
lín huǒ
  • forest fire
  1. 基于GIS的林火动态风险等级区的划分

    The dynamic forest fire district based on GIS

  2. 用Logistic回归方法建立林火发生预报模型的研究

    Study on establishing forecast model of forest fire occurrence using logistic regression

  3. GPS在林火扑救中的关键技术研究

    Study on GPS key techniques in forest firefighting

  4. 一种基于CA的林火蔓延模型的设计与实现&以内蒙古地区为例

    Design and Implementation of CA-based Forest Fire Spread Model & A Case Study in Inner Mongolia Region

  5. DEM在林火行为模拟中的应用

    Application of Digital Elevation Model in Simulation of Forest Fire Behaviors

  6. 针对这些问题点,设计开发了与视频监控系统联动的GIS林火实时定位系统,将两个独立的系统整合为一个联动的、完整的、统一的应用系统平台。

    To solve these problems a GIS forest fire positioning system solution with video monitoring linkage was designed and developed .

  7. 基于MODIS数据的林火识别方法研究

    A Method to Identify Forest Fire Based on MODIS Data

  8. MODIS林火识别算法的验证分析

    Validation Analysis of the Algorithm for Identifying Forest Fire based on MODIS Data

  9. 1987年大兴安岭林火碳释放及火后NPP恢复

    Carbon Emission and Dynamic of NPP post Forest Fires in 1987 in Daxing'an Mountains

  10. 本文对建立GIS支持的NOAA卫星林火监测系统进行了分析.内容包括:监测区GIS的形成;

    Forest fire monitoring system was built up using NOAA / AVHRR with GIS , which includes : Formation the GIS of the monitoring region .

  11. 林火地理信息系统(GIS)是一种包含空间资料库管理的地理信息系统,它具有储存,处理,投影转换和取回与显示图形资料的能力;

    Geography information system ( GIS ) is a system which includes the management of interspace data , and it has the abilities of memory , settlement , projection transition and displaying graphs .

  12. ORACLE数据库的性能调整与优化&以中日合作项目林火监测系统为应用实例本文报告了源于国家自然科学基金项目林火行为的动态模拟信息系统的时态GIS领域若干关键技术的研究。

    Oracle Database Performance Refining and Optimizing Strategies & with the Sino-Japan Information Cooperative Project as a case study This dissertation focuses on some key techniques and algorithms of temporal GIS .

  13. 运用GIS技术确定出火险区划的等级与规则,进行广州市森林火险区划。(3)林火蔓延情况分析。

    Applying to the GIS technology , it confirms the scale and regulation of the forest fire hazard region of the Guangzhou City . ( 3 ) The analysis of the forest fire spreading instance .

  14. 目前用于我国森林火灾监测的主要是美国的NOAA系列气象卫星,此外,我国的风云系列气象卫星和美国的EOS卫星也开始应用于林火监测。

    In China , the main satellites used for forest fire monitoring are NOAA satellites , FY serials meterological satellites and EOS satellites .

  15. 基于3D元胞自动机模型,论文采用Visualc++6结合OpenGL开发出了满足三维元胞自动机模型要求的林火蔓延模拟软件。

    Based on the modal , this paper has developed the corresponding software by Visual C + + 6 and OpenGL . The software can meet the need of the 3D-CA modal and simulate forest fire automatically .

  16. 随着分布式仿真技术发展为高层体系结构(HighLevelArchitecture,HLA)阶段,基于高层体系结构构建分布式林火仿真系统自然成为当前分布式林火蔓延与灭火仿真的研究热点之一。

    With the High Level Architecture ( HLA ), the lasted developed computer technology , developed from the technology of distributed interactive simulation , the distributed fire fighting simulation system becomes one of the important issues in the fire and the fire fighting simulation .

  17. 在总结现有林火仿真系统的基础上,提出了基于高层体系结构(HLA)、以虚拟地理环境为基础支撑环境构建分布式虚拟森林及其灭火仿真系统的技术路线。

    An approach for constructing the distributed virtual forest and fire fighting system based on the Virtual Geographic Environment ( VGE ) and the High Level Architecture ( HLA ) is presented .

