
  • Confidentiality agreement;Non-disclosure agreement;NDA
  1. 参与公开测试不需要签署保密协议。

    Participation will not require an nda .

  2. 参与公开测试不需要签署保密协议。并确保需要接触对方机密信息的雇员已与公司签订员工保密协议。

    Participation will not require an NDA . and shall ensure that its employees who have access to Confidential Information of the other party have signed a non-use and non-disclosure agreement , prior to any disclosure of Confidential Information to such employees .

  3. GT表示,苹果的保密协议赋予这家iPhone制造商“过分的权力”。

    GT says Apple 's non-disclosure agreements give the iPhone maker " disproportionate power . "

  4. 值得注意的是,另一个战略投资方据信是通用电气(GeneralElectric)也和黑石签署了一个保密协议,以对戴尔的金融服务业务开展尽职调查。

    Worth noting that another strategic party believed to be General Electric ( GE ) signed a joiner to Blackstone 's non-disclosure agreement , in order to conduct due diligence on DFS .

  5. 上周,苹果(Apple)在亚利桑那州的一家关键组件制造商申请破产,导致苹果与供应商间的保密协议被拖进公众视野。

    The confidential deals Apple strikes with suppliers have been dragged into public view by the bankruptcy last week of a key component maker in Arizona .

  6. 值得注意的是,另一个战略投资方——据信是通用电气(GeneralElectric)——也和黑石签署了一个保密协议,以对戴尔的金融服务业务开展尽职调查。

    Worth noting that another strategic party -- believed to be General Electric ( GE ) -- signed a joiner to Blackstone 's non-disclosure agreement , in order to conduct due diligence on DFS .

  7. WEP(有线等效保密协议)安全机制是目前使用比较广泛的安全协议之一。

    WEP ( Wired Equivalent Protocol ) security mechanism is one of widely used security protocols .

  8. 据几位了解谈判的人说,Facebook一直在试图消除新闻机构的担心,这些人要求不具名,因为他们签了保密协议。

    Facebook has been trying to allay their fears , according to several of the people briefed on the talks , who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were bound by nondisclosure agreements .

  9. 供应商必需遵守欧盟的rohs指令,并且愿意同康宁公司签订保密协议。

    All suppliers should respect the RoHS directive of the European Community and agree to sign nda 's with corning .

  10. 苹果的保密协议细节(协议要求供应商不得供认这些细节)已出现在GTAdvancedTechnologies提交法院的文件中,这些细节包括,若产品信息有任何泄漏,苹果将对泄密方处以5000万美元罚款。

    Details of Apple 's non-disclosure agreements , which suppliers are not allowed to acknowledge , have emerged in court filings by GT Advanced Technologies , including the $ 50m penalty the iPhone maker imposes for any leak of product information .

  11. 第五章开始我们将注意力集中于在无线网络广泛应用的WEP保密协议上,详细分析了WEP的实现原理与工作机制。

    Chapter 5 focuses on WEP which is widely used in WLAN for security , and analyzes the implementation mechanism of the softwares .

  12. 里士满大学法学院(UniversityofRichmondSchoolofLaw)的教授卡尔•托拜厄斯(CarlTobias)表示,特斯拉在承担维修费用时要求客户签署保密协议,这可能阻止客户向监管机构报告安全问题,从而让其他客户承受风险。

    Requiring customers to sign non-disclosure agreements when the company pays for repairs could prevent them reporting safety problems to regulators and put other customers at risk , said Carl Tobias , a professor at the University of Richmond School of Law .

  13. 据知情人士透露,中投公司签署了一项单独的保密协议,表明它可能会加入GGP竞购。

    CIC has signed a separate confidentiality agreement , according to people close to the matter , indicating it might join a GPP bid .

  14. JYP娱乐公司,断绝了与雨的所有合同,拒绝发表评论,列举了保密协议。

    JYP Entertainment , which has severed its contract with Rain , declined to comment , citing a confidentiality agreement with the court .

  15. GT在提交给法院的文件中表示,苹果的保密协议“规定,GTAT公司每违反一次保密义务,就须向苹果支付5000万美元违约金。”

    In court filings , GT said that Apple 's non-disclosure agreements " provide that each breach of the confidentiality obligations will require GTAT Corp to pay liquidated damages to Apple in an amount of $ 50m per occurrence . "

  16. 会见结束后,他说,他受保密协议和K1W1正进行尽职调查。

    After the meeting , he said he was bound by non-disclosure agreements and K1W1 was undertaking due diligence .

  17. 医患保密协议禁止我谈论任何有关话题

    I am prohibited from talking about it -- doctor-patient confidentiality .

  18. 福特已要求潜在的投标者签署保密协议。

    It has asked potential bidders to sign confidentiality agreements .

  19. Encana以保密协议为由,拒绝透露具体细节。

    It declined to elaborate , citing a confidentiality agreement .

  20. 她的律师现在正在想办法让保密协议无效。

    Her lawyers are now seeking to declare the non-disclosure agreement void .

  21. 此外,还可以通过签订保密协议来对股东查阅权进行限制。

    In addition , it can be limited by signing secrecy agreement .

  22. 恐怕不行。我们有保密协议。

    I 'm afraid you can ' t.We have a confidentiality agreement .

  23. 其他一些有潜力的竞标人还没有签署保密协议。

    Other potential bidders have yet to sign nondisclosure agreements .

  24. 你介不介意签署一份保密协议

    would you mind signing a non-disclosure agreement ? You got it .

  25. 民事保密协议在保护商业秘密方面的功能

    The Function of the Civil Confidentiality Agreement on Protecting the Trade Secrets

  26. 我是保安-应该都签过保密协议.

    I do security work . - Probably all signed confidentiality agreements .

  27. 胡担心向我们透露这些信息将违反自己与苹果的保密协议。

    Hu worried that telling me would violate her non-disclosure agreement with apple .

  28. 是啊,但是我们的保密协议。

    Yes , well , our confidentiality agreement .

  29. 是因为医生病人保密协议吗

    Is this a load about doctor-patient privilege ?

  30. 杜罗夫说他签订了保密协议,不能透露具体的数字。

    Mr. Durov would not give a specific figure , citing a nondisclosure agreement .