
  • 网络You are not alone;But you are not alone
  1. 天堂里你不会孤单!

    You are not alone !

  2. 你不会孤单太久的

    You won 't be alone for long .

  3. 不用着急,你不会孤单的;你最终会让你周围的朋友也跟着你一起变胖的。

    Don 't worry , you won 't be for long ; you 'll make them fat right along with you eventually .

  4. 心存希望在生活的道路上走,你永远不会孤单。

    Walk on wiz hopes in ur heart and you 'll never walk alone .

  5. 你将不会孤单并感到不自觉中长大。

    You will not feel alone and feel you are pushed to grow up .

  6. 爱意味着你永远不会孤单。

    Love means you are never apart .

  7. 你不会再孤单一人了

    You will never be alone again .

  8. 你永远不会孤单一人

    You will never be alone ...

  9. 带着内心的希望,一直走下去,那么你永远不会孤单。

    Walk on , walk on , with hope in your heart . And you 'll never walk alone .

  10. 车中收音机开始播放“你永远不会孤单”,我的思绪回到了充满他歌曲的校园生活。

    YOU ARE NOT ALONE , one of my favorite songs began playing , enveloping the car inside , drawing me back to the time when his songs occupied my campus life .

  11. 我们可以一起烧烤一起指点蓝图一起建立团队精神一起穿着制服你永远不会孤单,因为转角店铺就是你的家

    We 'll barbecue together . We 'll point at things together . We 'll teambuild together . We 'll wear suits together . You 'll never be alone because Cornerstore is your family .

  12. 你永远不会真正孤单;

    But you 're never really alone in the most literal sense ;

  13. 你不会看她一个人孤单单地离去吧。2.

    You wouldn 't see her leave here all alone .

  14. 如果你做得到你就永远不会孤单

    If you can do that , you 'll never be lonely again .

  15. 有了朋友,家人及支持你的群体,你永远不会孤单。

    And , you are never alone * friends , family And , support groups .

  16. 只要你还记得她,你就不会感到孤单。

    As long as you remember her , you are not alone .

  17. 如果你以朋友的方式对待自己,你永远都不会孤单的。

    I like this : You 'll never be lonely if you learn to befriend yourself .

  18. 你,你们,都是我的朋友,不管工作有多么的繁忙,不关生活中有多少不如意,只要你心里爱着别人,记得身边的人爱着你,你就不会觉得孤单与失望。

    You , you are my friends , no matter how busy work , not how many disappointments in life , as long as you love someone , remember people love you , you won 't feel lonely and disappointed .