
máo mao xì yǔ
  • drizzle;fine drizzling rain
毛毛细雨[máo mao xì yǔ]
  1. 外面下着毛毛细雨,天气又冷又湿,令人难受

    It was drizzling , and miserably cold and damp .

  2. 雨减弱成毛毛细雨了。

    The rain has become a light drizzle5 .

  3. 它大多是毛毛细雨,轻柔而又无私地滋润着干涸的大地。

    It drizzles sometimes , moistening the thirsty fields lightly and selflessly .

  4. 如果只是毛毛细雨,我们也许并不需要雨衣。

    If it 's only spitting , perhaps we don 't need waterproofs .

  5. 毛毛细雨变成了暴风雨。

    The soft rain swelled into a storm .

  6. 风力大减,但仍下着毛毛细雨。

    The wind had dropped suddenly and the rain had become a light drizzle .

  7. 我们这里今天上午下了点毛毛细雨。

    We had a sprinkle this morning .

  8. 虽然下着毛毛细雨,演员们还是坚持在露天把戏演完。

    Despite the drizzle , the actors played out the opera in the open air .

  9. 当下雨的时候,往往是毛毛细雨,这并不是什么麻烦事。

    When it does rain , it tends to be a very light rain that isn 't troublesome .

  10. 人们花了半个小时,从市内赶来给他送行,不停的毛毛细雨浸湿了他们的衣服。

    A steady drizzle soaked the crowd that had travelled the half hour from downtown to bid him godspeed .

  11. 今天的天气不怎么好,早晨起来外面还下着毛毛细雨!

    Today the weather isn 't good , it rains outside when I got up earlier in the morning !

  12. 当我小跑着穿过毛毛细雨冲向门廊时,我能感觉到他的目光一直落在我的背上。

    I could feel his eyes on my back as I half-ran through the light sprinkle toward the porch .

  13. 两周暴雨后,铅灰色的天空又下起了毛毛细雨,停车场上的水坑永远不会退缩。

    A gray sky of drizzle after two weeks of downpours and puddles in the parking lots wouldn 't give way .

  14. 当毛毛细雨变成大雨时,经理宣布棒球赛将于明天重新举行。

    When the drizzle turned onto a heavy rain the manager announced that the baseball game would be replayed the next day .

  15. 毛毛细雨应该在星期五转为中雨,再到多云有雨,最低气温有望达到13度。

    The drizzle should turn moderate on Friday , overcast to cloudy with rain , whilethe low is expected to touch 13 degrees .

  16. 我步行去商店,我在淋浴头下的“毛毛细雨”中瑟瑟发抖,我这样做真的能改变世界吗?

    Does my walking to the store or shivering under the drizzle of my anaemic shower head make any real difference to the world ?

  17. 目前今年梅雨的一个显著特征是雨量非常的大,不像过去的毛毛细雨。

    A marked characteristic of the plum rain this year so far is that the rain mainly came in the form of showers instead of drizzle .

  18. 是的,我喜欢下雨,尤其是毛毛细雨的时候。

    Yes , I like the rain , especially when it 's drizzling . The wind had dropped suddenly and the rain had become a light drizzle . We had a sprinkle this morning .

  19. 在一个下着毛毛细雨的天气里,在一个光线昏暗的录音棚中,文德尔站在麦克风前,呲着牙,弓着肩,用德语发出恶毒的咒骂。

    On a drizzly day here , Mr. Wunder was in a darkened studio , standing before a microphone , teeth bared , shoulders hunched , as he exploded with a vicious expletive in German .

  20. 4月的广州一如往年毛毛细雨,滋润着世间的万物;4月的广州一如往年车水马龙,建设着日渐辉煌的城市;4月的广州一如往年湍急人流,追逐着属于自己的梦想。

    Guangzhou in April is , as in previous years plush drizzle , moistening everything of the world ; a busy , growing city trembling built ; the very rapid flow of human beings , belonging to chase their dream .