
  • 网络bonded warehouse;boned warehouse
  1. 绍兴国际物流中心保税仓库运作模式初探

    On Operation Model of the Bonded Warehouse in Shaoxing International Logistics Center

  2. 他们还没把保税仓库的设计做好。

    They haven 't got the design of the bonded warehouse ready .

  3. 麦格理估计,受贷款收紧影响,中国保税仓库中大约将有29万吨铜被转移,大部分将流入LME仓库,不论是通过场内还是场外交易。

    Macquarie estimates that , due to the lending squeeze , about 290,000 tonnes of copper in Chinese bonded warehouses will be moved , mostly to LME warehouses , either on or off-exchange .

  4. 威士忌酒已送到邓迪港的保税仓库。

    The whisky was taken to bonded warehouses at Port Dundee .

  5. 让我们去检查保税仓库。

    Let 's go to check and seal the bonded store .

  6. 济南高新技术产业开发区海关综合保税仓库

    Jinan high & New Technical Industry Development Zone Customs multiple bonded storage

  7. 提高海关效率,管理好保税仓库。

    Improve customs efficiency and good management of bonded warehouse .

  8. 我请求你打开保税仓库。

    I ask you to unseal the bonded store .

  9. 一般贸易进口货物不允许存入保税仓库。

    Other goods and merchandise are not allowed to be stored in bonded warehouses .

  10. 拥有自己的保税仓库。

    Have their own bonded warehouse .

  11. 自由贸易区,包括保税仓库内生产

    Free-trade zones , including in-bond manufacturing

  12. 中国公司借美元来买铜,然后将其存在保税仓库中。

    The Chinese firm borrows dollars to buy copper , which is then stored in bonded warehouses .

  13. 集团拥有进出口公司,设有保税仓库和省级技术中心。

    It has an import and export company , a boned warehouse , and a provincial grade technology center .

  14. 承办公共保税仓库货物的报关、检、拨等业务。

    Undertake the customs declaration , inspection declaration , distribution and other business for the goods of public bonded warehouse .

  15. 现嘉兴市区内没有保税仓库,只有乍浦港有保税仓库。

    There is no bonded storage in the city of Jiaxing , but there is one in port of Zapu .

  16. 贮存成本,仓库储存费保税仓库:一种政府特许的仓库,用以存放待缴关税和其他税款的应税货物。

    Storage costs Bonded warehouse : A government-licensed warehouse that holds taxable goods pending payment of customs duties and other taxes due .

  17. 这些货物现在在保税仓库中。五.中转贸易:在保税区内可以开展中转贸易。

    These kinds of goods are now in bond . Transship trade : transship trade cargo can only be stored in the bonded warehouse .

  18. 这种变化意味着,购买商品的公司通常需要借助有海关监管的保税仓库的专业物流公司,处理商品从出厂到出口之间的所有分拣工作。

    The change has meant companies buying the goods often need to use specialist logistics companies with bonded , customs-supervised warehouses for any sorting between the factory and export .

  19. 实物交割将在保税仓库进行,而一种“中质含硫原油”将成为合约标的的主要品级之一。

    The physical delivery would be in bonded warehouses , and a " medium sulphur " grade of crude would be one of the main grades for the contract .

  20. 经海关批准,高新技术企业可以在高新技术产业开发区内设立保税仓库、保税工厂。

    Subject to the approval by the customs , new and high technology enterprises may set up in the new and high technology industries development zones bonded warehouses or bonded factories .

  21. 随着印度棉花出口量跃升至1200万包,大大高于预计的可出口盈余840万包,该国指出,这是一种国外保税仓库的囤货倾向。

    India noted what it described as a tendency of hoarding in bonded warehouses abroad as export registrations jumped to 12m bales , well above its estimated exportable surplus of 8.4m bales .

  22. 投行分析师近期拍摄的照片显示,这些进口铜最终被堆在了保税仓库中,高及屋椽,不但堵住了门口还占据了停车位。

    Recent photos taken by investment-bank analysts show where those imports end up . The copper sits in bonded warehouses , piled to the rafters , blocking doorways and occupying parking lots .

  23. 据中国媒体报道,危险化学品处置团队从多条下水道里,移除了有毒的氰化钠,这些下水道源自周三晚间爆炸核心地带的保税仓库区。

    Hazardous chemicals teams removed sodium cyanide , a toxin , from sewers leading from the bonded warehouse zone that was at the centre of the Wednesday evening blast , Chinese media reported .

  24. 相较之下,在上海的文化走廊,西岸有自己的海关保税仓库,可以提供艺术品进口、运输和保险一站式服务。

    By contrast , along the Museum Mile , the West Bund has its own bonded customs warehouse , which has one-stop service for importing artworks and taking care of shipping and insurance .

  25. 交易员估计,在所谓的保税仓库中的铜库存同期从20万吨增至40万吨左右。保税仓库是指存放尚未缴纳进口关税的金属的仓库。

    Inventories in so-called bonded warehouses , where metal can sit before import duties have been paid , have risen from 200,000 tonnes to about 400,000 tonnes over the same period , traders estimate .

  26. 大多数行业观察人士认为,去年保税仓库的库存高达65万吨,而个体制造商的库存水平要比目前高得多。

    Last year , bonded inventories were thought to be as high as 650,000 tonnes , and stocks at the level of individual manufacturers were significantly higher than they are today , most industry observers believe .

  27. 在经历了保税仓库、保税区、出口加工区、保税物流中心、保税物流园区的发展时期,现如今已进入综合保税区(保税港区)的主导发展时期。

    After the bonded warehouses , bonded zones , export processing zones , bonded logistics center , bonded logistics park development period , now it has developed into the leading development period of Comprehensive Free Trade Zone .

  28. 但麦格理预计,最少约有60万吨铜将继续留存在中国的保税仓库中,因为有一部分金属融资转口贸易是由大型进口商运作的,并且最终将被用于为中国本土工厂提供原料。

    But it expects a floor of about 600,000 tonnes of copper to stay in bonded facilities , as part of the established metal-financing transit trade run that is run by large importers and eventually feeds local factories .

  29. 从境外进入保税仓库、保税区、出口加工区的药品,免予办理进口备案和口岸检验等进口手续,海关按有关规定实施监管;

    The drugs that enter into the bonded warehouses , bonded areas and export processing areas from abroad shall be exempt from the formalities , and which shall be supervised by the customs in accordance with the relevant regulations .

  30. 尽管没有官方统计数字,但交易员估计,过去6个月,港口保税仓库在支付进口关税之前,铜可以存放在那里的铜库存翻了一番,达到70万吨左右。

    There are no official statistics , but traders estimate inventories of copper in bonded warehouses at ports – where it can be held before import duties are paid – doubled in the last six months to about 700,000 tonnes .