
ɡù jiā
  • take care of one's family;look after one's family
顾家 [gù jiā]
  • [care for one's family] 照顾家庭

  • 整天在外奔忙,不能顾家

  1. 路易斯在人们眼里是一个智慧、勇敢、品德高尚的顾家男人。

    Louis was shown as an intelligent , courageous and virtuous family man .

  2. 她人很好也顾家,把家庭看得比兼职工作更为重要。

    She was kind and domestic and put her family before her part-time job .

  3. 他工作太忙,很少顾家。

    He 's so busy at work that he hardly has time for his family .

  4. 2008年,甄子丹(DonnieYen)首次在《叶问》一片中饰演该角色,塑造了一个有修养的顾家男人,在受到威胁的情况下打败恶棍。

    He was first played in 2008 by Donnie Yen , who portrayed him as a cultured family man who could take down villains when threatened .

  5. 此外,他是一个顾家的男人。

    Besides , he is much of a family man .

  6. 所以,人们几乎没有时间顾家。

    So people can hardly have time for their family .

  7. 但我想全心顾家

    but I wanted to focus on raising a family .

  8. 但我的附加耳垂意味着我是一个顾家的人。

    My attached earlobes mean I 'm a family person .

  9. 其次,公司的业务性质决定了“顾家型”工作可以占多少比重。

    Second , the corporate mission determines how much family-friendly working is possible .

  10. 非常好的人而且非常顾家。

    Was a great guy and a good provider .

  11. 有个超级顾家的母亲与祖母。

    and a super-supportive stay-at-home mom and grandma .

  12. 我的丈夫是一个顾家的男人。

    My husband is a family-center man .

  13. 我喜欢孩子,顾家。

    I love kids and family .

  14. 他是个顾家的人。

    He is a family-centered man .

  15. 我是个顾家的人。

    I 'm a family man .

  16. 中国人比我们国家的人更顾家。

    W : The people here care about their families more than people in my country do .

  17. 布鲁斯·威利斯(50岁):对海切尔8岁的女儿而言,这位出名的顾家好男人应该是个不错的继父人选。

    Bruce Willis , 50 : The devoted family man would have a soft spot for her8-year-old daughter .

  18. 重责顾家、朴实稳健两类价值观倾向对个人导向的奢侈品购买动机有显著的影响。

    The values tendencies of responsible and family-oriented and plain and robust have remarkable impact on individual-oriented luxury consumption motives .

  19. 我要寻找一位真诚、善良,脾气温和有爱心、喜欢旅游,幽默、开朗、重情顾家的事业有成之男士。

    I am looking for a good man who is sincere , kind , good nature , humor and cheerful .

  20. 忙碌本无可厚非,但是如果你劳累过度就会感到完全失去平衡。忙一点并不仅仅代表辛勤工作。它还意味着顾家,助友,研新,享乐。

    There is nothing wrong with being busy but if you overdo it then you feel completely out of balance .

  21. 男性表示他们希望找个“善良”的妻子,不必太漂亮,但不能轻浮,最好谦逊而顾家。

    Men said they wanted a " kind-hearted " wife , not too beautiful and flighty , but modest and homely .

  22. 有专家表示,如果一个男人拥有一套自己的房子,那就意味着这个男人是成功的、顾家的,并有能力经受住经济上的挑战。

    Experts said securing an apartment in this market signals that a man is successful , family-oriented and able to weather challenging financial circumstances .

  23. “经济适用男”虽然收入不高,但是他们没有抽烟、喝酒或赌博等恶习,而且他们还很顾家。

    Although not earning a lot , the budget husbands dont have bad habits such as drinking , smoking or gambling and are family-oriented .

  24. 城外诚市场有关负责人表示,已经将两个被点名的不合格产品群升、顾家“驱逐出境”。

    Suburban sincere market expresses about chief , already two rejected product that are call-overed group litre , visit the home " renvoi " .

  25. 如果办公桌上的全家福面朝外,它也许是在说:瞧,我是多么出色的、顾家的男人。

    If a family snapshot sits on the desk facing outwards , it may be saying : look at what a wonderful family man I am .

  26. 波士顿学院工作与家庭中心周三发布了这一题为“新时代爸爸:顾家、尽职及冲突”的研究报告。

    The study titled " The New Dad : Caring , Committedand Conflicted " was unveiled on Wednesday by the Boston College Center for Work & Family .

  27. 在现代社会,女性也正在扮演多重角色,除了传统顾家的母亲、妻子,还在医生、科学家、教师等领域发光发热。

    With multi-identities in modern society , women are not only mothers and wives who take care of their families , but also doctors , scientists and teachers .

  28. 此时在高速飞行的航天飞机上,里克·哈兹班德空军试飞员,虔诚的教徒,顾家的好男人,一直都想成为宇航员开始回应联络员。

    From the speeding shuttle Rick Husband Air Force test pilot , religious , good family man , always wanted to be an astronaut began to answer the communicator .

  29. 没有人可以取代2013年去世的詹姆斯·甘多菲尼,他饰演的中年托尼一角非常经典,既是顾家好男人,也是黑帮老大。

    No one could replace James Gandolfini , who died in 2013 , and who made the middle-aged Tony , family man and mob boss , a classic character .

  30. 不不不。我说的是电影,70年代的查尔斯·布朗森扮演一个顾家的好男人,但

    No , no , no , no , no. It 's a movie New York , ' 70s , Charles Bronson 's a firm family man , and he ...