
  • 网络information system model
  1. 基于SVG及DOM的电力实时信息系统模型

    A Real-Time Electric Power Information System Model Based on SVG and DOM

  2. PCF的信息系统模型

    The information system model of PCF

  3. 移动Agent环境下物流信息系统模型的研究

    Model of Logistics Information System Based-on Mobile Agent System

  4. 论文最后介绍了以上述研究为基础开发的虚拟装配信息系统模型&VAIS(VirtualAssembleInformationSystem),并给出了该系统的运行示例。

    Finally , this paper introduces a model of VAIS ( Virtual Assemble Information System ) and shows some examples of this system running .

  5. 初步研究了将模型结构、面向对象建模、UML语言和关联矩阵用于建立数字化工厂信息系统模型的方法,论述了建模思想。

    And the modeling method based on the DFIS model structure , object-orient modeling method , UML and associated matrices is developed .

  6. 在验证业务流程的有效性之后,运用统一建模语言UML(UnifiedMOdelingLanguage)这一高效系统建模工具,根据之前设计好的业务流程,建立了详细的商业企业物流信息系统模型。

    After verifying the effectiveness of business processes , I use the UML ( Unified Modeling Language ) to build a detailed model of the commercial enterprise logistics information system .

  7. 最后,基于该企业信息系统模型,提出了一种适用于企业信息系统领域的支撑软件体系架构,及其基于J2EE平台的实现方法。

    Based on this model , a new skeleton for enterprise information system architectures and its implementation for Java 2 enterprise edition platforms were proposed .

  8. 结合MRPII和ERP管理思想,提出电解铝生产企业的生产管理信息系统模型。

    The information model of production management for aluminum electrolysis enterprises is presented with the ideas in MRPII and ERP .

  9. 大唐盘电2×600MW机组管理信息系统模型建立与应用研究

    Model Building and Application Research of Management Information System for Datang Panshan Power Plant 2 × 600MW Units

  10. 同时,还分析了如何利用网格信息系统模型中应用层的Web服务实现企业与企业之间B2B的数据交换,并提出了基于时间Petri网的分析方法(第6章)。

    Meanwhile , it also analyzes how to take advantage of the Web Services in the application layer of the model to realize the exchange of the information between the enterprises and brings forward an analytical method which uses the Time based Petri Net ( TPN ) .

  11. 本文提出了一种建立在I-net(Internet/Intranet/Extranet)的开放体系结构上的财务管理信息系统模型,并在传统系统的核算体系基础上扩展了其决策功能。

    So this system cannot meet the deep degree and on-time needs of diverse information demanders . This paper raises an open system structure model based on I-net ( Internet / Intranet / Extranet ) and extends traditional system 's decision function on the base of its calculating system .

  12. 基于企业物流仓储信息系统模型设计的研究

    How to Design the Model of Warehousing Information System in Business Logistics

  13. 基于数据挖掘技术的财务管理信息系统模型

    Information System Model of Financial Management Based on Data Mining

  14. 电力调度中心信息系统模型的研究与实现

    Study and implementation of electrical power dispatch center system model

  15. 湖北省运动队科学训练管理信息系统模型研究

    Scientific training management information system model of Hubei sports teams

  16. 企业整合性人力资源信息系统模型探讨

    A Theoretical Model of Integrated Human Resource Information System

  17. 构建了基于知识管理的药品审评信息系统模型。

    And composed a drug evaluation information system model based on knowledge management .

  18. 汉英机器翻译中汉语篇章时间信息系统模型

    A Temporal Information System Model for Chinese Texts in Chinese - English Machine Translation

  19. 基于智能卡的医疗管理信息系统模型

    Medicinal MIS Model Based on Smart Card

  20. 目的建立疟疾发病地理信息系统模型,对疟疾发病情况进行空间分析。

    Objective To set up geographic information system model on incidence of malaria in Anhui Province and perform spatial analysis .

  21. 在面向方面的模型管理和分布式模型管理方法研究的基础上,作者设计并实现了综合保障信息系统模型管理子系统;

    Based on the previous two study achievements , we design and implement model management subsystem in the integrate support information system platform .

  22. 接下来提出了扩展型企业的质量管理信息系统模型,并对该模型的各个功能模块进行了详细的介绍,最后对其可行性、技术上的实现方法进行了探讨。

    And then putting forward the model of the extended enterprise quality management information system and a detailed introduction of various functional modules of the model .

  23. 利用这个演进规律对会计史上已经历过的或将要经历的会计信息系统模型划分阶段并进行简单综述;

    Use this principle to divide the past , the existing and the future accounting information models into parts in the accounting history as well as have a simple summarization ;

  24. SET标准网络信息交互系统模型的改进方案

    Improvement to Information Transaction Model Based on SET Protocol

  25. 一个面向Internet的个性化信息检索系统模型

    A Model of Personalized Information Retrieval Systems for Internet Applications

  26. 基于WebServices的教育评估信息管理系统模型

    The Educational Evaluation MIS Model Based on Web Services

  27. 基于IS的Internet分布式信息管理系统模型

    Modeling the IIS-based Internet Distributed Management Information System

  28. 构造Web信息发布系统模型

    Constructing the Model of Web Publication System

  29. Internet下土地利用规划信息系统应用模型研究

    Application model of LMIS based on Internet

  30. 基于Agent架构的FMS信息控制系统模型

    Information Control System Model of FMS Based on Agent Architecture