
xiū bǔ
  • repair;patch;mend;patch up;piece;revamp;cobble
修补 [xiū bǔ]
  • (1) [mend;patch up;repair]

  • (2) 修理破损之物使之完好

  • (3) 修正补充

  • 请帮我修补一下裤子

  • 马路从未修补过

修补[xiū bǔ]
  1. 几个前FDA官员说,2003年,FDA计划修补进口食品检验方式,被称为“进口战略计划”,但是因为预算局促被搁置。

    An FDA plan to revamp the way it inspects imports , called the Import Strategic Plan , was completed in2003 , but shelved because of budgetary constraints , several former FDA officials said .

  2. 为什么育碧软件决定要修补魔法门的宇宙呢?

    Why did Ubisoft decide to revamp the M & M universe ?

  3. 按照下面的说明下载并安装修补程序。

    Follow the instructions below to download and install the patch .

  4. 几个渔夫坐在木桶上修补渔网。

    Several fishermen sat on wooden barrels , tending their nets .

  5. 一根撑木出现了裂痕,有几处已进行了粗略的修补。

    One strut had fractured and been crudely repaired in several places

  6. 他们开始修补木建部分,粉刷墙壁。

    They started to mend the woodwork and paint the walls

  7. 有个人帮我修补扎破的轮胎。

    Somebody helped me mend the puncture .

  8. 我们可以修补这些破洞。

    We can patch up those holes

  9. 其中一个机修工卸下坏轮胎,把它带回维修站修补。

    One of the mechanics took off the damaged tyre , and took it back to the station to be patched .

  10. 他冲过那个人正在修补的一个缺口。

    He pushed through a gap which the man was repairing .

  11. 在我小时候,母亲常常给我修补鞋子。

    My mother used to mend my shoes when I was young .

  12. 你衣服上修补的地方几乎看不出来。

    The mend in your dress scarcely shows .

  13. 它与DIY网站iFixit合作,教消费者如何在家修补衣服,比如防水外套。

    It has partnered with DIY website iFixit to teach consumers how to repair their clothing , such as waterproof outerwear , at home .

  14. 顾客们不再丢弃破旧的牛仔裤,而是将其修补翻新。

    Instead of discarding their old worn-out jeans , customers bring them in to be renewed .

  15. 目前,巴塔哥尼亚每年在他们位于内华达州里诺市的服务中心修补约4万件服装。

    Currently , Patagonia repairs about 40,000 garments a year in their Reno , Nevada , service center .

  16. 该公司甚至可以邮寄修理工具和提供线上教学视频,让客户可以在家中学习如何修补牛仔裤。

    The company even provides mail-order repair kits and online videos , so that customers can learn how to fix a pair of jeans at home .

  17. 套筒冠修复体的最主要优势是可修补性

    The primary advantage of a telescopic prosthesis is its retrievability .

  18. 他在修补破杯子。

    He is mending a broken cup .

  19. 这件睡衣有许多修补过的地方。

    This pyjamas has many repairs .

  20. 破损的电缆可以通过将之拖出水面来修补,该过程耗时数周,这和修理被割草机切断的电线是同一个原理。

    Cables can be repaired in weeks by pulling them up and patching – much like you might fix a power cable sliced through by a lawnmower .

  21. 过热处理对人类食管癌细胞及中国仓鼠细胞DNA修补能力的抑制作用

    Inhibition of DNA repair ability of human esophageal cancer cell and CHO-K1 cell by hyperthermia

  22. 本文对三角网格模型上的孔洞修补及分片光滑B样条曲面的拟合技术进行了研究。

    Hole repairing in triangular mesh models and piecewise smooth B-Spline surfaces fitting have been studied in this dissertation .

  23. 腹腔镜胃十二肠溃疡穿孔修补辅助H2受体拮抗剂治疗急性胃十二指肠溃疡穿孔

    Summarization of laparoscopic gastroduodenal ulcer perforation repair combined with H_2 receptor antagonist in treatment of gastroduodenal ulcer perforation

  24. 方法将5年内收治的286例上消化道穿孔病人分成A、B两组,A组行带血管蒂大网膜束填塞一针修补、大网膜束缝合覆盖;

    Methods 286 patients , which admitted in our hospital in 5 years were divided into Group A and Group B randomly .

  25. CAS浸渍管修补料的研制

    Development of the Patching Material for CAS Impregnated Tube

  26. 结论采用EC耳脑胶明胶海绵肌筋膜或肌片贴敷法修补上矢状窦破裂出血,简单实用,效果可靠,值得临床推广应用。

    Conclusion Repairing superior sagittal sinus rupture with EC glue is reliable , easy and worth popularizing .

  27. 目的:评价在良性前列腺增生(BPH)开放手术的同时行经腹膜前腹股沟疝修补术的疗效。

    Objective : To evaluate the effect of simultaneous open prostatectomy and preperitoneal inguinal herniorrhaphy .

  28. 基于二阶梯度图的Canny检测边缘修补方法

    A Patching Method for Edges Detected by Canny Detector Based on Two-step Gradient Image

  29. 接着IBM支持小组将维护WASCE并使其与开发人员所需的最新修补程序保持同步。

    And going forward , the IBM support team will maintain WAS CE and keep it up to date with the latest patches developers need .

  30. 此外,所有这些工具包都是开源的,所以可以对其进行定制,以满足自己的需求,或者在出现bug的时候进行修补。

    Moreover , all of these toolkits are open source , so you can customize them to suit your needs or fix bugs that arise .