
  • 网络As an obligation;duty
  1. 第二,行政主体不履行职权,迟延履行或拒绝履行作为义务。

    Administrative subject neglects , delays or refuses to perform the duty .

  2. 民间的反倾销最终还是要通过政府反倾销作为义务才能实现。

    Non-governmental anti-dumping will still come true by the anti-dumping duty of governments .

  3. 并进一步分析了其涵义、特征、构成要件以及行政作为义务的类型。

    Moreover analysis its definition , characteristics , form and types .

  4. 第一部分,作为义务的理论分析。

    The first part , the theoretical analysis as an obligation .

  5. 作为义务的性质只能是法律义务,而不包含道德义务。

    Act duties are legal obligations , including no moral obligations .

  6. 在作为义务方面,抽象的作为义务必须特定化才能要求行政主体承担赔偿责任。

    The obligation should be specific to satisfy the requirements of the liability .

  7. 积极作为义务为原则,消极不作为义务为例外的法律属性。

    Additional obligation and inactive nonfeasance as its exception .

  8. 学生人身伤害事故中高校作为义务研究

    On the Performance Obligation of Universities and Colleges in Students ' Personal Injuries

  9. 高校作为义务是判断高校是否存在过错、行为是否具有违法性的依据。

    And the performance obligation is the judgment of their fault and illegal behavior .

  10. 论先行行为产生作为义务的条件

    On Conditions OF Duty Arising From Antecedent Actions

  11. 因此,只有从这两方面出发才能界定出作为义务的范围。

    Therefore , only proceeding from both to define the scope of the obligation .

  12. 第一要素是作为义务。

    The first element is act duty .

  13. 通过对以上学说的深入分析和探讨,二元作为义务说应更具合理性。

    In comparison with other theories , the dual act obligation theory is more rational .

  14. 作为义务是属于犯罪构成要件符合性的范畴,是成立不纯正不作为犯的理论前提。

    The duty to act belongs to the area of conformity of criminal constitutive elements .

  15. 在我国传统的税收征纳关系中,纳税人作为义务主体。

    Tax obligation is considered fulfilled by taxpayers in the traditional taxation legal relationship in China .

  16. 竞业限制义务来源于当事人约定,是一种不作为义务。

    Non-competition obligations derived from the agreement between the parties , which is not as an obligation .

  17. 结合相关案例,分别从驳论和立论两方面对法律行为被确立为作为义务类型的合理性进行质疑。

    The author point out that rationality of treating legal behaviors as to-do obligation should be oppugned .

  18. 作为义务理论是整个不纯正不作为犯理论的核心。

    The act duty theory is the core of the whole theory of the offense of Pseudo-Omission Crimess .

  19. 在此基础上讨论了先行行为的作为义务的根据、范围和构成要素。

    Based on this definition discussed the Preceding Behavior achievement duty basis , the scope and the elements .

  20. 其次,详细地介绍并评析了国内外关于作为义务来源的各种形式的理论与实质的理论。

    Second , various formal and substantial theories on the sources of act obligation are detailed and commented .

  21. 最后,提出了本文的见解,认为对作为义务的来源应分别从形式的侧面与实质的侧面两个方面进行探讨。

    Last , the author believe that the sources of act obligation should be explored formally and substantially .

  22. 注意义务是基金管理人信赖义务中的积极作为义务,它的法律渊源大致来源于契约法、侵权法和衡平法三方面。

    The duty of the care originates from the contractual law , the tort law and the equity law .

  23. 立法确立了召回的法定作为义务,属于交易安全义务,违反该义务会引起私法上的侵权责任,该侵权责任属于结果责任,并且与一般的产品侵权责任有别。

    And breach the recall duty will cause private law tort liability which is different from general products tort liability .

  24. 而关于先行行为争论的主要是其作为义务的根据、范围和构成要素。

    But about the Preceding Behavior argument is mainly about its achievement duty basis , the scope and the elements .

  25. 然后对我国侵权法上的作为义务的立法规范和理论进行分析,找出不足和缺陷。

    Of tort law as an obligation on the legislative norms and theoretical analysis to identify the shortcomings and deficiencies .

  26. 高校违反作为义务,应当承担相应的责任,这种责任包括刑事责任、行政责任和民事责任。

    And the violation of performance obligation must undertake responding liabilities , including criminal liability , administrative liability and civil liability .

  27. 学前教育作为义务教育的基础,学前教育信息化也是整个教育信息化的有机组成部分。

    Pre-school education as a compulsory basis , pre-school education is the education of information an integral part of information technology .

  28. 可见,行政作为义务、逾期不履行、过错是界定行政失职行为的三大核心。

    Therefore , administration obligation , non-implementation out of date and fault are the three core elements of defining administrative delinquency .

  29. 作为义务有:法律规定的义务,职务或业务要求的义务,先行行为引起的义务。

    There are three pieces of act duty : setted in law , demanded by vocation and caused by antecedent act .

  30. 深入研究作为义务来源,对于刑法理论和司法实践都具有极其重大的意义。

    The thorough research on the source of the act obligation has very important significance to the criminal theory and judicial practice .