
máo xiè
  • Hairy crab;small crab;baby crab
  1. 中华绒螯蟹(EriocheirSinensis)又称毛蟹,河蟹,属甲壳纲,十足目,方蟹科,绒螯蟹属,为我国特产。

    Chinese mitten crab ( Eriocheir sinensis ) is called hair crab , river crab , is belong to crustacea class , decapoda order , square crab family , and mitten crab genus , is a specialty in China .

  2. 主营:虾,油酱毛蟹,墨鱼。

    Main products : Shrimp , Cook in soy crab , Cuttlefish .

  3. 海鲜类有基围虾、毛蟹、带子、桂花鱼等等。双酶水解虾粉制备虾风味基料的研究

    A study on hydrolysis shrimp powder by double enzyme and preparation of shrimp flavoring bas

  4. 对不起,先生。我点的是毛蟹,而你给我的是青蟹。

    Excuse me , sir . I ordered the hairy crab , but you gave me the green crab .

  5. 今晚9点我请送餐服务部给您奉送一份夜宵,还有您喜欢吃的毛蟹。

    I shall ask the room service to serve you a snack at30 tonight , and you 'll have your favorite hairy crab .

  6. 中电集团将西村发电站的装机容量扩大了一倍,达到100兆瓦,足以为附近大理市数千个家庭提供电力。目前,该集团还在中国另一个地方建设类似项目,在太阳能电池板下的池塘里养殖特色水产毛蟹。

    As it doubles the capacity of the Xicun plant to 100MW , enough to power thousands of homes in the nearby city of Dali , CLP is also working on a similar project in another part of China where it will rear hairy crabs , an expensive delicacy , in ponds under its solar panels .