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xiū jiā pǔ
  • revise the family genealogy
  1. 第二节特殊的政治经济地位介绍了孔氏家族显赫的政治地位、雄厚的经济基础以及在此基础上进行的修撰家谱活动。

    The second section introduces prominent political status and solid economic foundation of KONG clan .

  2. 本文讲述作者长期从事郑和家世和后裔调查情况的研究工作,发现许多鲜为人知的资料,还简述了即将新修的郑和家谱的内容、意义。

    The thesis gives account of author 's long ? Time research on zheng 's family and his offspring with many unknown data , and describes the contents and significance of the newly revised Zheng he 's genealogy .