
xìn tuō tóu zī
  • trust investment
  1. 与房地产信托投资计划、房地产抵押支持证券(MBS)以及房地产股票相比,REITs具有自己的独特优势。

    Compared with real estate trust investment plan , MBS and real estate stocks , REITs have their own unique advantages .

  2. 计算机在信托投资公司股票投资审计中的应用

    Application of Computer in Stock Investment Audit of Trust Investment Corporations

  3. 上世纪90年代亚洲金融危机期间,尽管拥有广东省政府的隐性担保,广东国际信托投资公司(guangdonginternationaltrust)仍走向了破产。

    During the 1990s Asian financial crisis , the Guangdong International Trust went bust , in spite of an implicit Guangdong state government guarantee .

  4. 克拉默是公益信托投资组合ActionAlertsPlus的共同管理人,组合中包含苹果股票。

    Mr. Cramer is the co-manager of a charitable trust portfolio , Action Alerts Plus , which holds shares of Apple .

  5. 这家美资银行将与杭州工商信托投资股份有限公司(hangzhouindustrial&commercialtrustco)合作,基金将以华东城市杭州为大本营。

    The US bank is partnering Hangzhou Industrial & Commercial Trust Co and the fund will be based in the eastern Chinese city of Hangzhou .

  6. 房地产信托投资基金(REITs)是近年来中国房地产金融创新的一个热点议题。

    REITs is a hot topic in the aspect of Chinese real estate financial innovation in recent years .

  7. HTT信托投资公司风险管理体系研究

    Research on the Risk Management System of HTT Affiance Investment Company

  8. 宏桥信托投资集团研究所(BTIGResearch)的媒体分析师里奇·格林菲尔德(RichGreenfield)说,亚马逊、Netflix和Hulu这样的流媒体公司在人才上投资更多,传统电视网将遇到更大压力。

    Rich Greenfield , a media analyst with BTIG Research , said that as streaming services like Amazon , Netflix and Hulu invest more in talent , traditional television networks will come under increased pressure .

  9. 信托投资公司资信的模糊综合评估方案研究

    On Fuzzy Comprehensive evaluation on the credit of the trust company

  10. 证券投资基金是一种大众化的信托投资工具。

    Securities Investment Funds Trust is a popular investment instrument .

  11. 标准的公司治理理论是以非金融企业为研究对象的,这一理论并不适用于定位于长期金融和资产管理功能的非银行性金融机构&信托投资公司。

    The standard corporate governance theory takes non-financial enterprises as research objects .

  12. 2004年度信托投资公司经营业绩聚类分析

    The Clustering Analysis of Achievements of Trust and Investment Companies in 2004

  13. 城市环境基础设施信托投资模式分析

    Analysis on Trust & Investment Model for Municipal Environment Infrastructure

  14. 中国发展房地产信托投资基金的思考

    Considerations on Investment Fund of Real Estate Entrust in China

  15. 中国国际信托投资公司(中信)

    China International Trust and Investment Corporation ( CITIC )

  16. 创新:信托投资公司求生发展之路

    Innovation : The Survival and Development Path for the Trust & Investment Companies

  17. 信托投资&基础设施融资的新方式

    The Trust Investment-The New Financing Mode of the Infrastructure

  18. 房地产信托投资基金和金融发展与创新

    Real Estate Investment Trust Fund and Financial Development Innovation

  19. 信托投资机构内部管理不严,外部监督无效等。

    The inside management wasn 't strict and the outside supervision was inefficient .

  20. 国际信托投资有限公司

    " International Trust and investment Co. , Ltd. "

  21. 投资基金管理人信托投资义务问题探析

    A Theoretical Research on Duty of Trust Investment Performed by Fund 's Management Company

  22. 其他收入,列出具体来源,如自有生意的利润、信托投资收益等。

    Other income-specify source , e.g. , business profits ( self-employed ), trust , etc.

  23. 下面是第一信托投资组合的布莱恩·韦斯贝瑞的看法。

    Comes Brian Wesberry with First Trust Portfolios .

  24. 我国养老保险基金信托投资问题探讨

    The Discussion on Trust and Investment 's Problems of China 's Old-Age Insurance Funds

  25. 《信托投资公司管理办法》评析

    Analysis of management regulations of Trust Investment Company

  26. 发展信托投资与深化金融改革

    To Develop the Industry of Trust and Investment and Deepen Fin and ial Reform

  27. 证券交易与信托投资系统的实现方法

    Implementing Method of Securities Investment & Exchange System

  28. 中国国际信托投资公司。

    China international trust & investment corporation .

  29. 中国农村发展信托投资公司

    China Agricultural Development and Trust Investment Corporatio

  30. 对我国企业集团筹资模式的思考城市环境基础设施投融资创新&产业信托投资模式

    Innovation of Investing Financing Models in Developing Urban Environment Infrastructure The Industry Trust Investment Funds