
máo lì lǜ
  • gross margin;rate of gross profit;rate of margin
  1. 图中显示,128GBiPhone6Plus的毛利率高达48.8%。

    It shows gross margins reaching 48.8 % on the 128GB iPhone 6 Plus .

  2. 生产设备计划采购金额较低,预示着iPhone5S毛利率将会提高。

    • lower planned purchases of production equipment sets up for higher iPhone 5S margin .

  3. 根据ConsensusMatrix公司的预计,麦当劳毛利率的下跌幅度将远大于3.1%,他们还表示,该公司未来的表现恐怕会时常低于分析师的预期。

    That was a much deeper decline than the 3.1 % drop analysts were expecting , according to Consensus Matrix , and continued a trend that seen the chain frequently miss analyst projections .

  4. 金额下降可能是由于iPhone5S不要求显著改变硬件,因此13年下半年iPhone毛利率将会大幅度增加。

    The decrease is likely due to iPhone 5S not requiring significant hardware changes , therefore iPhone GM could be much higher in c2h13 .

  5. 研究结果发现在总资产周转率、营业毛利率、净值报酬率、资产报酬率、负债净值比现金流量比率有显着的差异。NET的重要组成部分。

    As a result , we found that there are significant differences in total assets turnover , operational margin ratio , returns on net equity , returns on total assets , debts to equity ratio and cash-flow rate .

  6. iPhone的毛利率达到50%左右,这让竞争对手有很大空间销售价格较低的智能手机,而且仍能获得不菲利润。

    It has a gross margin of 50 per cent or so and leaves rivals plenty of room to sell cheaper smartphones and still make a decent profit .

  7. 苹果在iPad硬件上的毛利率超过30%,但亚马逊可能每台KindleFire就要亏损50美元。

    Apple is also monetizing the hardware upfront with a 30 % + gross margin on the iPad , whereas Amazon is likely losing about $ 50 per kindle fire .

  8. lee先生不愿透露整体销售额,但他表示,生意的营运利润率为4.8%,毛利率为20%。

    Mr Lee will not give overall sales figures but the business has an operating margin of 4.8 per cent and a gross profit margin of 20 per cent , he says .

  9. 桑福德·伯恩斯坦公司(SanfordC.Bernstein)的分析师托尼·萨克纳吉(ToniSacconaghi)说,iPhone的毛利率接近50%。

    Toni Sacconaghi , an analyst at Sanford C. Bernstein , says the gross profit margin for the iPhone is close to 50 percent .

  10. GMAT考试的实际毛利率大约为47.9%,比苹果公司目前的毛利率高出近11个百分点。

    The effective gross profit on the actual exam is roughly 47.9 % , nearly 11 points higher than Apple 's current gross profit margins .

  11. 电器零售领域的竞争今年已经走到了价格大战的境地,线上零售商京东商城(Jing-dongMall,之前名为360Buy)提出了将电器毛利率砍至零点的口号。

    Competition in electric appliances reached price-war proportions this year when online retailer Jing-dong Mall , formerly known as 360 Buy , offered to cut its gross margin on appliances to zero .

  12. NAND闪存的涨价幅度尤其大。“与16GBiPhone6相比,”赫伯蒂写道,“我们估计64GBiPhone6的增量毛利率为61%,而128GBiPhone6的增量毛利率为55%。”

    The mark-up for NAND memory is particularly rich . " Compared to the 16GB iPhone 6 , , " writes Huberty , " we estimate 61 % incremental margin for the 64 GB version and 55 % for the 128 GB version . "

  13. 在选取财务指标方面,本文选用了通用的五个财务指标:净资产收益率(ROE),毛利率,资产负债率,资产周转率,营业收入增长率,作为研究对象。

    In the selecting of the financial target , this paper chooses the general five financial indexes as the object of study . That is : ROE , gross profit , ratio of liabilities to assets , the assets turnover , and the revenue growth rate .

  14. 而且,他们的业绩很出色:去年长城的营收增长了五分之一,尽管销量持平;而张裕的毛利率高达75%,比法国保乐力加集团(pernodricard)还高13个百分点。

    And they are doing quite nicely , thanks : revenues at Great Wall rose a fifth last year despite flat volumes , while gross margins at Changyu of 75 per cent are 13 percentage points higher than at French drinks group Pernod Ricard .

  15. 维持25%的平均毛利率是非常现实的。

    Maintaining an average gross margin of25 percent is very realistic .

  16. 以毛利率作为增值税纳税人的认定标准

    The Identified Standard of a Tax Payer Based on Gross Profit Rate

  17. 价格系统广义毛利率比例结构研究

    Study of the ratio of generalized gross profit rates for price system

  18. 今年蔬果的毛利率比去年低。

    The profit margin on fruit and vegetables is lower than last year .

  19. 正常增长,净盈利,销售额和毛利率必要的支持。

    Normal growth of net profit , sales and gross margin needed support .

  20. 负责达到每个展的毛利率目标。

    To be responsible for the overall gross operating profit for each show .

  21. 我所说的较高的毛利率,是指60%以上。

    And by high gross margins , I mean 60 per cent or more .

  22. 腾讯的毛利率仍然维持在55%。

    Its gross margin remains 55 per cent .

  23. 公司的毛利率预计为订车费用的20%至30%。

    Its revenue margins are estimated at between 20 % and 30 % of bookings .

  24. 盈利大幅增长主要来自汽车销量的增长以及毛利率的提升。

    Profit growth was mainly from the growth in car sales and gross margin improved .

  25. 存货水平、营业毛利率与企业提供商业信用成显性正相关关系。

    Inventory level and operating profit margin are significantly positive with the commercial credit supple .

  26. 库存周转率与毛利率之间没有显著的相关性。

    And the last , we found the Gross Margin was not related to Inventory Turnover .

  27. 更重要的数据其实是潜在销售收入、较高的毛利率和自由现金流。

    What matters much more are underlying sales , strong gross margins and free cash flow .

  28. 手表的毛利率大概是60%,对苹果来说正中下怀。

    Gross margins on watches are about 60 % , right in Apple 's comfort zone .

  29. 利润表分析主要从毛利率、期间费用、投资收益等方面进行分析。

    The profit statement analysis focuses on gross profit rate , period expenses , returns on investments etc.

  30. 几乎按任何一项运营指标衡量(无论是毛利率,还是资产回报率),特许半导体的境况都比同行更糟。

    On almost every operating metric gross margin , return on assets chartered comes off worse than peers .