
bǎo shuǐ xìng
  • Water retention;water-retaining property
保水性[bǎo shuǐ xìng]
  1. 两步法合成高保水性吸水树脂

    Synthesize absorbent with high water-retaining property resin ( cross-linked AM-co-AA ) in two-step way

  2. 混凝土性能实验证实其保水性良好,经实验证实1%的掺量为适宜掺量,最高减水率可达23.2%,适合蒸养条件下使用。

    Calculating grafting ratio is 87 % , through concrete experiments , it is verified that water-retaining property is good , 1 % filling quantity is the best to concrete , supreme water-reducing ratio is 23.2 % andis fit for steam curing .

  3. 主要研究了多聚磷酸盐及pH对鸡肉盐溶蛋白质热诱导凝胶保水性的影响。

    The effects of polyphosphates and pH on heat-induced gelation of salt-soluble proteins from chicken were studied .

  4. pH和多聚磷酸盐对不同类型鸡肉热诱导凝胶保水性的影响

    Effect of pH and polyphosphates on WHC of heat-induced gelation of chicken breast and leg salt-soluble proteins

  5. 水草吸水性极强,保水性好,pH呈酸性,是蝴蝶兰栽培的理想基质。

    Aquatic weed with Good hydroscopic properties , water retention property and acidic pH make it the best matrix for cultivation of Phalaenopsis hybrimycin .

  6. 斩拌时抽真空可显著改善产品的质构特性、色泽、感官特性及保水性(P0.05)。

    Vacuum while chopping can significantly improve product texture properties , color , sensory characteristics and water holding capacity ( P0.05 ) .

  7. 本试验采用三种漂洗方法,即清水漂洗、盐水漂洗和碱水漂洗,研究不同漂洗条件对鲢鱼pH值、保水性和蛋白质含量的影响。

    Effect of distilled water , salt water and alkaline water on pH value , water holding capacity ( WHC ) and protein extration of silver carp were evaluated .

  8. 7S蛋白含量与北豆腐的保水性呈显著正相关。

    7S protein was positively correlated to water retention of north tofu .

  9. 亚气生藻类在草原中生长时往往形成藻类结皮,藻类结皮的存在对土壤温度、土壤的含N量、土壤的保水性等都有一定的影响。

    The vegetation of subaerial algae in grassland usually combine as algal crust , and the presence of algal crust have somewhat influence on soil temperature , soil nitrogen content and soil water-holding power etc.

  10. 随着EPS颗粒粒径的增大,砂浆的分层度增大,保水性、和易性及抗折强度降低。

    With increasing of modified EPS powders size , the segregation phenomenon of mortar became seriously , water retention , workability and bending strength decreased .

  11. TG和DSC分析表明,吸水树脂比剑麻纤维热稳定性好,吸水凝胶中水绝大多数是以自由水的状态存在且高温保水性很好。

    TG and DSC show the resin 's stability is better than cellulose 's and the hydrogel has good keeping-water property , in which the most water was nature water .

  12. 结果表明,CLA添加量为0.2%时,酸奶的产黏性特性、产酸特性、保水性以及口感风味较好。

    It was showed that when the append mate of conjugated linoleic acid were 0.2 % . The character of yoghurt was better .

  13. 添加不同的分离蛋白对保水性及感官评定影响差别不显著(P0.05)。本结论在应用中要结合所选用非肉蛋白的质量和纯度等进行综合考虑。

    The different protein isolates had no significant affect on sensory quality and water holding capacity ( P0.05 ) . When use this conclusion for reference , should take the quality and purity of different protein isolate into account .

  14. 微观上,Z线的扭曲、降解、肌纤维直径减小、肌节长度增加以及蛋白质空间结构的改变导致了宏观上肌肉嫩度改善、保水性提高。

    The micro level , the distortion and degradation of Z line , reduction of muscle fiber diameter , increase in sarcomere length and changes in spatial structure of protein improved the tenderness and increased the water retention .

  15. 试验室的工作及工程应用证明,KF剂掺于砂浆中,使砂浆具有良好的塑化效应,显著改善它的流动性与保水性。

    The lab-work and application have proved that the addition of KF agent has made the mortar in satisfactory plasticizing efficiency and obviously improved flowability and watertightness .

