
  • 网络credit analyst
  1. 但詹尼资本市场公司(janneycapitalmarkets)公司信用分析师乔迪卢里(jodylurie)表示:“几周后国会才会讨论债务上限问题,投资者正利用这段窗口期大举买入高收益资产。”

    But Jody Lurie , corporate credit analyst at Janney capital markets , said : " with debt ceiling discussions still a few weeks away , investors are taking this window of opportunity to load up on higher yielding assets . "

  2. 标准普尔(Standard&Poor's)首席信用分析师戴安·瓦扎(DianeVazza)说,如果市场继续冻结下去,评级较低的企业明年将到期的1780亿美元债务将很难获得再融资。

    If the market remains frozen , the $ 178 billion of debt coming due next year for weaker-rated companies will be difficult to refinance , said Diane Vazza , chief credit analyst at Standard & Poor 's.

  3. 标准普尔(StandardPoor's)的信用分析师MayZhong说,未来两年澳航的现金流变化趋势对其信用评级十分重要。

    Very importantly from a credit perspective is the trend in cash flow over the next two years , said May Zhong , a credit analyst at Standard Poor 's.

  4. 自由现金流量难于预测,目前运用自由现金流量进行预测的单位仅限于银行、信用分析师和公司财务部门。

    FCF is used only by invest bank , and credit analysts because it is difficult to be forecasted .

  5. 一名信用分析师把恒大此次发债形容为令市场顿悟的时刻、以及对行业游戏规则的改变。

    One credit analyst described the Evergrande bond sale as an epiphany moment for the market , and a game changer for the sector .

  6. 或者信用分析师可能会认为,某些公司的信用风险比政府更低,因而经过精挑细选的公司债券可以提供必要的无风险回报率。

    Or perhaps credit analysts may conclude certain companies have a lower credit risk than governments and thus selected corporate paper could provide the necessary risk-free rate .

  7. 标普信用分析师符蓓表示,随着开发商的销售前景出现改善,她预期今年将上调中国各房地产开发商的评级。

    Bei Fu , credit analyst at S & P , said she expected to give better ratings to Chinese property developers this year as their sales prospects improve .

  8. 除了资产分析师,研究团队还包括信用分析师。他们补充一些基础分析,同时还对特定的信用问题提供专业意见。

    In addition to the equity analysts , the research team includes credit analysts , who provide complementary fundamental analysis , as well as providing expertise on specific credit issues .

  9. 但信用评级分析师认为,发行量的飙升可能增加债券持有者及其它投资者的风险,并影响银行资产负债状况的长期健康。

    But credit ratings analysts believe that the surge in the issuance could increase risks for bondholders and other investors and weaken the long-term health of banks ' balance sheets .

  10. 除此之外,中投还在招聘资产配置研究员、金融分析师、信用风险分析师、对冲基金分析师,以及纪委监察局高级副经理,以管理它的纪委教育制度组。

    CIC is also looking for asset allocation researchers , financial analysts , credit risk analysts and hedge fund analysts as well as a deputy director for its Disciplinary Committee and Staff Supervisory Bureau to manage the fund 's discipline education team .