
  • 网络protect forest resources
  1. 建立防火中心是保护森林资源的一项有效措施

    A effective measure to protect forest resources : the establishment of forest five control centers

  2. 人们普遍认为,各国政府应该采取有力措施来保护森林资源。

    It is generally believed that the governments of all countries should take effective measures to protect forest resources .

  3. 因此,GIS在监测森林景观变化和保护森林资源方面是一个十分有用的工具。

    Thus , GIS is a important tool for monitoring change of forest landscape and protecting forest resources .

  4. 人类应采取各项可行的措施来减少N2O的释放量:如提高氮肥利用效率,减少生物体燃烧,退耕还林和保护森林资源等。

    For this reason , it is necessary to take measures reducing N2O emissions , including improving the N fertilizer utilization efficiency , reducing biomass burning and protecting forests and so on .

  5. 我们必须为子孙后代保护森林资源。

    We must conserve our forests and woodlands for future generations .

  6. 保护森林资源和生态环境刻不容缓

    The Urgency of the Protection of Forest Resourses and Ecological Environment

  7. 论我国保护森林资源刑事立法的完善

    Discussion on The Criminal Legislation Consummation for The Forest Resources

  8. 保护森林资源是世界一大主题。

    Protecting the forest resource is a main subject all over the world .

  9. 必须以市场为导向,以保护森林资源为原则,以创造林业生态效益、经济效益和社会效益为目的,开发产品大市场;

    Second , explore the market taking forest protection as principles , market as guideline ;

  10. 保护森林资源,就是保护人类的生存环境。

    To protect the system of forest ecology is to protect the environment of human 's survival .

  11. 坚决实行最严格的土地管理制度和保护森林资源的措施。

    We must put in practice a strict land management system and measures to protect forest and grasslands .

  12. 我国是森林资源紧缺的国家,对木材资源的高效利用,可以有效地保护森林资源。

    China is a country with limit forest resources , we could protect it by making use of wood resources effectively .

  13. 因此怎样保护森林资源、预防林火发生是人类需要研究的重要课题。

    Thus , how to protect forest resources and prevent forest fire are the major topics that human beings need to consider .

  14. 森林资源管制政策是保护森林资源免于破坏,保障森林生态供给的一系列公共政策的统称。

    Forest resource administration policies are a general designation of those public policies protecting forest resources from destruction and guaranteeing forest ecosystems supply .

  15. 在贝宁,妇女们一起努力,保护森林资源,使之成为创收的来源,而不是燃料的来源。

    In Benin , women are working together to protect the forests and make them sources of income rather than sources of fuel .

  16. 首先,我们应该呼吁政府采取有利措施来保护森林资源的有功人员。

    First of all , we should appeal to the authorities to take drastic measures to reward people who do much to protect the forest resource .

  17. 森林火灾的发生,对自然环境危害巨大,并会造成严重的经济损失,因此做好森林防火工作是保护森林资源的重要措施。

    Forest fire is dangerous to the natural environment and cause serious economic losses , so forest fire prevention is the important measure of protect forest resources .

  18. 政策的初衷是保护森林资源、恢复林区生态环境、促进森林资源可持续发展。

    The original intention of the policies is to protect forest resources , to restore forest ecological environment and to promote the sustainable development of forest resources .

  19. 为了对森林资源实行资产化管理,更有效地利用和保护森林资源,必须考虑林地价值的量化问题。林地价值是一种较特殊的土地价值。

    In order to performance capitalized management to forest resources and utilize them more effectively , the question of counting the value of forest lands must be concerned .

  20. 为了保护森林资源和人类环境,解决我国木材原料供应不足的矛盾,发展农作物秸秆材料产业具有重要的现实意义。

    The development of straw-based composites industry in China would help solve the shortage of timber supply and contribute to the protection of forest resources and the environment .

  21. 发展非公有制林业是目前我国林业改革的主要内容,也是保护森林资源,保持生态平衡,搞活林区经济,实现林业跨越式发展的一条重要途径。

    Developing non-public ownership forestry is main parts of forestry reformation and valuable approach to preserve forest resources , protect ecological equilibrium , develop forest economy and realize forestry leap-forward development .

  22. 森林资源是一种极为重要的资源,保护森林资源已迫在眉睫。我国1979年刑法和1997年刑法对森林资源犯罪都有所规定。

    The forest reserve is a very important resource . The protection of the forest reserve is extremely urgent and near that our criminal laws [ 1979,1997 ] have some relevant regulations .

  23. 从当前森林生态旅游的发展现状及河北省森林资源状况看,河北省进行森林生态旅游开发,应注意保护森林资源,提高森林利用率。

    In view of the current situation of forest eco-tourism and forest resources in Hebei Province , we should attach importance to protecting forest resources and making the best use of forest .

  24. 国有林场是国家培育和保护森林资源的林业生产性事业单位,国有林场的林地、林木等全部生产资料和产品都是国家财产。

    The state-owned forest countries to nurture and protect forest resources , forestry production and institutions , and state-owned forest farms forest land , forests and other production data and products are state property .

  25. 主要包括倒场轮牧、禁止草原荒火和破坏草场、禁止污染水资源和保护森林资源、季节性围猎和保护野生动物等。

    The contents mainly contain pasturing around , forbidding grassland fire and destroying pastures , forbidding polluting the water resources and protecting forest resources , seasonal rounding up and hunting and protecting wild animals , etc.

  26. 合理的采伐是保护森林资源的重要手段,是对森林资源的最好保护与利用因此要正确对待采伐利用,端正思想,保护森林。

    Reasonable harvesting is one of the important ways of protecting forest resources and is the best utilization to forest resources . The authors of this paper emphasis on determining reasonable harvesting ways to protect forest resources .

  27. 在乡村森林资源利用中,正确处理好保护森林资源与获得经济收益之间的关系是一大难题。森林资源利用方式的创新是解决这一问题的有效途径。

    It is a problem to deal with the relationship between protecting forest resource and getting income in rural area , and the authors thought that the innovation of forest resource utilization is the effective way to solve the difficulty .

  28. 要使人类更直观地认识和了解森林生态系统的重要性,提高人们保护森林资源的意识,只有将森林生态系统的服务功能用货币的形式表现出来。

    To make the direct-viewing understanding , understand the importance of forest ecosystem , and enhance the consciousness to protect the forest resources , we should only make the forest ecosystem 's service function in the form shown in the currency .

  29. 当前我国林业及林区经济正处在积极推进经济结构战略性调整阶段,国家出台一系列政策,千方百计保护森林资源,加快林业产业化调整。

    Currently , our country forestry and forest region economy are occupying positively advances the economic structure strategic adjustment stage , appears a series of policies , protects the forest resources by any means possible and speeds up the forestry industry adjustment .

  30. 80年代中期我国实施保护森林资源政策。林业企业存立的基础、经营环境、市场竞争的空间、内容、方式、手段都发生了变化。

    Since China adopted the policy of protecting forest resources in the mid 1980s , great changes have taken place in forestry enterprises ' existence foundation , operation environments as well as their space , content , methods and means in market competition .