• so that;in order to do
  • 使:~便考查。~众周知。


[书] (使得; 使之) in order to do; so that:

  • 俾众周知

    so as to make sth. known to everyone; for the information of all;

  • 对该项工程应予大力支持,俾能按期完成。

    We should give this project every support so that it may be completed on schedule.

  1. 对该项工程应予大力支持,俾能按期完成。

    We should give this project every support so that it may be completed on schedule .

  2. 某些人,令人几乎想催他们赶快早死,俾便将他们的信件公开。

    There is certain people whom one almost feel inclined to urge to hurry up and die so that their letter can be published .

  3. 在与卡夫的自拍照丑闻曝光之后,俾路支透露,她收到死亡威胁,并请求巴基斯坦内政部(InteriorMinistry)保护自己。

    After the scandal over the photos with Mr. Qavi , Ms. Baloch had revealed that she was receiving threats , and she appealed to Pakistan 's Interior Ministry for protection .

  4. 方法:俾士麦棕法显示胃癌MC,单克隆抗体CD34标记血管内皮。

    Methods : Bismark brown staining method was used for the observation of MC , and monoclonal antibody CD43 was used for marking the endothelial surface .

  5. 方法用免疫组织化学方法和俾士麦棕法分别检测100例乳腺癌组织中增殖细胞核抗原(PCNA)和肥大细胞(MC)。

    Methods Immunohistochemical method and Bismark brown staining were used respectively for the observation of proliferating cell nuclear antigen ( PCNA ) and mast cell ( MC ) .

  6. 最后根据临界流速v。的公式和考虑流速影响的含沙量公式,讨论了振动管的设计原则,俾有助于提高振动管式含沙量的测量精度和稳定性。

    On the basis of the formula of critical velocity of flow and the formula ( 11 ), the principle to design a vibratory pipe , and to improve the sensibility and stability of instrument are discussed .

  7. 拉合尔的数字权利基金会(DigitalRightsFoundation)的执行总监妮格特·达德(NighatDad)是在网上发布称赞俾路支的请愿书的女权主义团体成员。她说自己在Twitter上发表关于此案的帖子之后,遭到前所未有的强烈反对。

    Nighat Dad , the Lahore-based executive director of the Digital Rights Foundation and a member of the feminist collective that posted the petition celebrating Ms. Baloch , said that after writing on Twitter about the case , she had received an unprecedented backlash .

  8. 西部的中心区域俾路支省(Balochistan)有一个很高的沙漠高原,与较低的山脉相接。

    West-central Balochistan has a high desert plateau , bordered by low mountain ranges .

  9. 俾路支原名福齐娅·阿齐姆(FauziaAzeem),出生在旁遮普省某小镇的一个贫穷家庭。她说自己被迫在17岁时结婚。

    Born Fauzia Azeem into a poor family in a small town in Punjab Province , Ms. Baloch said she was forced into marriage at age 17 .

  10. 为避免不稳定问题的产生,并使相位差保持在容许限度以内,采用了5×5m的网格,时间的步长为0.5s,俾能精确模拟周期大于4s的波分量。

    To avoid instability problems and to keep the phase errors within acceptable limits , a grid size of 5m and a time step of 0.Ss have been adopted , giving an accurate simulation of wave components with periods longer than 4s .

  11. 里姆·维西(ReemWasay)在《黎明》报上谈论俾路支时写道:“她的品味值得怀疑,她公开嘲笑我们的愤怒,不过她能让我们很多人支持她,因为她太不可思议了,我们几乎认为她是不可战胜的。”

    Reem Wasay wrote of Ms. Baloch in Dawn : " She had questionable taste and she openly mocked our outrage , but she made a lot of us root for her because she was so unbelievable we almost thought she was invincible . "

  12. 巴基斯坦俾路支问题的发展及其前景

    Development and Prospect of Pakistan 's " Baluchistan Issue "

  13. 他是巴基斯坦少数民族俾路支人。

    He is Baloch , an ethnic minority in Pakistan .

  14. 你读过阿俾徨史怀彻的传记吗?

    Have you read the life of Albert schweitzer ?

  15. 团结去唱俾你听。

    We stand united screaming for you to listen .

  16. 原始居民是俾格米部落。

    The original inhabit-ants were a tribe of pygmies .

  17. 批我个头俾你当凳坐。

    Cut my head and let you sit on it as a chair .

  18. 唔写,佢唔写信俾我。

    No , he does not write to me .

  19. 等我揽住你或者俾我住系你个心度。

    Let me embrace you or let me live in your heart to eternty .

  20. 俾路支和印度河平原的铜石并用时代文化

    Chalcolithic Cultures in Baluchistan and the Indus Plains

  21. 唔打,佢唔打电话俾我。

    No , he does not call me .

  22. 俾路支女士也是,她的艺名显然来源于此。

    Ms. Baloch was , too , and that apparently inspired her stage name .

  23. 几年前,一个奄奄一息的妇女就不远万里从俾路支省赶到医院,而她的交通工具仅为一头路蛇。

    Several years ago , a half-dead woman came from Baluchistan Province by camel .

  24. 俾路支不公开谈论自己的家庭或个人生活。

    Ms. Baloch did not talk about her family or personal life in public .

  25. 还有8名激进分子在俾路支省被击毙,其中包括一名塔利班高级指挥官。

    Another eight were killed in southwestern Baluchistan province , including a senior Taliban commander .

  26. 把某物固定或紧固于某处俾人注目;展示某物

    Fix or fasten sth in a place where it will be seen ; display sth

  27. 绑架发生在奎达地区,那里是巴基斯坦俾路支省的首府。

    The kidnapping occurred in Quetta , the regional capital of Pakistan 's Balochistan province .

  28. 俾个合理既解释我!

    I need a reasonable explanation !

  29. 她说,巴基斯坦已经有数百人这样失踪,特别是在俾路支省。

    She says scores of people have disappeared in the country , especially in Baluchistan Province .

  30. 请留下您的评语和建议,俾使我在下一篇,能写得更加满意

    Please leave your comments and suggestions , to enable the next one I can write better