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tǎng ruò
  • if;supposing;in case;provided that;in the event of
倘若 [tǎng ruò]
  • [if;in case;provided that;in the event of]。用在偏正复句的偏句中,表示假设关系,相当于如果、假使。多用于书面语

  • 你倘若有困难,我定设法相助

倘若[tǎng ruò]
  1. 倘若我们再次见面,我希望他还记得我为他做的事。

    If and when we ever meet again I hope he remembers what I did for him .

  2. 倘若发现情况,立即报告。

    If you find anything unusual , report immediately .

  3. 她倘若接受,那她就是个傻瓜。

    She 'd be a fool to accept it .

  4. 倘若没有延误,我们应该在今晚完工。

    We should finish by tonight , barring hold-ups .

  5. 当然了,倘若价格合适,我们将采购你们的全部产品。

    We 'll buy everything you produce , provided of course the price is right .

  6. 倘若那些俱乐部真的赚了,那么球员就会获得一大笔奖金。

    Let us assume those clubs actually win something . Then players will receive large bonuses

  7. 倘若他真是君子,他会付这笔钱的。

    If he is anything of a gentleman , he will pay the money .

  8. 倘若你有任何特别的需要,我们的空中服务员会尽量给予协助。

    Should you have any special needs , our flight attendants will do their best to accommodate you .

  9. 倘若你的行为能激励他人想得多,学得多,做得多,收益多,那么你就有领导之将才。

    If your actions inspire others to dream more , learn more , do more and become more , you are a leader .

  10. 如果你呼吸的空气是干净的——倘若你远离城市的雾霾,空气应该是干净的——那么空气里满是让人充满活力与生命力的氧气。

    If the air you 're breathing is clean-which it would be if you 're away from the smog of cities-then the air is filled with life-giving , energizing oxygen .

  11. 倘若所有的星星消失或者消亡,

    Were all stars to disappear or die

  12. 倘若出自妻子之口,则必定会被人认为是妒妇。

    If a wife said this , she would be considered to be a jealous wife .

  13. 倘若无法产生同样的感情,

    If equal affection cannot be ,

  14. 能恢复视觉固然好,但灾难也能对人产生奇妙的作用。有一天我突然想到,倘若我不是盲人,我或许不会变得像现在这样热爱生活。

    It occurred to me the other day that I might not have come to love life as I do if I hadn ' t been blind .

  15. 倘若A不用B的球杆,他就不会被处罚。

    No , provided he did not use any of Bs clubs .

  16. 而倘若约束C原则具有普遍性,就应该作用于英语之外的其它语言,譬如汉语。

    Given the universal property of Principle C , the effects of Principle C should also be found in other languages , for example , the Chinese language .

  17. 前面说过,倘若SOA和重用只是耍耍嘴皮子,那么它们注定要失败。

    As mentioned previously , if SOA and reuse are only given lip service , then they are bound to fail .

  18. 爱尔兰对自己的国家税收政策进行了辩护,并表示,倘若欧盟委员会的裁定不利于自己,就将立即向欧洲法院(EuropeanCourtofJustice)提起上诉。

    Ireland defends its national tax policy and has said that it will appeal immediately to the European Court of Justice if the decision goes against it .

  19. 倘若CEO们要在这个收益发布季节合唱一曲的话,他们或许会不约而同地提及强大的美元。

    If there was a chorus to be sung this earnings season , CEOs would probably reference the mighty greenback in harmony .

  20. 倘若处于该种情况,那由于行星X正指向太空,阔别了太阳,地球也同样会实验着这么做。

    If this is the stance , then since Planet X is pointing OUT into space , away from the Sun , then the Earth will attempt to do likewise .

  21. 倘若SketchUp的功能能在Eclipse插件内实现,那就更棒了。

    It would be even better if SketchUp 's capabilities were implemented inside an Eclipse plug-in .

  22. 倘若web服务器发生故障,web场入口点(通常是一个路由器或者反向代理服务器)应该能够将请求重新发送到下一个web服务器(如图1所示)。

    The web farm entry point ( commonly a router or reverse proxy server ) should be able to re-route requests to the next available web server in the event of web server failure ( as in Figure 1 ) .

  23. 倘若我14岁的儿子Raymond晚上想要带女孩子们回家或者吸烟呢?

    What if my teenage son , 14-year-old Raymond , wanted to bring girls home every night and smoke ?

  24. 倘若中国受困于高失业率,人民币贬值(假定不会加剧贸易紧张和招致报复)将刺激GDP增长,并降低失业率。

    If China were suffering from high unemployment , devaluing the currency , assuming that it does not increase trade tensions and invite retaliation , would boost GDP growth and lower unemployment .

  25. 倘若欧元区能够接受其纾困基金的评级为AA级,将移除在为受困国家融资方面的自我约束。

    If the eurozone accepted a double A rating for its rescue fund , it would lift a self-imposed constraint on the funding it can raise for troubled states .

  26. 可按自己的愿望返回任意类型,但倘若不想返回任何东西,就可指示方法返回void(空)。

    You can return any type you want , but if you don 't want to return anything at all , you do so by indicating that the method returns void .

  27. 爱尔兰国立高威大学(NationalUniversityofIreland,Galway)经济学教授约翰麦克黑尔(JohnMcHale)辩称,在自我存续的偿付危机中,倘若满足若干条件,官方政策能够恢复金融健康。

    John McHale , economics professor at the National University of Ireland , Galway , has argued that official policy can restore financial health in a self-perpetuating solvency crisis , provided a number of conditions are met .

  28. 倘若没有sessionKey和验证token,就意味着用户需要登录到Facebook并获得一个新的会话和验证键。

    If there is no sessionKey and no authentication token that implies that the user needs to log in to the Facebook and get a new session and auth key .

  29. 倘若主数据库发生故障,客户端将接收到一个连接错误,使用ACR设置中存储的信息自动尝试连接备用系统。

    In the event of primary database failure , the client will receive a connection failure and will attempt to connect to the standby system automatically using the information stored in the ACR settings .

  30. 然而,倘若tomorrownow一案吸引了如此多关注,也是因为该行业产生了新一轮重大对抗。

    Yet if the tomorrownow trial has attracted so much attention , it is also because of a new epic rivalry in the industry .
