
  • 网络umbrella clause
  1. 近年来,有关保护伞条款解释与适用问题的争议,已成为当前国际投资法律实践关注的焦点。

    In the recent years , the interpretation and application of umbrella clause has now been one of the issues focused in the practice of international investment laws .

  2. 保护伞条款在现今许多双边投资条约中都可见,用于规定东道国应当遵守其对投资者承诺遵守的任何义务。

    " Umbrella clause " can be seen in a number of BITs , under this clause the host country should abide by the provisions of its commitment to comply with any obligation to investors .

  3. 但是,保护伞条款的表述方式在不同的双边投资条约中有不同,这不同不仅引起了对该条款的不同解释,也是构成仲裁裁决不一致性的潜在前提。

    However , the " umbrella clause " in different BITs are different , the differences not only cause different interpretations of the provision , but also constitute a potential inconsistency in the arbitral awards .

  4. 自1954年首次出现类似概念,保护伞条款现渐渐已成为国际投资协议中一项规范特征,并已被投资东道国和外国投资者间订立的投资协定规定所包含在内并为投资者提供附加的保护。

    Since first appeared in 1954 , umbrella clause has become a regular feature of international investment agreements and has been concluded to provide additional protection to investors in the investment contracts between host countries and foreign investors .

  5. 保护伞条款就是以发达国家为主的资本输出国为了保护其本国国民或企业而创造,并为大多数发展中国家被迫自愿接受的产物。

    Accept the " umbrella clause " is the product of the developed countries , mainly in capital-importing countries in order to protect its own nationals or companies , for most developing countries were forced to voluntarily accept it .

  6. 文章的第一部分是保护伞条款的概述,对保护伞条款的起源发展、产生背景以及理论与现实实践进行了梳理。

    The first part of this paper is an overview of the origin , the development of " umbrella clause " . And this part tells the theoretical and practical background as well as the practice in the world .

  7. 第二部分是文章的核心,即保护伞条款的内涵,其中涉及了该条款的语言特点、模式;适用范围以及功能和效力分析。

    The second part is the core of the article , namely the meaning of " umbrella clause ", which involves the language features , mode of the provision ; the scope of application , as well as an analysis of functionality and effectiveness of this clause .