  18. 运用ALGOR对林火巡护与扑救车辆建模及转向系统仿真

    Modeling and Steering System Simulation Analysis of Forest Fire Patrol and Saving Vehicle Based on ALGOR

  19. 通过将林火蔓延数学模型与GIS相结合,实现了地理信息系统支持下的火场蔓延动态模拟和优化预测。(4)最佳路径分析。

    Via the combination of the fire spreading model and GIS technology , it achieves the dynamic change model of fire spreading and optimizes prediction based on the Geography Information System . ( 4 ) The analysis of the optimal route .

  20. 今年年初,蒂姆·霍姆斯(TimHolmes)所在的澳大利亚海岸小镇被林火席卷,他和妻子及五个孙儿在海边的房子避难。

    Early in the year , Tim Holmes , his wife and five grandchildren took refuge in the sea bordering their property when a wild brush fire swept through their Australian coastal town .

  21. 对用MODIS资料进行火情监测的原理及通道特性进行厂分析,提出了一种用于林火监测的资料处理流程和量化判识指标。

    The principle of fire monitoring and the fire channel are analyzed on the basis MODIS data and the data processing flow of forest fire monitoring and quantitative identifying index are given .

  22. 本文在综述国内外相关研究的基础上,分别对MODIS数据的处理方法及其在林火预警中的应用方法进行了研究。

    Based on the review of internationally and domestically published papers on MODIS , research on how to process MODIS data and their application in forest fire danger prediction have been carried out .

  23. 软件可以实现读取DEM数据,设置起火点、风速、大气湿度,加载小班数据,可视化模拟林火蔓延趋势,统计过火面积、火线长度和蔓延速度等功能。

    Its functions consists of reading DEM data , setting fire point , wind speed and direction and humidity , loading tree data , simulating fire spread with visibility , summing up the fired area and perimeter and calculating fire speed and so on .

  24. 印尼称,该国军事人员正在1000多个林火现场奋战,但绿色和平(Greenpeace)表示,这个数字未包括泥炭地上燃烧起来的,以及眼下火势失控的大火。

    Indonesia says that its military personnel are battling more than 1000 forest-fire clusters , while Greenpeace says that figure does not include fires that started aboveground on peatland and are now burning out of control .

  25. 结果表明,应用SPOT和NOAA卫星资料研究森林火灾过程、林火行为和火灾损失估计,可快速、经济地获得所需信息并完全达到要求的精度。

    The results show that the application of SPOT and NOAA-AVHRR data to research the process of forest fire , forest fire behavior and to estimate forest fire damage is a very effective method with which the necessary information can be obtained quickly and economically with requested precision .

  26. 该文结合广州市森林资源和森林防火的现状,利用模糊数据挖掘(FDM)技术,寻找与预测区域复杂自然条件相匹配的林火蔓延模型来预测林火行为。

    According to the present situation of forest resources and forest fire prevention of Guangzhou City , based on the Fuzzy Data Mining ( FDM ) technique , thinking of the complicated environment , the suited forest fire spreading model can be selected to predict the behavior of forest fire .

  27. F-star林场地理信息系统平台包括森林资源数据管理功能模块、造林决策支持模块、林火管理功能模块和林业专题图制作功能模块4个能与林场日常管理业务高度集成的功能。

    The F-star contains four modules : data management , afforestation decision support , forest fire management and thematic map making . These functions have the closest relation with ordinary operation in forest farms .

  28. 计算机图形技术在林火蔓延模拟计算中的应用

    Application of Computer Graphic Techniques in the Simulation for Forest Fire

  29. 林火行为相关参数综合测报仪的研究

    The Comprehensive Measuring instrument of Parameters Relating to Forest Fire Behavior

  30. 大气环流指数和湿润系数与林火关系的研究

    Relations between Atmospheric Circulation Index and Wet Coefficient and Forest Fire