
  • 网络supply decision
  1. 弹药储备与失供问题是战时弹药供应决策的核心问题之一。

    Ammunition reserve and lack of supply is the chief problem of ammunition supply decision - making in wartime .

  2. 具体来说,供应链的各节点企业往往只根据来自相邻的下游企业的需求信息进行生产和供应决策,需求信息的不真实性会沿着供应链逆流而上,产生逐级放大的现象。

    The enterprise at each node in the supply chain make the production and supply decision only on the basis of information from down river node .

  3. 弹药调配供应决策优化模型研究

    The Study of Optimum Model in Ammunition Supply Decision-making

  4. 所得结果反映了航空弹药实际需求与多种外部因素的内在关系,在战时的航空弹药供应决策中具有重要意义。

    The simulation result reflects the inherent relation among the practical demands on aviation ammunitions and other external factors and is of profound military significance in supply decision-making of aviation ammunitions in war .

  5. 准确的短期预测能为物流的库存决策、采购与供应决策、存储与搬运决策、运输决策,以及提高客户服务质量提供强有力的支持,是企业管理决策的第一步。

    As the first step to lay down a good management policy , exact forecast is very important not only for the enterprises to purchase distribute and transport the material but also for reducing the stock .

  6. 最后结合面向Agent的软件工程,以一种具有较强操作性的分析和设计方法,将改进框架应用到基于Agent的供应链决策支持系统中。

    In the end the improved framework is applied to a Supply Chain Decision Support System in a stronger operating method for analysis and design based on Agent-oriented software engineering .

  7. 提出了协同供应链决策支持系统的结构模型以及基于MRS和数据仓库技术的协同供应链决策支持系统(CSC-DSS)的体系结构框架。

    In the end , a conceptual DSS architecture model based on Multi-Agent System and data warehouse for Collaborative Supply Chain management is shown .

  8. 同时,采用Visualc++语言编制了敏捷供应链决策支持系统ASCDSS。

    Finally , using the Visual C + + language developed an agile supply chain decision-making supporting system " ASCDSS " .

  9. 不同价格模式下的双渠道供应链决策研究

    Study on Decisions of Dual Channel Supply Chain with Different Pricing Schemes

  10. 混合渠道两级供应链决策优化模型研究

    Research on Decision-Making and Optimization Model of Two-Stage Supply Chain with Composite Channels

  11. 时间价格敏感型需求下的供应链决策模式研究

    Study on the Decision Mode of Supply Chain for Time-Sensitive and Price-Sensitive Demand

  12. 直线型再制造供应链决策结构的效率分析

    Study on efficiency of serial supply chains with remanufacture

  13. 基于知识网链的供应链决策系统

    Decision System of Supply Chain Based on Knowledge-net Chain

  14. 基于知识的供应链决策框架

    A Knowledge-based Framework for Decision-making in Supply Chain

  15. 一个物资供应计划决策支持系统应急物资保障计划辅助决策模型

    A DSS for Material Supply Planning Aided Decision Model of Supporting Plan for Emergency Material

  16. 因此,库存控制问题是企业内外部供应链决策整合研究的核心问题。

    So inventory control is a core issue in studying decision integration of external or internal supply chain .

  17. 对供应采购决策中的双层规划模型和方法进行了总结分析,并建立多次运输的订货模型加以说明。

    Bi-level model and method in supply and procurement decision-making are summarized and a procurement model is built .

  18. 因此,在价格敏感的随机需求环境下对具有风险偏好特征的供应链决策问题进行研究具有重要的理论意义和实践指导作用。

    Therefore , it is valued to study the supply chain with risk preference characteristic in price-sensitive random demand environment .

  19. 对数据库设计的总体思想、原则进行了阐述,设计了航空弹药供应保障决策支持系统数据库。

    The total design idea and principle foe database are expounded . Aerial ammunition support decision support system database is designed . 8 .

  20. 本文在前人研究基础上,加入物流商这一供应链决策主体,研究了包含第三方物流商的易腐商品供应链中的最优决策与合作问题。

    In this paper , we study the optimal decisions in a perishable product supply chain involving the third logistic provider based on the former study .

  21. 研究了在线性租赁需求环境下,汽车制造商不提供回购合同和提供回购合同时的供应链决策,以及二手市场对决策的影响。

    This paper studies the buyback contracts of carmakers and rental firms under demand circumstance with uncertainty and how the secondhand markets influence the supply chain decisions .

  22. 与中国的双边失衡可能是美国整体贸易失衡的最大因素,但在很大程度上,这是美国跨国公司供应链决策的结果。

    The China bilateral imbalance may be the biggest contributor to the overall US trade imbalance but , in large part , this is a result of supply-chain decisions by US multinationals .

  23. 为了优化供应链决策,每一个供应链成员不仅要对自身的目标进行局部优化,并且还要考虑对其他成员和供应链整体的影响,与其他成员一起协调运作,达到供应链整体优化的目标。

    In order to optimize supply chain decisions , each member of a supply chain , not only to optimize their own targets , and also to optimize the supply chain as a whole .

  24. 结果表明,供应商是否采用回购契约依赖于市场需求状况,与双边垄断供应链决策相比,零售商竞争对供应商回购动机不产生影响。

    It was found that whether the supplier would provide return policy depended on the status of customer demand or not , and retailers ′ competition did not influence the supplier ′ s return motivation .

  25. 主要采用数学建模的方法,分析了当市场规模、价格敏感系数和生产成本同时发生变化的情况下,供应链决策者调整产量计划和定价策略来保证供应链系统的最大收益的行为。

    A mathematical modeling is established for the decision-maker to analyze how to adjust the production plan and the pricing strategy to maximize the profit of supply chain when market scale , price sensitivity coefficient and production cost are disrupted simultaneously .

  26. 研究了BP神经网络算法以及在供应链预测决策中的应用。

    The thesis studies on BP neural network arithmetic and its application in ASCM forecasting .

  27. 基于AHP的制造业供应链规划决策问题研究

    Study on decision-making problem in manufacturing supply chain planning based on AHP

  28. 研究了供应链协同决策过程中基于OLAP的分布决策信息获取与分析机制;

    The architecture of data warehouse linked with OLAP in Collaborative Supply Chain decision-making environment is discussed .

  29. 本文在对弹药供应控制智能决策支持系统进行研究时,讨论了Agent的概念模型、基本特性及应用范围;

    This article has researched the intelligent decision support system of ammunition supply control , at the same time it has discussed the concept model , basic character and scope of apply of Agent .

  30. 本篇论文的主要内容是设计一个基于Internet的DSS进而形成一个网上信息中心,从而可以完成对农产品供应链辅助决策支持的功能。

    , This thesis is to design a DSS based on the Internet and set up an online information center , thus forms an agricultural products supply chain DSS .