
xiū zhī
  • prune
修枝 [xiū zhī]
  • [prune] 切除或割断、砍掉多余的树枝

  • 修枝的最好时间

修枝[xiū zhī]
  1. 建议以10和12cm作为杉木的适宜修枝强度。

    Pruning with intensities of 10 and 12 cm were recommended for Chinese fir .

  2. 实验选取株行距1m×10m的毛白杨和花生间作田,研究修枝对间作田不同水平位置的光照及花生产量和生物量的影响。

    In order to study the effect of pruning on light density , yield and biomass of peanut in poplar-crop intercropping system , experiments were done in poplar-peanut intercropping field .

  3. 不是梅树,是他们在修枝剪叶(Prune:梅子/修剪)。

    It 's not a prune tree . They pruned the tree .

  4. 选择修枝木,每年对其进行1次修枝,修枝强度为4种规定树干直径(6、8、10和12cm)以下的所有枝条。

    ( Selected ) trees were pruned once a year to remove all branches to 4 predetermined stem diameters ( 6,8,10 and 12 cm ) .

  5. 5a的研究结果表明,林龄20~30a的白桦天然林最适林分密度为1100株·hm-2,修枝强度不应超过1/2树高。

    The 5-year study indicates that the optimal thinning treatment for 20 ~ 30-year-old natural birch stands is to maintain a stand density of 1 100 stems · hm - 2 and the pruning intensity should not exceed 1 / 2 tree height .

  6. 预防华山松树冠火的最低修枝高度探讨

    The Lowest Pruning Heights of Preventing Crown Fire of Pinus armandii Trees

  7. 然而,人工修枝也带来一些不利影响。

    However , green-pruning could also bring some negative impacts .

  8. 剪枝夹修剪锯或修枝剪用来修剪高处枝条的可伸缩剪枝剪

    SecateursA pruning saw or loppers'telescopic pruner ' for high branches

  9. 人工林修枝装置的研究

    Study on the equipment of trimming branch of artificial forestry

  10. 修枝对滩地杨树生长和养分的短期影响

    Short Effects of Pruning on Growth and Nutrient of Poplar in Beach Land

  11. 泡桐修枝促接干技术及其效应的研究

    Pruning Technique and Its Effects on Paulownia Trunk Extension

  12. 三种热带相思采穗母株不同修枝方式效果试验

    The Effect of Pruning on Plucking Scion of Mother Plant of Acacia Species

  13. 修枝试验每年1次。

    Pruning was carried out once a year .

  14. 造林后要及时进行修枝和必要的施肥管理。

    Timely pruning and adequate fertilizing were necessary .

  15. 植物嫁接修枝剪刀的研究

    ^ study on the new plant grafting secateurs

  16. 爱会助你成长,也会给你修枝。

    Even as he is for your growth so is he for your pruning .

  17. 修枝强度和季节对杨树人工林生长的影响

    Effects of Pruning Intensities and Pruning Seasons on the Growth Dynamics of the Poplar Plantation

  18. 杉木中密度幼林光环境与生长修枝效应欧美107杨速生丰产林不同修枝强度的研究

    Effect of pruning on stands light environment and growth of middle-density Chinese fir young plantations

  19. 修枝刀,不管能否折叠

    Pruning knife whether or not folding

  20. 红松人工林修枝技术对林木生长和干形的影响

    The Influence of Stem Pruning on the Growth and Stem Form of Korean Pine Plantation Forest

  21. 结果表明:随修枝强度的增大,不同处理间作田相应位置的光照强度增强,花生的产量和生物量也随之增加。

    Results showed that the stronger the pruning the bigger light density and yield and biomass of peanut were .

  22. 然后,他看着我说:我们又该给那棵苹果树修修枝了。

    And then , he looked at me and said , We need to prune that apple tree again .

  23. 这就是从小具有修枝剪叶的高超技艺的绅士所干的事。

    It was performed by a gentleman supremely advanced at a very early age in the art of cutting .

  24. 在木材性质方面,人工修枝还可以降低幼龄材比例,从而提高杉木木材的尺寸稳定性。

    Green-pruning could also improve the wood properties by reducing the proportion of juvenile wood , and improve wood dimensional stability .

  25. 该研究以确定促进接干生长的最适修枝强度为目的,对3年生修枝接干泡桐,分别7种处理,对其8项重要生长指标的年动态进行模拟。

    Annual variations of eight growth indicators for three_year paulownia with pruning to promote trunk extension were simulated under seven treatments .

  26. 为了形成一套较为完整的杉木无节材培育技术,按照不同的保留密度和修枝强度等因素进行试验设计。

    To form a series of intact technique , reserve density and pruning intensity were identified as the factors in the test design .

  27. 海口地区观赏盆桔修枝、剪根、制水、促进再度开花结果的生理机制研究

    A Research in the Physiological Mechanism of the Ornamental Pot Orange of Haikou Area & About Its Pruning , Water Control and Rehearing

  28. 杉木修枝10年后,无节材比例可达20%~25%,比不修枝的杉木提高了近5倍。

    The proportion of clear wood increased to 20 % to 25 % , nearly 5 times that of non-pruned Chinese fir tree .

  29. 修枝接干对泡桐诸光合指标的影响在树冠下层明显大于上层,并且使其上下冠层之间的差异性显著减小。

    Technique of pruning to promote trunk extension had greater effect on lower crown than upper and made the difference between the two crowns shortened .

  30. 好消息就是挖掘、耙松、推挤、修枝和播种都是消耗大量卡路里的活动。

    The good news is that all that digging , raking , pushing , pruning , and weeding is worth a significant amount of calories .