
  • 网络Transportation pipeline;transfer tube
  1. 自里海石油管道BTC建成后,此条石油运输管道改变了里海、中亚地区的地缘政治、经济。

    The completion of the Caspian BTC oil pipeline has changed profoundly the geo-politics and geo-economy in the Caspian and Central Asia regions .

  2. 只有大脑才重要,其它不过是运输管道。

    The brain 's what counts , everything else is transport .

  3. 长距离运输管道泄漏检测方法

    The leaking detection method of pipeline for long distance transportation

  4. 只有大脑才重要其它不过是运输管道

    The brain 's whatcounts , everything else is transport .

  5. 接下来我们关注从加拿大到美国的一条石油运输管道。

    There 's a pipeline network that moves tons of crude oil from Canada to the U.S.

  6. 应扩大石油勘探、开发领域合作,加强石油运输管道建设,不断推进中俄石油产业的全方位合作。

    Develop the cooperation of domain , enhance unceasingly the omni-directional cooperation of the Chinese and Russian petroleum industry .

  7. 油气运输管道具有量大、安全、便捷等优点,管道安全是国内油气供给稳定的重要保障。

    Pipelines are large capacity , safe and convenient , their safety is the important guarantee for a stable oil supply .

  8. 但绿党人强烈反对在该国美丽、多雨的南方修建更多的水坝和运输管道。

    But greens vehemently oppose the building of more dams and transmission lines in the country 's beautiful , rain-drenched south .

  9. 由于长时间的介质腐蚀和磨损,运输管道会出现一定程度的损伤,甚至可能发生重大的泄漏事故。

    Because of long time of media corrosion and wear , pipelines can be damaged in a certain degrees , even may occur a major spill .

  10. 但天然气常含有二氧化碳,不但影响天然气热值还腐蚀运输管道,需要分离和提纯后才能应用。

    Natural gas often contains carbon dioxide which was not only affect the gas calorific value but pipeline corrosion . So before application the separation and purification was needed .

  11. 自从06年主运输管道开始运营以来,石油带来的意外之财将一个不被人所爱的苏联人的城市变成了炫目的大都市,经常伴随着当地人从他们的房中被逐出。

    An oil windfall since the main export pipeline began operations in2006 has transformed an unloved Soviet city into a glitzy capital , often with locals evicted from their houses .

  12. 世界上最大的种子生成的秘密在于这种植物的叶子在下雨时候变为运输管道将大量水分及营养运送到植物饥渴的根部。

    The secret behind the world 's largest seed is leaves that serve as good gutters . During rains , they channel lots of water and nutrients right to the plant 's thirsty roots .

  13. 长距离运输管道作为一种经济、有效、环保的运输手段,在液体、气体运输中发挥着独特的优势,而管道泄漏检测是长距离运输管道安全运行的重要保障。

    Transportation through long distance conduit used to liquid and gas displays its unique advantage as an economic , effective and environment-protected method , and detection of conduit leakage is the guarantee of its safe work .

  14. 随着实验数据的不断增加,这些结果将会为将来二氧化碳高压运输管道的工业化应用的安全防护提供数据,同时也将成为紧急预案制订的科学依据和相关立法的依据。

    The test data and results not only can be used to provide the basis for the industrial application of high-pressure carbon dioxide pipelines in security in the future , but also provide the basis and scientific evidence for the emergency plans formulated and relevant legislation .

  15. 本文主要分析了油气运输管道的投资变化情况,找出了其变化规律,并建立了相应的数学模型,最后就模型的应用与精确性作了相应的分析和讨论。

    In this paper , the change situation of investment in oil and gas pipeline construction is mainly analyzed , its change rule is found out and the corresponding mathematical model is established . Finally , the application and accuracy of the model are analyzed and discussed .

  16. 1500t散装水泥运输船管道设计

    Design of the Pipeline of 1 500 t Bulk Cement Carrier

  17. 在船舶运输和管道输运等流体减阻领域中,壁面摩擦阻力在总阻力中占有较大比例。

    In the drag reduction field of navigation and pipeline transport , the frictional resistance account for a large proportion of the total resistance .

  18. 摘要在传统体制下,电信、电力、铁路运输、管道燃气、自来水等网络产业基本上是由国有企业垄断经营的。

    Under the traditional institution , telecommunication , electricity , railway , gas , water and other network industries were run by state-owned monopoly enterprises .

  19. 黄土洞穴本身是一种地质灾害,对黄土地区的运输、管道、拦蓄水工程、厂房、民居等各类工业与民用建筑构成不同程度威胁;

    Loess cave is a kind of geological disaster and it may damage many kinds of industrial and civil buildings , such as traffic , pipeline , water storage project , factory building , etc.

  20. 埋地管道防腐系统状况检测与评价对保证管道安全运输、延长管道使用寿命非常重要。L(-1)/3562.5mg.L~(-1)条件下,在第15d收获为培养的最佳条件。

    Conditions monitoring and evaluation for the corrosion control system of buried pipeline are very important to safe operating and service life of pipelines .

  21. 任何通过毛细管作用运输液体的管道。

    Any piece of cord that conveys liquid by capillary action .

  22. 一种从象在厕所中运输液体的管道。

    Conveys liquid waste from toilets , etc. .

  23. 一种用来运输石油的管道。

    A pipeline used to transport oil .

  24. 石油、天然气是我国的主要能源,能源的运输大多采用管道运输的方式。

    Oil and gas are the main energy in our country . The way of transporting energy is generally in pipeline .

  25. 管道运输通过迂回管道输送(如装入管内的液体)由直接过渡到迂回过渡;

    To channel ( piped liquid , for example ) through a bypass . to shift from direct transition to indirect transition ;

  26. 印度和东亚之间还需要建立更为通畅的运输和通讯管道,使贸易增长的各种好处都能够充分实现。

    India and East Asia will also need to build better transport and communication links to realize the full benefits of growing trade .

  27. 没有人知道病因,但这个病把我体内从肝脏到肠道用来运输胆汁的管道堵住了。

    Nobody knows what causes the disease , but it blocks ducts in my body that carry bile from my liver to the intestine .

  28. 天然气的主要运输手段是管道输送,随着天然气工业的快速发展,我国天然气管道工业也得到了发展。

    Natural gas is mainly transported to users through pipeline . With the rapid development of natural gas industry of China , the pipe industry is developing very fast as well .

  29. 介绍了1500t散装水泥运输船的水泥管道输送原理,给出了该船上压缩空气管、流化空气管和水泥装卸管的管径、风压、流量等参数的计算和选用方法。

    The paper introduced the theory of piping transportation of the 1 500 deadweight ton bulk cement barge , and provided the numeration and selection method of main parameters , such as pipe diameter , wind pressure , flux , etc.

  30. 美国国家运输安全委员会就管道事故进行了调查。

    The NTSB investigates pipeline accidents .