
máo chónɡ
  • caterpillar;bristle worm
毛虫 [máo chóng]
  • (1) [caterpillar]∶蝴蝶或蛾子的伸长虫状幼虫,具有强壮咀嚼口器,短触角和三对真足,几对带钩的腹部前足,而且经常有一层完整的细刚毛或者粗闪光的毛,并且完全取食树叶、果实或者植物其他多汁的部分

  • (2) [woolly worm]∶身上有一层分泌物遮盖着的一种锯蜂幼虫

  • (3) [bristle worm]∶毛足纲的一种分节蠕虫

  1. 毛虫是蝴蝶的幼体。

    A caterpillar is the larva of a butterfly .

  2. 毛虫变成了蝴蝶。

    A caterpillar changed into a butterfly .

  3. 毛虫变成蝴蝶。

    Caterpillars change into butterflies .

  4. 毛虫钻入果实,并在其中生长为成虫。

    The caterpillars tunnel into the fruit to grow and mature .

  5. 毛虫以各类树木、灌木和植物为食。

    The caterpillars feed on a wide range of trees , shrubs and plants

  6. 几天后毛虫停止进食。

    After a few days the caterpillars stopped feeding

  7. 怀曼看毛虫乱蹦乱踢,正看得有劲。

    Wyman was absorbed in the convulsions of the insect .

  8. 应用Fuzzy积分对松毛虫危害防治措施的综合评判

    Comprehensive Judgment on Measures of Preventing and Combating Dendrolimus by use of Fuzzy Integral

  9. V·B草原毛虫生物防治剂的应用技术研究

    Studies on Applied Technique for control Grassland Caterpillar by V. B Biological Pesticide

  10. GPS和生物农药在飞机防治松毛虫中的应用

    Application of GPS and biological pesticides in aerial control of pine caterpillars

  11. 用ELISA检测人血清中茶毛虫核型多角体病毒

    Detection of Euproctis pseudoconspersa NPV in human serum by means of ELISA

  12. 灰色预测GM(1,N)模型在赤松毛虫预测预报中的应用

    Application of grey gm ( 1 , n ) model for forecasting Dendrolimus spectabilis occurence

  13. 中国松毛虫属八个种和亚种亲缘关系的DNA指纹证据

    DNA fingerprinting evidence for the phylogenetic relationship of eight species and subspecies of Dendrolimus ( Lepidoptera : Lasiocampidae ) in China

  14. 其中,N-氧化苦参碱和槐定碱表现出较强的抑食作用,槐定碱和苦豆碱对松毛虫表现出较高的毒性。

    Among them , N-oxymatrine and sophoridine showed stronger effects of feeding inhibition , sophoridine and aloperine showed higher toxicity to caterpillars .

  15. BT油悬剂防治落叶松毛虫试验

    Experiments of Controlling Dendrolimus superans by Using BT Oil Miscible Flowable Concentrates

  16. 飞机喷洒苏特灵Bt生物杀虫剂防治松毛虫试验

    Prevention experiments on pine caterpillars of spraying Bt biotic pesticides by plane

  17. 马尾松毛虫Bt高毒力菌株筛选研究

    Screening of High-virulent Bt Strains to Masson Pine Caterpillar

  18. Bt油悬浮剂防治马尾松毛虫试验

    Test on Control of Dendrolimus punctatus with Bt OF

  19. BP网络模型和LOGIT模型在森林害虫测报上的应用初报&以安徽省潜山县马尾松毛虫为例

    The application of BP model and logit model to prediction of forest insect pests

  20. 应用Bt生物制剂防治松毛虫试验

    Experiment on Controlling Dendrolimus with Bt Biological Agent

  21. 水溶性生物碱、苦参碱、N-氧化苦参碱、槐定碱,野靛碱、苦豆碱均对松毛虫有不同程度的抑食作用和毒性。

    The water solvable alkaloids , matrine , N-oxymatrine , sophoridine , cytisine , aloperine showed feeding inhibition and toxicity to caterpillars at different levels .

  22. 松毛虫AFLP反应体系的建立及引物筛选

    Establishment of AFLP reaction system and screening of primer pairs for pine caterpillars

  23. Leslie矩阵模型在油松毛虫种群动态分析中的应用研究

    The Leslie matrix model for the population dynamics of Dendrolimus tabulaeformis

  24. 松毛虫CPV的增殖、提取及应用技术

    Multiplication , Abstraction and Application Techniques of Dendrolimus CPV

  25. 用松毛虫CPV和B.t。

    The experiment by using pine caterpillar CPV and B.t.

  26. 马尾松毛虫质型多角体病毒(D、CPV)混剂的研究

    Study on the Mixed Drugs of D. CPV

  27. 马尾松毛虫(DendrolimusPunctatusWalker)的空间分布型及其在实践上的应用

    Spatial distribution patterns of the pine caterpillar ( dendrolimus punctatus walker ) and its application in practice

  28. 农业部长ChristopherToe敦促其他国家来帮助拯救利比里亚的庄稼和毛虫啃噬的植被。

    Agriculture Minister Christopher Toe urged other countries to help save Liberia 's crops and other vegetation that the caterpillars feed on .

  29. 单引物法扩增马尾松毛虫CPV基因组第8片段及其序列分析

    Molecular Cloning Dendrolimus punctatus cytoplasmic polyhedrosis virus Segment 8 by Single Primer Amplification and Sequence Analysis

  30. 油松毛虫亚居群遗传结构的SSR分析葡萄全基因组SSR分析和数据库构建

    Genetic Structure of Five Sub-Populations of Dendrolimus punctatus tabulaeformis ( Lepidoptera : Lasiocampidae ) Detected with Microsatellite Markers Analysis of SSRs in grape genome and development of SSR database