  16. 免耕不同覆盖,NTS处理表现出良好的供水性,而NTP表现出很好的保水性。

    Under no-tillage with different mulching , the treatment NTS take on the strong ability of water supply while the NTP has good ability of water retainment .

  17. 当添加的明胶蛋白含量为鱼糜蛋白含量10%时,其破断强度和TPA硬度分别都可以提高20%和31%,同时也提高了鱼糜凝胶的保水性。

    The breaking force and hardness of surimi gels were increased by20 % and31 % respectively with the addition of the gelatin at10 % ( w / w ) of surimi protein .

  18. 大豆品种中的蛋白质、水溶性蛋白质、植酸及11S球蛋白的含量与北豆腐的保水性、得率呈显著正相关关系;

    The yield and water-holding ability of Bei-tofu were significantly positively correlated with soybean varieties protein , water-soluble protein , 11S contents and phytate acid contents ;

  19. 黑色地膜覆盖可在早期提高土壤0~5cm层的日平均地温3℃左右,使土壤水分变化平稳、保水性好,提高速效养分N、P、K的利用率;

    Black film mulching could raise the average daily soil temperature in plough layers of 0 ~ 5 cm by 3 ℃ in early stage , which could make water change steadily , raise soil capacity of water conservation and using efficiency of soil available N , P and K.

  20. 本实验将二者加入低脂猪肉糜中,研究这两种多糖对低脂肉糜产品的蒸煮损失、保水性(WHC)和硬度等方面影响。

    Effects of GG and SA on cooking loss ( CL ), water holding capacity ( WHC ) and hardness of low-fat meat products were investigated in this paper .

  21. 以粉煤灰为主要原料能制备出抗压强度、透水系数、保水性、抗冻性符合JC/T945-2005《透水砖》标准要求的制品。

    Using fly-ashes as main raw materials could make permeable brick , it 's compression strength osmotic coefficient , WHC could attend Chinese Standand JC / T945-2005 .

  22. 利用FI-IR观察改性复合海绵的分子结构,并对其吸水性,保水性,孔隙率以及力学、热学性能做了相应的测试。

    Then the molecular structure of the modified composite sponge was measured by FI-IR ; and water absorption , water retention , porosity , mechanical and thermal properties were tested .

  23. CTE-501是改性的憎水、碱溶性丙烯酸类乳液,其目的是为了改进含颜料涂料配方的粘度及保水性。

    CTE-501 is a hydrophobically modified alkali soluble acrylic emulsion designed for modifying the viscosity and water retention properties of pigment coating formulations .

  24. 色差分析、质构测定、综合感官评定的指标显示:添加适当比例的AOB对产品原有的色泽、风味和口感无不良影响,在一定程度上还能增加产品的保水性。

    Chromaticity analysis , texture measurement and sensory evaluation displayed that AOB addition in proper amount had no great influence on its original colors flavour and mouth feel , and could increase the water retentivity of the products in some level .

  25. 通过试验研究发现,豆粕获得较高保水性的挤压参数为模孔直径14.8mm,物料含水率18%,螺杆转速106r?min-1,套筒温度91.5℃。

    The extrusion parameters which obtains a higher water-holding capacity of Soybean meal are that diameter of die nozzle is 14.8mm , moisture content of material is 18 % , rotational speed of screw is 106r ? min-1 , temperature of barrel is 91.5 ℃ .

  26. 不同灌水量(6,8,10L)条件下土壤水分运移体现出蓄水坑灌法的保水性,即土壤中深层含水率高,相应区域灌水量增加含水率增大。

    Under the different irrigation guantity ( 6,8,10L ) condition , it proofs that soil moisture migration under water storage pit irrigation can hold water . Namely , deep soil with high moisture content , the corresponding increase in the regional irrigation water rate increases .

  27. 保水性路面就是其中的一种典型结构。

    The water-retentive pavement is one kind of the typical structure .

  28. 不同条件对全豆豆腐凝胶强度和保水性的影响

    Effects of Different Condition on Gel Force and Water-holding of Tofu

  29. 不同磷酸盐对猪肌肉嫩度及保水性的影响

    Effect of Polyphosphates on Tenderness and Water-holding Capacity of Pork Muscles

  30. 复合食品添加剂对鸡胸肉保水性的影响

    Effect of compound food additive on retention water property of chicken brisket