
  • 网络Your Appearance;The way you look
  1. 黑眼圈真的会影响你的模样。

    Eye circles can have a weighty effect on how you look .

  2. 我的双眼根本辨别不出你的模样了。

    And my eyes don 't recognize you at all .

  3. “我的心中渐渐模糊了你的模样”

    " My heart wants to throw your image off from within . "

  4. 行动会勾画出你的模样并定义你的样子。

    Action will delineate and define you .

  5. 我看到的每张脸都是你的模样

    You 're in every face I see

  6. 随风飘散你的模样。

    Melting into night is your image .

  7. 你的模样真迷人。

    You 've looked more desirable .

  8. 德贝维尔先生说,从你的模样看起来,你肯定是个好姑娘;他说你身价如金啦。

    ' Mr d'Urberville says you must be a good girl if you are at all as you appear ; he knows you must be worth your weight in gold .

  9. 在一次宴会上,一个资本家用遗憾的目光上下打量着瘦骨嶙峋的肖伯纳,一本正经地说:“看看你的模样,真叫人以为英国人都在挨饿。”

    In one dinner party , a capitalist eyed bony Bernard Shawup and down regretfully , and said in all seriousness , " Look at your appearance , it really makes people believe that all the Britishare are starving . "

  10. 正是他满满装着你俊俏的模样。

    And says in him thy fair appearance lies .

  11. 可是脑海里尽是你热辣的模样,我又怎能安眠。

    How impossible to sleep with thought and wonder of you hot within me .

  12. 我在梦中见到你可爱的模样。

    I dreamed of your beloved air .

  13. 也许有一天,唯一模糊的胎儿第一张照片将是这些小宝贝在你心里的模样。

    Maybe one day , the only thing fuzzy about those first fetal photos will be the way they make you feel inside .

  14. 亲爱的,凭你现在的模样,我要的薪水比三千英镑少一个子儿都是罪过。

    Dearie , the way you 're looking it 's a crime to strike for a salary a single penny under three thousand a year .

  15. 亲爱的,当我在门口遇到她时,她笑似春风拂面,就像你当初的模样。

    When I met her at the door her smile wrapped around me like a warm glove , just like yours used to do , my darling .

  16. 彷佛变成了你的一生的模样。

    Why , they 're the shape of your life .

  17. 妈妈我会记住你和爸爸的模样。

    I 'll remember your face and dad 's face and mine .

  18. 我想看看你嘴巴缺水的模样,哈哈!

    Haha , I very want to see if your mouth lacks without water .

  19. 我讨厌你吃东西的模样。

    I hate the way you eat .

  20. “看到她就让我想起你小时候的模样,感觉特别亲切。”

    " Looking at her reminds me of you when you were little , which makes me feel specially lovable . "

  21. 我会永远记住我们一次举办大野宴那天你的那副模样,那时你坐在一棵橡树底下,周围有十多个小伙子围着呢。

    I 'll always remember you as you were that day of our last barbecue , sitting under an oak with a dozen boys around you .

  22. 喜剧演员最怕的一点就是,大家老是让他们在照片里呈现出滑稽的模样。你知道滑稽的模样是什么意思吗?

    The worst thing that happens with comedians is people always want them to be funny in pictures , and they just , you know , what does that mean to be funny ?

  23. 她们哭时投入你的怀抱时的模样。

    The way they fall into your arms when they cry .

  24. 我想起了你曾在此等候的模样;

    Darling , I remember the way you used to wait ;

  25. 无法想象你现在走近我的模样;

    I can not imagine my appearance when you come up now ;

  26. 你试图学谁的模样走路哪?

    Whom were you trying to walk like ?

  27. 甚至从里面第一眼看起来仍然和你心目中的酒吧模样无甚差别。

    Even the inside , at first glance , looks like your typical bar .

  28. 我记得我们所有的事,跟你对我笑的模样。

    I remember all the things that we shared , and the way you smile at me .

  29. 尽管名字叫“微醺妆”,可它并不是要把你画成疲惫不堪的模样。

    Despite the name , " hangover makeup " doesn 't necessarily make you look beaten down .

  30. 你依旧是你前世的模样,依旧是你青春的容颜,只是我消了颜色,没了芬芳。

    You still look like your past life , is still the face of your youth , but I eliminate the color , not a fragrance .