权为核心、以形成权、抗辩权等权利群为对造构成的合同权利规范体系。

    Contract law is a rights system in contract cored by right to claim by a contract , consisting right of formation , right to defense and other rights .

  9. 确立知识产权请求权的意义在于,其与债权请求权一并构成了知识产权私法保护的制度基础。

    The definition of claim of intellectual property has brought meaning here as it formed the institutional basis of private law protection of intellectual property with claim of credit .

  10. 经预告登记的债权请求权对指向的不动产产生排他的效力,使其成为物权化债权。

    The obligation right of claim through the advance notice registration generates an exclusive power towards the directed immovable property , causing it to become a typical property claims .

  11. 动产交付请求权性质上为债权请求权,包括请求交付的权利和请求更正交付的权利。

    In nature , the right to petition of consignment is a kind of right to petition of obligatory right , including the right of requesting to consign and to correct the consignment .

  12. 真实权利人基于债权请求权、物上侵权请求权、不当得利请求权实现其权利的救济,请求权发生竞合,真实权利人可以择一而行之。

    Real human rights claim based on claims , property claims on the infringement , unjust enrichment claim their rights to achieve relief , occurrence of competing claims , one can choose a real right of the line .

  13. 从民事权利种类体系出发,结合各类型权利的特质分析,诉讼时效只适用于债权请求权及其救济权。

    From the analysis of the category system of civil rights , and the characteristics of various rights , it can be concluded that statute of limitation is only applicable to the right to claim and the right to relief .

  14. 确认物权实质上是物权请求权行使的前提,是诉讼法上而非实体法上的权利;恢复原状与损害赔偿有着极为密切的关系,都是债权请求权。

    Recognition rights is the precondition to execute right of the real claim , as a right on procedural law rather than on the substantive law ; damages and restitution are obligatory claims , between which have a very close relationship .

  15. 缔约过失责任是一种特殊责任制度,其作为一项独立的请求权,与合同、侵权、不当得利和无因管理的请求权一起构成了债权请求权的完整体系。

    Fault Liability of Conclusion of Treaty is a special kind of responsibility system . It is a independent right , which combines with the independent rights of contract , tort , improperly received profit , voluntary service to form the complete system .

  16. 预告登记制度在国外民法中历史较为悠久,对以物权变动为目的债权请求权具有独特的担保功能,但在我国民法上是崭新的。

    The institution of notice registration has a long history in foreign civil law and the unique function of guarantee to the obligatory claim that is for the purpose of the change of real right . However , it is brand new in our civil law .

  17. 预告登记是当事人所期待的不动产物权变动所需要的条件缺乏或尚未成就时,为保护其取得未来的物权之债权请求权而对其进行的登记。

    Advanced registration is made for the protection the claims the right to request for future property right of parties when the conditions that the changing for real estate property right which is expected by parties is needed are lack of or have not yet a achieved .

  18. 公司债权人和公司是一种契约请求关系,债权人可依据契约对公司行使债权请求权,而不能如公司董事一样参与公司整个良性运作过程。

    Creditors of the company and the company is a contract request relationship , the creditor may in accordance with the contract the right to request the company to exercise claims , but not as directors of the Company as involved in the process of the whole benign operation .

  19. 与此不同的是,传统上被视为物权请求权的返还财产、排除妨害和消除危险,基于我国的立法模式和现实需求,也可作为债权请求权看待。

    This difference is that has traditionally been regarded as a real right to claim the return of property , removal of obstacles and eliminate the danger , based on the mode of the legislative and practical needs of our country , but also claim as a creditor look .

  20. 引言部分主要说明不当得利返还请求权是一种债权请求权,并介绍目前学界对不当得利返还请求权的研究状况以及我国的相关立法状况,说明选题的原因和意义。

    The part of the forewords prove mainly that it is a kind of creditor 's rights to ask for the unjust enrichment , introduce the current research in academic circle and relevant legislative state of our country , and states the reason and value of the selected title .

  21. 因债权为请求权,债权人对于债务人的财产没有直接的支配权只能请求债务人履行义务;不能以债权对抗第三人。

    The creditor has no right to dominate the property of the debtor directly , because his right is a claim . He is only allowed to request that the debtor performs his obligations and not claim his rights against the third party .

  22. 劳动报酬权是一种继续性给付债权而不是定期给付债权或分期给付债权,劳动报酬请求权应当适用统一的诉讼时效和较长的诉讼时效期间。

    The author insists that labor reward requesting right is a kind of continuous payment creditor right , hence a uniform prescription of action and longer duration of prescription should be applied .

  23. 请求权与债权之关系的理论误区有破产欺诈行为的债权人的债权请求权后置。

    On the Theoretical Errors of the Relationship between the Claim and the Credit Trustee in bankruptcy or creditors can apply withdraw to the court .

  24. 首先从权利的内容的角度来说,它属于债权而非物权;从权利的作用或权能的角度,它属于债权请求权,而非形成权。

    First , speaking from the content of the right of control , it belongs to the right of creditor rather than property right ; speaking from the role of the right or right power , it belongs to the right of claim instead of forming right .