
  1. 你是唯一那个必须决定自己朝着什么努力、朝着什么方向生活的人。

    You are the one who must decide what to achieve and in what direction to aim your life .

  2. 你是唯一留下的空间来安放几个鞋子、雨伞,也许盒A4纸。

    You are only left with space to put several shoes , umbrellas and maybe boxes of A4 paper .

  3. sammie,你是唯一值得我做任何事的人。

    Sammie , you 're the only one that 's ever done it for me .

  4. 你是唯一他们不知道有前科的蚯蚓。

    You 're the only ex-con worm they can 't find .

  5. 你是唯一来看我的人。

    You 're the only one that came to see me .

  6. 你是唯一不需要帮助的,记得吗?

    You 're the one who never needed help , remember ?

  7. 你是唯一的非拉美裔的拉丁音乐节。

    You are the only non-latino in the Musica Latina section .

  8. 你是唯一能使你幸福的人。

    You are the only one who can make you happy .

  9. 你是唯一能最快联系到她的人。

    You 're the only person who can reach her fast .

  10. 你是唯一理解那个真我的人。

    You 're the oniy one who understands the reaI me .

  11. 但你是唯一能救他的人

    But you 're the only person who can save him .

  12. 为什么你是唯一一个能看到我的人?

    Why are you the only one that can see me ?

  13. 你是唯一能终结她诅咒的人

    You 're the only one who can stop her curse .

  14. 而你是唯一能阻止他的

    and you are the only one who can stop him .

  15. 你是唯一能根本改变你生活的人;

    You are the only person who can revolutionize your life .

  16. 你是唯一的一个,但你只是一个人。

    You are only one , but you are one .

  17. 你是唯一一个知道我的身世的人。

    You 're the only one who knows where I came from .

  18. 你是唯一一个和他真正交谈的人。

    You 're the only one he really talked to .

  19. 你是唯一一个能体会我感受的人。

    You 're the only person who can understand how I feel .

  20. 你是唯一那个表现出比较关心他的。

    You 're the only one that seems to care about him .

  21. 你是唯一一个想看他们在一起的人。

    You 're the only one who wants them together .

  22. 即使你是唯一看出来的人。

    Even if you 're the only one who 'll see it .

  23. 你是唯一一个那时候做支出工作的。

    You 're the only one that worked in disbursing back then .

  24. 你是唯一一个爱我的人,我是认真的。

    You the only one that love me . I 'm serious .

  25. 你是唯一一个谁可以把冰块回家。

    You 're the only one who can bring the cubes home .

  26. 你是唯一我信任的人。

    You 're the only person I can confide in .

  27. 你是唯一比他年长的人。

    You are the only one older than he is .

  28. 如果你是唯一商贩,这是更可能。

    If you are a sole-trader , this is even more likely .

  29. 是啊但是你是唯一一个来参加选拔的

    Yeah , but you 're the only one who tried out .

  30. 你是唯一我能信任的人了

    You 're the only person I can truly trust .